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Results for "Andrew Estes"

1 - 25 of 266 Records

Andrew Jackson Estes - 1839 to 1922

Birth: 02 Oct 1839 Georgiabirth0

Death: 01 Dec 1922 Milledgeville, Baldwin, Georgia, United Statesdeath0


Father: Kimbrel Estes - son of James - a farmer - killed

Mother: Rebecca Satterwhite Caldwell

Andrew (John) Estes - 1866 to 1947

Birth: abt 1866 Ottumwa, Iowabirth1

Death: 3 Jan 1947 Allerton, Wayne, Iowa, United Statesdeath1


Father: James Franklin Estes

Mother: Margaret Catherine Dale

Andrew Jackson Estes - 1860 to 1954

Birth: 16 March 1860 Arkansas, USAbirth2

Death: 28 Oct 1954 Gainesville, Ozark, Missouri, USAdeath2


Father: John Gideon Estes

Mother: Missouri Wood

Andrew Jackson Estes - 1839 to 1922

Birth: 02 Oct 1839 Georgiabirth3

Death: 01 Dec 1922 Milledgeville, Baldwin, Georgia, United Statesdeath3


Father: Kimbrel Estes - son of James - a farmer - killed

Mother: Rebecca Satterwhite Caldwell

Andrew (John) Estes - 1866 to 1947

Birth: abt 1866 Ottumwa, Iowabirth4

Death: 3 Jan 1947 Allerton, Wayne, Iowa, United Statesdeath4


Father: James Franklin Estes

Mother: Margaret Catherine Dale

Andrew Broaddus Estes - 1885 to 1952

Birth: 11 Jun 1885 Georgiabirth5

Death: May 13, 1952 Rock Hilldeath5


Father: Elliott W Estes

Mother: Julia Helena Ross

Andrew Jackson Estes - 1817 to 1900

Birth: Apr 09, 1817 Warrior Fork of Mulberry Creek, Burke Co., NCbirth6

Death: bef 1900 Union, Mississippi, USAdeath6


Father: Leonard Estes

Mother: Frances (Fannie) Brown

Andrew Jackson Estes - 1817 to 1900

Birth: Apr 09, 1817 Warrior Fork of Mulberry Creek, Burke Co., NCbirth7

Death: bef 1900 Union, Mississippi, USAdeath7


Father: Leonard Estes

Mother: Frances (Fannie) Brown

Andrew Jackson Estes - 1871 to 1918

Birth: abt 1871 Georgiabirth8

Death: 16 Dec 1918 Tarrant Co., Texasdeath8


Father: Henry Horton Estes

Mother: Anna Ethelda CARPENTER



Death: aft 1880 Audubon Twp, Montgomery, Illinoisdeath9


Father: Canada Estes

Mother: Nancy Lewis

Andrew Estes - 1886 to 1944

Birth: 18 OCT 1886 Camden, Missouri, USAbirth10

Death: 18 Jan 1944 Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, USAdeath10


Father: Andrew Jackson Estes

Mother: Mary Ann Foster

Andrew Thomas Estes - 1916 to 1978

Birth: 24 Sep 1916 Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa, USAbirth11

Death: Dec 1978 Bloomfield, Davis Co., IA., USAdeath11


Father: Andrew Johnson Estes

Mother: Adella Faye BAKER

Andrew Estes - 1886 to 1944

Birth: 18 OCT 1886 Camden, Missouri, USAbirth12

Death: 18 Jan 1944 Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, USAdeath12


Father: Andrew Jackson Estes

Mother: Mary Ann Foster

Andrew Thomas Estes - 1916 to 1978

Birth: 24 Sep 1916 Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa, USAbirth13

Death: Dec 1978 Bloomfield, Davis Co., IA., USAdeath13


Father: Andrew Johnson Estes

Mother: Adella Faye BAKER

Andrew E Estes - 1776 to 1859

Birth: 1776 Lunenburg, Lunenburg, Virginia, United Statesbirth14

Death: Mar 1859 Morgan, Missouri, USAdeath14


Father: Elisha Richard Estes

Mother: Mary Ann Stone

Andrew J Estes - 1897 to 1972

Birth: 22 May 1897 Garrard County, Kentuckybirth15

Death: 23 May 1972 Garrd, Kentucky yrs 75 Mdeath15


Father: Albert Newton Estes

Mother: Emerin Abner

Andrew Jackson EStes - 1843 to 1926

Birth: 23 Jul 1843 Camden, Missouri, USAbirth16

Death: 31 July 1926


Father: John Gibson ESTES

Mother: Lucy Dodson

Andrew E Estes - 1776 to 1859

Birth: 1776 Lunenburg, Lunenburg, Virginia, United Statesbirth17

Death: Mar 1859 Morgan, Missouri, USAdeath17


Father: Elisha Richard Estes

Mother: Mary Ann Stone

Andrew Jackson EStes - 1843 to 1926

Birth: 23 Jul 1843 Camden, Missouri, USAbirth18

Death: 31 July 1926


Father: John Gibson ESTES

Mother: Lucy Dodson

Andrew E Estes - 1776 to 1859

Birth: 1776 Lunenburg, Lunenburg, Virginia, United Statesbirth19

Death: Mar 1859 Morgan, Missouri, USAdeath19


Father: Elisha Richard Estes

Mother: Mary Ann Stone

Andrew Estes - 1889 to 1987

Birth: Apr 1889 Tennesseebirth20

Death: 1987


Father: James Estes

Mother: Mary HALL Estes

Andrew J. Estes - 1873 to 1957

Birth: Dec 1873 Illinoisbirth21

Death: Abt 1957


Father: Joel G Estes

Mother: Elizabeth Roberts

Andrew J Estes - 1836 to 1906

Birth: 11 July 1836 South Carolina, United Statesbirth22

Death: 19 MAR 1906 Cross Keys, Union, South Carolinadeath22


Father: Jesse Estes*

Mother: Sarah Massie Lee

Andrew J. Estes - 1873 to 1957

Birth: Dec 1873 Illinoisbirth23

Death: Abt 1957


Father: Joel G Estes

Mother: Elizabeth Roberts

Andrew Frank Estes - 1845 to 1883

Birth: 1845 Louisa County

Death: 1 May 1883 Orange, Virginiadeath24


Father: Robert N Estes

Mother: Sally Cosby

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