Additional Resources

We want to provide the tools you need for a safe and rewarding experience on Ancestry. In this section you can access your privacy settings and find links to our formal policies and other online privacy and security resources.


Use these links to manage your Ancestry account and change your privacy and communication settings:

Site Preferences: Control what others in the Ancestry Community can see about you
Email Settings: Control the marketing emails you receive
Alerts: Control the email notifications and hints you receive
Tree settings: Update privacy and sharing settings for your tree (select your tree, click “Tree pages” and select “Tree Settings”)
Member profile settings: Manage your public profile
Password setting and management: Manage your username and password


Our security and privacy practices are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary. You can read our formal policies here: 

Privacy Statement
Terms and Conditions
Code of Conduct
Fraud & prevention


Other privacy resources you might find useful: