Genealogy > Death Records > Evans > Mary

Death Records for Mary Evans, the largest online family history resource, can help you explore death records for Mary Evans from among its billions of historical records from Canada and around the world.

This category includes civil, church, cemetery, obituary, and other death-related collections. In addition to details about the death, they can contain birth information, family origins, cause of death, and more.

Death records are primary resources for details about the death, since they were typically created relatively near the time of the death. This collection includes indexes that can help you request the actual record, and in some cases, actual images of the death records. Use the information you find in one type of death record to seek out other death-related records. genealogy databases include:

  • Died at age 44 on Saturday, May 17, 1884 in Bruce, Ontario.
  • Died at age 41 on Tuesday, February 21, 1882 in York, Ontario.
  • Died on Wednesday, December 17, 1879 in Haldimand, Ontario.
  • Died at age 53 on Monday, January 1, 1877 in Wentworth, Ontario.
  • Died at age 42 on Monday, December 20, 1875 in Middlesex, Ontario.
  • Died at age 37 on Friday, April 26, 1872 in Renfrew, Ontario.
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