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Results for "Aloysia Pachner"

1 - 25 of 28 Records
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Aloisia Buchner - 1930 to 2018

Birth: 19.6.1930 Unterwössen, Traunstein, Bayern, Deutschlandbirth0

Death: 29,.1.2018 Unterwössen, Traunstein, Bayern, Deutschlanddeath0


Father: Alois Buchner

Mother: Maria Loider

Aloisia Bachler - 1872

Birth: 1872 Grobming, Austriabirth1

Death: Not Available Radstadt, Austria death1


Father: Zacharias Bachler

Mother: Theresia Moser

Aloisia PACHNER - 1876 to 1966

Birth: 07 Jun 1876 Obergänserndorf, Korneuburg, Niederösterreich, Austriabirth2

Death: 03 Oct 1966


Father: Adam PACHNER


Aloisia Puchner - 1873

Birth: 19 JAN 1873 Oberrauhenöd 25, Grünbach bei Freistadtbirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Alois Puchner

Mother: Anna Maria Hofer

Aloisia Bachler - 1806

Birth: 19 JAN 1806 Littaubirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Jost Bachler

Mother: Elisabeth Rinderknecht

Aloisia Bachler - 1806

Birth: 19 JAN 1806 Littaubirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Jost Bachler

Mother: Elisabeth Rinderknecht

Aloisia Pachner - 1875 to 1967

Birth: 21 JUN 1875 Laussa, Steyr, Obrstr, Austriabirth6

Death: 28 MAY 1967


Father: Leopold Pachner

Mother: Magdalena Stadler

Aloisia Pachner - 1877 to 1963

Birth: 1 JAN 1877 Müllnöd, Frymburk nad Vltavou

Death: 16 JUN 1963 Bayern, Deutschlanddeath7


Father: Franz Pachner

Mother: Aloisia Feirer

Alousia Pachler

Birth: Not Available Bamberg 1, Bohemiabirth8

Death: 2004 Steyr, Upper Austria, Austriadeath8


Father: Ferdinand Pachler

Mother: Rosalia Schoppl

Aloisia Puchner - 1836

Birth: 20.06.1836 Schörgern 10, Frankenburg am Hausruck, Vöcklabruck, Oberösterreichbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Puchner

Mother: Maria Anna Petershofer

Aloisia Buchner - 1923 to 2005

Birth: 1923

Death: 11. Jul 2005 Salzburg, Österreichdeath10


Father: Paul Buchner

Mother: Aloisia

Aloisia Buchner - 1843 to 1843

Birth: 26.5.1843 Schachen, Feichten, Altötting, Bayern, Deutschland

Death: 1843 Schachen, Feichten, Altötting, Bayern, Deutschland


Father: Johann Buchner

Mother: Elisabetha Weitl

Aloisia Pachner - 1926 to 2002

Birth: 26 APR 1926 Stüblern Böhmerwald

Death: 27 MAY 2002 Schorndorfdeath12


Father: Rudolf Pachner

Mother: Anna Leutgäb

Aloisia Pachner - 1856

Birth: 17 Nov 1856 Müllnet 5

Death: Not Available


Father: Albert Pachner

Mother: Elisabeth Liebewein

Female IconMale Icon

Aloisia Lachner - 1791

Birth: 1791

Death: Not Available


Father: Adam Lachner

Mother: Katharina Petzl Petzl

Female IconMale Icon

Aloisia Bachler - 1877

Birth: 1877

Death: Not Available


Father: Johanna Bachler

Mother: Maria Ladwig Disaamger Disaamger

Aloisia Bachler - 1876

Birth: 8 Feb 1876

Death: Not Available


Father: Peter Bachler

Mother: Rosina Wurz Wurz

Aloisia Lachner - 1919 to 2000

Birth: 14. 06. 1919

Death: 28. 11. 2000


Father: Johann Leberbauer

Mother: Anna Leberbauer

Aloisia Maria Aichner - 1903 to 1906

Birth: 08 SEP 1903

Death: 15 JAN 1906


Father: Alois Aichner

Mother: Anna Theresia Kantschieder

Aloisia Agnes Aichner - 1906 to 1998

Birth: 31 DEC 1906

Death: 10 JUL 1998


Father: Alois Aichner

Mother: Anna Theresia Kantschieder

Female IconMale Icon

Aloisia Lachner - 1874

Birth: 1874

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Caecilia Diewalel Diewalel

Aloisia Bachler - 1885

Birth: 7 Juni 1885 Öblarnbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Aloisia Bachler

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Aloisia Bachler

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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