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Results for "Alfred Anderson"

1 - 25 of 7,117 Records

Alfred Oscar Anderson - 1919 to 2004

Birth: 24 Oct 1919 Hendgrson, Iowabirth0

Death: 14 Nov 2004 Emerson, Mills, Iowadeath0


Father: Carl Emil Anderson

Mother: Esther Anderson

Alfred Anderson - 1868 to 1933

Birth: 18 Apr 1868 Bedford, Independent Cities, Virginia, United Statesbirth1

Death: 28 Feb 1933 Vinton, Virginia, USAdeath1


Father: Alfred Mosbey Anderson

Mother: Frances H Wade

Alfred Emanuel Anderson - 1905 to 1985

Birth: 9 Sep 1905 Becker, Minnesota, USAbirth2

Death: 18 Dec 1985 Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, United States of Americadeath2


Father: John Sigsmund Anderson

Mother: Marie Lovene

Alfred Oscar ANDERSON - 1898 to 1963

Birth: 7 July 1898 Bavispe, Bacerac Municipality, Sonora, Mexicobirth3

Death: 16 Aug 1963 Benson, Cochise, Arizona, United Statesdeath3


Father: James Alfred Anderson

Mother: Martha Matilda Western

Alfred W. Anderson - 1885 to 1968

Birth: Jun 1885 Swedenbirth4

Death: 27 May 1968 Michigandeath4


Father: Johannes Anderson

Mother: Hanna Nilsdotter Nilsson

Alfred Anderson - 1893 to 1983

Birth: Jan 1893 Iowabirth5

Death: Oct 1983 Denver, Denver, Colorado, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Chris Andersen

Mother: Ane-Kristine Thompson

Alfred Anderson - 1931 to 2002

Birth: abt 1931 Illinoisbirth6

Death: 24 April 2002 Grayslake, Lake, Illinoisdeath6


Father: Alfred Eugene Anderson

Mother: Alice Hazel Dybeck

Alfred Sherman Anderson - 1865 to 1934

Birth: 20 Jun 1865 Jackson, West Virginia, United Statesbirth7

Death: 25 Oct 1934 Washington, Jackson, WV,USAdeath7


Father: William Anderson

Mother: Nancy Elizabeth Harper

Alfred J Anderson - 1878 to 1960

Birth: Oct 1878 Norwaybirth8

Death: 5 JAN 1960 Hollywood Cemeterydeath8


Father: Lars Benoni Anderson

Mother: Sarah Dorthea Svendson

Alfred Neils Anderson - 1912 to 1998

Birth: 15 Dec 1912 Nebraskabirth9

Death: 18 Apr 1998 Ogallala, Keith, Nebraska, USAdeath9


Father: Carl M Anderson

Mother: Evelyn O'Brien

Alfred Clifton Anderson - 1905 to 1988

Birth: 11 Jun 1905 Glenville, Tattnall Georgiabirth10

Death: 09 May 1988 Wayne Georgiadeath10


Father: Loamer Anderson

Mother: Chelcy Luella Dubberly


Birth: 1878 Missouri, USAbirth11

Death: 20 Nov 1953 Cook County, Illinoisdeath11


Father: Charlie Anderson

Mother: Julina Josephine Garrison

Alfred Anderson - 1908 to 1977

Birth: 23 Feb 1908 Norwich, Connecticut, USAbirth12

Death: 20 Aug 1977 Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USAdeath12


Father: Georg Andersen

Mother: Maria Jorgenson

Alfred Oscar Anderson - 1917 to 1997

Birth: 31 Aug 1917 New Jersey, USAbirth13

Death: 24 Apr 1997 Los Angeles County, California, USAdeath13


Father: John Hjalmar Andersen

Mother: Lula Mae Bailey

Alfred TC anderson - 1818 to 1887

Birth: abt 1818 Kentuckybirth14

Death: 12 Oct 1887 Delta, Texas, United Statesdeath14


Father: Mason Anderson

Mother: Margaret Cralle

Alfred G Anderson - 1912 to 1980

Birth: Abt 1912 Stewartsville, Warren, New Jersey, USAbirth15

Death: 4/8/1980 Lopatcong, Warren, New Jersey, USAdeath15


Father: Grover Cleveland Anderson

Mother: Edna Lee

Alfred Williams Anderson - 1894 to 1980

Birth: 25 Feb 1894 Illinoisbirth16

Death: 17 Aug 1980 Marquette, Hamilton, Nebraska, USAdeath16


Father: Peter Anderson

Mother: Carrie Peterson

Alfred A Anderson - 1890 to 1972

Birth: 28 Jun 1890 Junction City, Geary, Kansas, USAbirth17

Death: Nov 1972 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United Statesdeath17


Father: Samuel Thomas Anderson

Mother: Hulda Caroline Ingold

Alfred Lee Anderson - 1930 to 1993

Birth: 29 Sep 1930 Staunton, Virginiabirth18

Death: 10 Nov 1993 Staunton, Virginiadeath18


Father: Alfred Hamilton Anderson

Mother: Louise Frances Slusher

Alfred Mayhew Anderson - 1867 to 1954

Birth: 5 May 1867 Iowa, USAbirth19

Death: 29 Dec 1954 Clark, Washingtondeath19


Father: Alfred Crawford Anderson

Mother: Catherine Yarnell Bickford

Alfred H Anderson - 1884 to 1968

Birth: abt 1884 Wisconsinbirth20

Death: 23 JUN 1968 Whitewater, WIdeath20


Father: Henry Anderson

Mother: Julie Matilda Halgerson

Alfred Author Anderson - 1924 to 2005

Birth: 19 Jan 1924 Wilmington, New Castle, Delawarebirth21

Death: 24 Jan 2005 Delawaredeath21


Father: Charles Arthur Anderson

Mother: Ruth A Morgan

Alfred Anderson - 1903 to 1976

Birth: 1903 Goodhue, Minnesotabirth22

Death: 18 Jun 1976 Goodhue, Minnesotadeath22


Father: Olaf O Anderson

Mother: Caroline Antonette Hanson

Alfred Amborse Anderson - 1856 to 1940

Birth: 27 May 1856 Mackerfield, Lancashire, Englandbirth23

Death: 22 May 1940 Oldham, Lancashire, Englanddeath23


Father: Ambrose Anderson

Mother: Harriet Oldham

Alfred Claudius Anderson - 1880 to 1962

Birth: 27 Sep 1880 Grand Meadow, Mower, Minnesota, USAbirth24

Death: 18 Jun 1962 Waltham County Cemeterydeath24


Father: Hans Larsen Andersen

Mother: Anna Sophia Petersen

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