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Pierre (Tete) Langelier-Antoine

Birth08 JUN 1821 - Barnhart Island, Ontario, Canada
Death15 Jun 1900 - Shieks Island, Ontario, Canada
MotherMarianne Eleanor (Nellie) Longelais
FatherPierre Langelier

Born in Barnhart Island, Ontario, Canada on 08 JUN 1821 to Pierre Langelier and Marianne Eleanor (Nellie) Longelais. Pierre (Tete) Langelier-Antoine married Lucinda Smith and had 19 children. He passed away on 15 Jun 1900 in Shieks Island, Ontario, Canada.

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Pierre (Tete) Langelier-Antoine family tree

Family treeCreate your own family tree
Pierre Langelier
1791 - Unknown
Marianne Eleanor (Nellie) Longelais
1791 - 1887
Lucinda Smith
1839 - 1919
Children Show all
Georgianna Ann Antoine
1883 - 1951
Alexander Antoine
1857 - 1932
Franklin Leonard Antoine
1878 - 1946
Mary Catherine Antoine
1862 - 1918
Stanley Nathan Antoine
1885 - 1956
John A Antoine
1868 - 1943
Eckron Lashway-antoine
1873 - 1949
Delilah Ellen Antoine
1861 - 1922
Lindsay Antoine
1881 - 1943
Samuel Antoine
1871 - 1943

James Albert Langevin Antoine
1858 - 1923
Harry Antoine
1887 - 1923
Henry George Antoine
1874 - 1908
Margaret Antoine
1875 - Unknown
Edward William Antoine
1865 - 1942
Charles Austin Antoine
1880 - 1880
Elizabeth Antoine
1868 - 1918
Teddie Antoine
1864 - 1925
Hanna Antone
1880 - Unknown

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