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Results for "Alexander Sievwright"

1 - 25 of 31 Records

Alexander Spalding Sievwright - 1851 to 1904

Birth: 14 Dec 1851 Liff, Forfarshirebirth0

Death: 16 Oct 1904 Lilybank Rd, Dundee, Angus, Scotlanddeath0


Father: John Sivewright

Mother: Elizabeth Spalding

Alexander Spalding Sievwright - 1851 to 1904

Birth: 14 Dec 1851 Liff, Forfarshirebirth1

Death: 16 Oct 1904 Lilybank Rd, Dundee, Angus, Scotlanddeath1


Father: John Sivewright

Mother: Elizabeth Spalding

Alexander Spalding Sievwright - 1851 to 1904

Birth: 14 Dec 1851 Liff, Forfarshirebirth2

Death: 16 Oct 1904 Lilybank Rd, Dundee, Angus, Scotlanddeath2


Father: John Sivewright

Mother: Elizabeth Spalding

Alexander Duncan Sievwright - 1918 to 1966

Birth: 1918 Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotlandbirth3

Death: 1966 Auchterarder, Perthshire, Scotlanddeath3


Father: Andrew John Sivewright

Mother: Helen McRobert

Alexander Duncan Sievwright - 1918 to 1966

Birth: 1918 Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotlandbirth4

Death: 1966 Auchterarder, Perthshire, Scotlanddeath4


Father: Andrew John Sivewright

Mother: Helen McRobert

Alexander Sievwright - 1795 to 1870

Birth: 1795 Brechin, Angus, Scotlandbirth5

Death: 15 July 1870 Brechin, Angus, Scotlanddeath5


Father: Alexander Sievwright

Mother: Mary Duke

Alexander Sievwright - 1907 to 1971

Birth: 14 JUN 1907 Invercargill, New Zealandbirth6

Death: 14 JUL 1971 Invercargilldeath6


Father: Barclay Sievwright

Mother: Emma Sophie WOHLERS

Alexander Sievwright - 1698 to 1755

Birth: 20 DEC 1698 Brechin, Angus, Scotlandbirth7

Death: 1755 Monymusk, Aberdeenshire, Scotlanddeath7


Father: David Siverwright

Mother: Catharin Sym

Alexander Sievwright - 1730 to 1790

Birth: 28 MAR 1730 Monymusk, Aberdeenshire, Scotlandbirth8

Death: 21 Mar 1790 Angus, Scotlanddeath8


Father: Alexander Sievwright

Mother: Elizabeth Reid

Alexander Sievwright - 1730 to 1790

Birth: 28 MAR 1730 Monymusk, Aberdeenshire, Scotlandbirth9

Death: 21 Mar 1790 Angus, Scotlanddeath9


Father: Alexander Sievwright

Mother: Elizabeth Reid

Alexander Sievwright - 1730 to 1790

Birth: 28 MAR 1730 Monymusk, Aberdeenshire, Scotlandbirth10

Death: 21 Mar 1790 Angus, Scotlanddeath10


Father: Alexander Sievwright

Mother: Elizabeth Reid

Alexander Sievwright - 1770 to 1855

Birth: 1770 Brechin, Angus, Scotlandbirth11

Death: 09 Sep 1855 Brechin Angus Scotlanddeath11


Father: Robert Sievwright

Mother: Anne Jack

Alexander Sievwright - 1857 to 1933

Birth: 26 Jul 1857 Brechin, Angus, Scotlandbirth12

Death: 11 October 1933 Arlie, Scotlanddeath12


Father: John Sievwright

Mother: Elizabeth 'Betsie' Campbell

Alexander Sievwright - 1825 to 1882

Birth: 29 Mar 1825 Brechin, Angus, Scotlandbirth13

Death: 6 Feb 1882 London, Middlesex, United Kingdomdeath13


Father: Alexander Sievwright

Mother: Mary Ann Barclay

Alexander Sievwright - 1644

Birth: ABT Aug 1644 Brechin, Angus, Scotlandbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Sievwright

Mother: Jean Beannie

Alexander Barclay Sievwright - 1867 to 1926

Birth: Dec 1867 Marylebone, Middlesex, Englandbirth15

Death: Dec 1926 Camberwell, London, Englanddeath15


Father: Alexander Sievwright

Mother: Hannah Ellis

Alexander Sievwright - 1856 to 1858

Birth: 31 MAY 1856 Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotlandbirth16

Death: 03 JUL 1858 Scotlanddeath16


Father: William Sievwright

Mother: Euphemia Pride Scott

Alexander John Sievwright - 1940 to 2015

Birth: May 1940

Death: 7 Nov 2015 Forfar, Angus, Scotlanddeath17


Father: Alexander Duncan Sievewright

Mother: Helen Clark

Alexander Sievwright - 1854 to 1854

Birth: NOV 1854 Scotlandbirth18

Death: 28 DEC 1854 Scotlanddeath18


Father: William Sievwright

Mother: Euphemia Pride Scott

Alexander Sievwright - 1871

Birth: 29 DEC 1871 Kirriemuir, Forfarshirebirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Sievwright

Mother: Elspeth Deuchars

Alexander Sievwright - 1878

Birth: abt 1878 Speymouth, Morayshirebirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Sivewright

Mother: Isabella Sivewright

Alexander Sievwright - 1890

Birth: 13 Aug 1890 Mains, Angus, Scotlandbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: John Sievewright

Mother: Helen Isabella Robertson

Alexander Watt Sievwright - 1888 to 1937

Birth: 18 Sept 1888 Banff, Banffshire, Scotlandbirth22

Death: 1937 Banff, Banffshire, Scotlanddeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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