Step 1 Register kit online

Do NOT skip this step. You cannot get your results unless you register your tests.

Go to

Don't have an Ancestry account? It is easy and free—we'll help you set one up.

Enter the 15-character code from the saliva collection tube

This code links your sample to you. It is the only way we can identify your sample. Without it you can't get your results.

For your records, especially if you are collecting multiple tests at once, record the participant name and the 15-character code from the collection tube.

Step 2 Gather DNA

Do NOT eat, drink, smoke or chew gum for 30 minutes before giving your saliva sample.

Fill the tube with saliva to the black wavy line.

Fill the tube until your saliva (not including bubbles) is at or just above the wavy line. It's easy—that's less than ¼ teaspoon. Do not overfill.

Replace the funnel with the cap.

Remove the funnel from the tube. Screw on the enclosed cap tightly to release the solution that will stabilize the DNA in your saliva.

Tighten to release stabilizing fluid.

You will know it works when the blue solution from the cap has emptied into the tube.

Warning: Do not ingest the stabilizing solution in the tube cap. If your skin, eyes, or mouth come in contact with the solution, wash with water. Keep DNA kit out of reach of children.

Shake the tube for at least five seconds.

This will ensure your sample mixes thoroughly with the stabilizing solution, so our lab can best process your sample.

Place the tube in the collection bag.

Place the sample inside the collection bag provided in your DNA kit. Seal the bag with adhesive strip.

Mail in your sample

Place your sample in the prepaid mailing box. Seal the box with the adhesive strip and mail it in.

When your results are ready, we'll contact you at the email address associated with your Ancestry account. After that, you'll be able to access your personalized results anytime at