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Results for "Albert Westbrook"

1 - 25 of 200 Records

Albert Westbrook - 1870 to 1952

Birth: 13 Nov 1870 Lambeth, Surrey, Englandbirth0

Death: MAR 1952 Wandsworth, London, Englanddeath0


Father: George Thomas Westbrook

Mother: Rachel Goby / Gobey

Albert Westbrook - 1869 to 1947

Birth: November 1869 Bridgewater, Beaver, Pennsylvania, USAbirth1

Death: Abt 1947 Port Cranedeath1


Father: James Westbrooks

Mother: Jane Lindsley

Albert Westbrook - 1882 to 1954

Birth: 19 Oct 1882 Kentuckybirth2

Death: 17 May 1954 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath2


Father: William E Westbrook

Mother: Catherine Chaney

Albert Westbrook - 1870 to 1952

Birth: 13 Nov 1870 Lambeth, Surrey, Englandbirth3

Death: MAR 1952 Wandsworth, London, Englanddeath3


Father: George Thomas Westbrook

Mother: Rachel Goby / Gobey

Albert Westbrook - 1877 to 1935

Birth: 1877 Tennesseebirth4

Death: 31 December 1935 Hamilton County, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Richard Nixon Westbrook

Mother: Catherine F. Knight

Albert Westbrook - 1877 to 1935

Birth: 1877 Tennesseebirth5

Death: 31 December 1935 Hamilton County, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Richard Nixon Westbrook

Mother: Catherine F. Knight

ALBERT Westbrook - 1905 to 1968

Birth: 8 Jan 1905 Liberty, Amite County, Mississippi, USAbirth6

Death: 11 Jun 1968 Liberty, Mississippideath6


Father: Edmund Holton Westbrook

Mother: Beula D. Whittington

Albert Earl Westbrook - 1900 to 1967

Birth: 23 APR 1900 Carroll Co., Georgia, USAbirth7

Death: 7 Mar 1967 Corbin, Whitley, Kentucky, USAdeath7


Father: John Pendleton Westbrook

Mother: Volumbia Caroline King

Albert T Westbrook - 1896 to 1948

Birth: 12 Sep 1896 Floridabirth8

Death: 23 Jan 1948 Orange, Florida, United Statesdeath8


Father: Daniel Jonathan Westbrook

Mother: Jessie Kemp

Albert R Westbrook - 1909 to 1971

Birth: 13 March 1909 Louisianabirth9

Death: 27 June 1971 Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana, USAdeath9


Father: William D. Westbrook

Mother: Annette Tolbert

Albert R Westbrook - 1909 to 1971

Birth: 13 March 1909 Louisianabirth10

Death: 27 June 1971 Alexandria, Rapides, Louisiana, USAdeath10


Father: William D. Westbrook

Mother: Annette Tolbert

Albert H. Westbrook - 1917 to 1996

Birth: 16 Jan 1917 Louisiannabirth11

Death: 19 Jan 1996 Willow Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Albert S Westbrook

Mother: Fannie Lanora McGehee

Albert Westbrook - 1887 to 1973

Birth: Oct 1887 Poplar, London, Englandbirth12

Death: 1973


Father: Frederick Westbrook

Mother: Harriet Thornton

Albert Edward Westbrook

Birth: Not Available Englandbirth13

Death: 1944 Surrey, Englanddeath13


Father: Walter Westbrook

Mother: Eliza Elizabeth Langley

Albert Charles Westbrook - 1906 to 1975

Birth: 1906 Portsmouth, Hamphire, Englandbirth14

Death: Jul 1975 South east Hampshire, Hampshire, Englanddeath14


Father: Albert Charles Westbrook

Mother: Edith Birchon

Albert Charles Westbrook - 1906 to 1975

Birth: 1906 Portsmouth, Hamphire, Englandbirth15

Death: Jul 1975 South east Hampshire, Hampshire, Englanddeath15


Father: Albert Charles Westbrook

Mother: Edith Birchon

Albert Edward Westbrook

Birth: Not Available Englandbirth16

Death: 1944 Surrey, Englanddeath16


Father: Walter Westbrook

Mother: Eliza Elizabeth Langley

Albert Westbrook - 1906 to 1933

Birth: May 1906 Manitoba, Canadabirth17

Death: 12 February 1933 Lambton, Ontario, Canadadeath17


Father: Albert Edward Westbrook

Mother: Delilah Elizabeth Bateman

Albert WESTBROOK - 1907 to 1915

Birth: abt 1907 Pennsylvaniabirth18

Death: 1 Feb 1915 Montrose, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, USAdeath18


Father: Albert Mason Westbrook

Mother: Lida Effa Williams

Albert Crawford Westbrook - 1857 to 1943

Birth: 17 Mar 1857 Franklin, Georgia, United Statesbirth19

Death: 8 May 1943 Benton, Saline, Arkansasdeath19


Father: Mary Malinda Mays

Mother: Mary 'Malinda' Mayes

Albert E. WESTBROOK - 1840 to 1926

Birth: 17 Dec 1840 Ohio, Morrow, Ohio, United Statesbirth20

Death: 06 Aug 1926 Ashley, Oxford, Delaware, Ohio, USAdeath20


Father: Solomon Westbrook

Mother: Marthena Edmunds Crawford

Albert Gee Westbrook - 1841 to 1903

Birth: 29 Dec 1841 Catherine, Wilcox, Alabama, United Statesbirth21

Death: 1 Aug 1903 Marengo, Alabama, United Statesdeath21


Father: Moses William Westbrook Junior---DNA

Mother: Martha Lawrence Allen

Albert G Westbrook - 1898 to 1946

Birth: NOV 1898 Alabamabirth22

Death: 15 Nov 1946 Demopolis, Marengo, Alabama, USAdeath22


Father: George Heath Westbrook

Mother: Lulie Hays Compton

Albert Russell Westbrook - 1931 to 2012

Birth: 12 Sep 1931 Oxford Mississippi, USAbirth23

Death: 13 Jul 2012 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USAdeath23


Father: Ressie Westbrook

Mother: Annie Westbrook

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