Discover your story in our Jewish family history records.

Dicover your story in our Jewish family history records.

We’ve partnered with JewishGen®, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the American Jewish Historical Society, the Miriam Weiner Routes to Roots Foundation, Inc., the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the USC Shoah Foundation, and Arolsen Archives to create a collection of over 20 million Jewish historical records.

Your ancestral homeland

Many Jewish families spent centuries in Europe. Do you know the names of the towns where your ancestors once lived? Use them to discover more answers.

Search European Jewish Family History Records

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Let us help you discover your story.

Begin your free family tree with a few simple facts. We’ll help you discover a lot more. Or start with a 14-day free trial. This ensures you can access all historical records on Ancestry.

Jewish Community Locator

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Jewish Name Variations

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Free collections

These Jewish family history collections will remain as long as they exist on Ancestry.*

Information on residents of the town of Oshpitsin (Oswiecim), 1919-1941.

*These record collections are provided free of charge on Ancestry. Please note that some individual records, such as those attached to members’ family trees, may sometimes appear in other areas of the site, including paid areas.