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Results for "Anna Pachner"

1 - 25 of 43 Records

Anna Pachner - 1809 to 1859

Birth: ABT 1809 Patzau, Tabor, Bohemiabirth0

Death: 12 AUG 1859 House No. 172, Patzau, Tabor, Bohemiadeath0


Father: Enoch Pachner

Mother: Rosalie Lederer

Anna Pachner - 1809 to 1859

Birth: ABT 1809 Patzau, Tabor, Bohemiabirth1

Death: 12 AUG 1859 House No. 172, Patzau, Tabor, Bohemiadeath1


Father: Enoch Pachner

Mother: Rosalie Lederer

Anna Pachner - 1791 to 1820

Birth: 1791 Praha, Czech Republicbirth2

Death: 17 Mai 1820 Linz, Upper Austria, Austriadeath2


Father: Franz Pachner

Mother: Anna Angelis

Anna Pachner - 1925 to 1981

Birth: 22 Mai 1925 glöckelheim

Death: 1981 Forchheim, Bayern, Deutschlanddeath3


Father: Johann Springer

Mother: Maria Springer

Anna Magdalena Pachner - 1688

Birth: 23 MAY 1688 St. Peter bei Freistadtbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Josef Pachner

Mother: Maria Elisabeth

Anna Pachner - 1875 to 1937

Birth: 18 JAN 1875 Schleißheim, Blindenmarkt 21 O

Death: 1937 Leombach, Sipbachzelldeath5


Father: Martin Pachner

Mother: Anna Pucher

Anna Pachner - 1835 to 1835

Birth: 18 AUG 1835 Unbekannt Böhmerwald

Death: 20 SEP 1835


Father: Franz Pachner

Mother: Katharina Feyrer oder Herzner

Anna Pachner - 1875 to 1927

Birth: 26 JUN 1875 Böhmerwald

Death: 18 JUL 1927 Böhmerwald


Father: Xaver Pachner

Mother: Katharina Kramer

Anna Pachner - 1848 to 1918

Birth: 23 APR 1848 Unbekannt Böhmerwald

Death: 3 NOV 1918 Böhmerwald


Father: Franz Pachner

Mother: Katharina Feyrer oder Herzner

Anna Pachner - 1790

Birth: 7 APR 1790 Unbekannt Böhmerwald

Death: Not Available


Father: Josef Pachner

Mother: Maria Gril

Anna Pachner - 1790

Birth: 7 APR 1790 Unbekannt Böhmerwald

Death: Not Available


Father: Josef Pachner

Mother: Maria Gril

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Magdalena Pachner - 1760

Birth: 22 Jul 1760 Steyr-Stadtpfarre, Oberösterreich, Austriabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacobus Pachner

Mother: Theresia

Anna Maria Pachner - 1707

Birth: 2 FEB 1707 Bad Leonfeldenbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Michael Pachner

Mother: Anna Magdalena Pachner

Anna Maria Pachner - 1839

Birth: 19 JAN 1839 Laussa, Steyr, Oa, Austriabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Georg Pachner

Mother: Josepha

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Pachner - 1823

Birth: 1823

Death: Not Available


Father: Josef Pachner

Mother: Magdalena Grisber Grisber

Anna Pachner - 1897

Birth: 6 Mai 1897

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Pachner

Mother: Maria Lagler Lagler

Anna Pachner - 1761 to 1844

Birth: 1761

Death: 29 März 1844


Father: Thomas Zabenholzer

Mother: Barbara Baumann Baumann

Anna Pachner - 1835 to 1835

Birth: 1835

Death: 11 Feb 1835


Father: Joseph Pachner

Mother: Anna Eberstaller

Anna Pachner - 1911

Birth: 6 Apr 1911

Death: Not Available


Father: Josef Pachner

Mother: Franziska Pachner

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Pachner - 1909

Birth: 5 Juli 1909

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Anna Weinslauser Weinslauser

Anna Maria Pachner - 1701

Birth: 1701 Langschlag, Langschlag, NÖ, Öbirth20

Death: Not Available Kasbach, Niederösterreich, Austriadeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Anna Pachner - 1886

Birth: 1886 Russiabirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Pachner - 1859

Birth: 31 Jan 1859 Tesich

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Anna Pachner

Birth: Not Available

Death: 1912


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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