Genealogy > Marriage Records > McQueer / Scott > Iva / Lawrence

Marriage Records for Iva McQueer and Lawrence Scott, the largest online family history resource, can help you explore marriage records for Iva McQueer and Lawrence Scott from among its billions of historical records from Canada and around the world.

Marriage records are primary resources for the marriage details, since they were created at the time of the marriage. collections include indexes that can help you request the record, and in some cases, actual images of the marriage records. genealogy databases include:

In addition to marriage...

Discover more of their story, including:

  • Census and voter lists

    Find residence, ages, family members and other details for Iva McQueer and Lawrence Scott.
  • Vital - birth, marriage, death

    Name, rank, occupation, next of kin plus other unique facts about Iva McQueer and Lawrence Scott.
  • Immigration documents

    See the moment Iva McQueer or Lawrence Scott arrived in the new land - plus find passports, too.
  • Military records

    Iva McQueer or Lawrence Scott's rank, occupation, next of kin plus other unique facts.