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Matthew Lafayette Ward

Birth15 Oct 1841 - Greene, Alabama, United States
Death10 Dec 1938 - Hollis, Harmon, Oklahoma, United States
MotherMahala Ward
FatherJohn S Ward

Born in Greene, Alabama, United States on 15 Oct 1841 to John S Ward and Mahala Ward. Matthew Lafayette Ward married Martha Ann McLemore and had 17 children. He passed away on 10 Dec 1938 in Hollis, Harmon, Oklahoma, United States.

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Matthew Lafayette Ward family tree

Family treeCreate your own family tree
Male Icon
John S Ward
1817 - 1877
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Mahala Ward
1824 - 1896
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Martha Ann Mclemore
1843 - 1872
Female Icon
Amanda Isabelle Scroggins
1864 - 1897
Female Icon
Melvina Sophronia Alexander
1852 - 1881
Female Icon
Mattie Brookshire Sulliavan
1876 - 1919
Female Icon
Sarah Narcissis Spry
1849 - Unknown
Children Show all
Male Icon
Eugene Lafayette Ward
1888 - 1948
Female Icon
Emily Elizabeth Ward
1866 - 1913
Female Icon
Martha Ann "Mattie" Ward
1872 - 1914
Male Icon
Crockett Nelson Ward
1875 - 1962
Female Icon
Mary Elizabeth Ward
1892 - 1985
Female Icon
Lowena Willie (Florence) Ward
1868 - 1911
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Frances Marion Ward
1878 - 1966
Male Icon
John Wesley Ward
1877 - 1955
Female Icon
Ivy Isabelle Ward
1890 - 1988

Male Icon
James Mathew (Jim) Ward
1873 - 1961
Male Icon
James H Ward
1870 - 1870
Female Icon
Ina Neoma Ward
1896 - 1925
Male Icon
Roger William Ward
1913 - 2001
Male Icon
John Ward
1867 - 1867
Female Icon
Lillian Daisy Ward
1881 - 1927
Male Icon
Levi Ward
1897 - 1897
Male Icon
Lloyd Van Ward
1915 - 1976

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Private Member Trees

This database contains family trees submitted to Ancestry by users who have indicated that their tree can only be viewed by Ancestry members to whom they have granted permission to see their tree.These trees can change over time as users edit, remove, or otherwise modify the data in their trees. If you would like to view one of these trees in its entirety, you can contact the owner of the tree to request permission to see the tree.

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