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Results for "ann cruickshank"


Birth: 01 JAN 1808 Cruden, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Death: 08 MAY 1890 Cruden, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Father: James Cruickshank

Mother: Ann Walker

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: 12 Aug 1859 Cruden, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Death: 10 June 1933 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Father: George Cruickshank

Mother: Falconer (Isabella) Adams


Birth: 5 OCT 1795 Turriff

Death: Apr 1875 Suffolk, England

Father: John Cruickshank

Mother: Jean Donaldson

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: 5 Apr 1850 Udny, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Death: 31 Dec 1885 Pitmedden, Udny, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Father: Alexander Cruickshank

Mother: Ann Gray

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: 4 Apr 1837 St Nicholas, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Death: Ap. 25, 1903 Westminster Twp.

Father: John Cruickshank

Mother: Harriet Smith

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: Jun 6, 1760 Auchterless, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Death: 10 September 1850 St. John Timberhill, Norwich, Norfolk, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Father: James George Cruickshank

Mother: Elspet Angus Fraser (Cruickshank)

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: 26 Sep 1855 Cruden, Aberdeenshire

Death: 1941 Ivy Cottage, Cruden, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Father: William Cruickshank

Mother: Mary Thomson

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: abt 1823 Drumoak, Aberdeen

Death: 14 JAN 1894 Wilton, Roxburghshire

Father: Alexander Cassie

Mother: Elspet Low

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: abt 1843 Old Deer, Aberdeenshire

Death: BEF 1915 Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Father: John Cruickshank

Mother: Mary Craib

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: 10 Dec 1827 Boharm, Banffshire, Scotland

Death: 23 Nov 1900 Tombrek, Carron, Knockando, Moray Scotland

Father: Peter Cruickshank

Mother: Isabella Grant

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: 30 Apr 1802 Westminster, London, England

Death: 1859 Weston, York, Ontario, Canada

Father: Thomas Burnett

Mother: Anna Hay

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: 19 Nov 1826 Inverallan, Inverness-shire, Scotland

Death: 15 Feb 1866 Inverallan, Inverness-shire, Scotland

Father: Andrew Cruickshank

Mother: Ann Mckinzie


Birth: 12 Nov 1793 Fyvie, Forgue, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Death: 1858 Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Father: George Cruickshank

Mother: Isobel Clark

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: 3 Nov 1827 Gamrie, Banffshire, Scotland.

Death: 1908 Portobello, Edinburgh, Scotland

Father: Alexander Cruickshank

Mother: Elspet Avins Yavans EVANS AVANS

Name: Ann Wilson Cruickshank

Birth: 1872 Ythan Wells, Aberdeenshire Scotland

Death: 13 Nov 1937 Muirfold Grange Banff, Scotland

Father: George Cruickshank

Mother: Jean Leys

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: abt 1832 Strichen, Aberdeenshire

Death: 17 Oct 1869 St. Fergus, Scotland ??

Father: Charles Cruickshank

Mother: Sophia McRobert

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: abt 1858 Cruden, Aberdeenshire

Death: 1944 Cruden, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Father: James Cruickshank

Mother: Margaret Bruce Marr

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: 1810 Old Machar, Aberdeenshire , Scotland

Death: 15 Jan 1884 Chapel of Garioch, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Father: William Cruickshank

Mother: Mary Morgan Cruickshank

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: abt 1858 Mains, Forfarshire

Death: 16/07/1924 Americanmuir, Downfield, Angus, Scotland

Father: David Cruikshank

Mother: Jane Paton

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: 1853 Knockando, Moray, Scotland

Death: 1887 Elgin, Moray, Scotland

Father: Robert Cruickshank

Mother: Grace Grant

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: Abt. 1740 Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Death: abt 1821

Father: Alexander Cruickshank

Mother: Mary Stephen

Name: Ann Cruickshank

Birth: 1850 Aberdeen, Scotland

Death: Unknown

Father: James Cruickshank

Mother: Ann WALLACE

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