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Results for "Annie Plummer"

1 - 25 of 490 Records

Annie Mary Plummer - 1840 to 1927

Birth: 01 Nov 1840 Randolph County, North Carolina, USAbirth0

Death: 20 Jun 1927 Thomasville, Davidson, North Carolina, USAdeath0


Father: John H Plummer

Mother: Levina "Vina" Steed

ANNIE DEE PLUMMER - 1892 to 1980

Birth: 21 Apr 1892 Texas, USAbirth1

Death: 23 JUN 1980 Dallas, Texasdeath1



Mother: Mary E Maddox

Annie S. Plummer - 1878 to 1970

Birth: 10 Jun 1878 Wilmore, Croyle Twp., Cambria Co., Pennsylvaniabirth2

Death: 13 OCT 1970 Blair Cnty, PA, USAdeath2


Father: Samuel Plummer

Mother: Martha Long

Annie S. Plummer - 1878 to 1970

Birth: 10 Jun 1878 Wilmore, Croyle Twp., Cambria Co., Pennsylvaniabirth3

Death: 13 OCT 1970 Blair Cnty, PA, USAdeath3


Father: Samuel Plummer

Mother: Martha Long

Annie Dorothy Plummer - 1906 to 1952

Birth: 8 August 1906 Ohiobirth4

Death: 19 Apr 1952 Cambridge, Dorchester County, Marylanddeath4


Father: Louis W Plummer

Mother: Mary R DeWees Plummer

Annie Plummer - 1897 to 1984

Birth: 11 October 1897 Tooting, Surrey, Englandbirth5

Death: 18 May 1984 Merton, Surrey, Englanddeath5


Father: George Plummer

Mother: Susan Emma Vickers

Annie Plummer - 1888 to 1987

Birth: 4 APR 1888 Chailey, Sussex, , Englandbirth6

Death: Nov 1987 Hove, Sussex, Englanddeath6


Father: Charles Plummer

Mother: Caroline Elizabeth Martin

Annie Mae Plummer - 1907 to 1946

Birth: 23 Mar 1907 Granville County, North Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: 7 Nov 1946 North Carolina, USAdeath7


Father: Alex Plummer

Mother: Bettie Henderson

Annie Mae Plummer - 1907 to 1946

Birth: 23 Mar 1907 Granville County, North Carolina, USAbirth8

Death: 7 Nov 1946 North Carolina, USAdeath8


Father: Alex Plummer

Mother: Bettie Henderson

Annie Elizabeth Plummer - 1917 to 1987

Birth: 24 Mar 1917 Lamar, Darlington, South Carolina, USAbirth9

Death: 21 Feb 1987 Wilmington, New Hanover, North Carolina, USAdeath9


Father: Thomas Leroy Plummer

Mother: Penelope Dority

Annie Elizabeth Plummer - 1917 to 1987

Birth: 24 Mar 1917 Lamar, Darlington, South Carolina, USAbirth10

Death: 21 Feb 1987 Wilmington, New Hanover, North Carolina, USAdeath10


Father: Thomas Leroy Plummer

Mother: Penelope Dority

Annie Plummer - 1883 to 1971

Birth: 1883 Scarborough, Yorkshire, Englandbirth11

Death: Mar 1971 Worth Valley, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath11


Father: William Albert Plummer

Mother: Sarah Jane Holdsworth

Annie Plummer - 1865 to 1901

Birth: 1865 Caddington, Hertfordshire, Englandbirth12

Death: 1901 Lutondeath12


Father: William Plummer

Mother: Hannah plummer

Annie Plummer - 1883 to 1971

Birth: 1883 Scarborough, Yorkshire, Englandbirth13

Death: Mar 1971 Worth Valley, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath13


Father: William Albert Plummer

Mother: Sarah Jane Holdsworth

Annie Plummer - 1883 to 1971

Birth: 1883 Scarborough, Yorkshire, Englandbirth14

Death: Mar 1971 Worth Valley, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath14


Father: William Albert Plummer

Mother: Sarah Jane Holdsworth

Annie M. Plummer - 1854 to 1853

Birth: Oct 1854 Redcliff, Bristolbirth15

Death: WFT Est 1853/1946


Father: Thomas Henry Plummer

Mother: Mary Ann Judd

Annie Plummer - 1886

Birth: Jul 1886 Duval County, Florida, USAbirth16

Death: Not Available Duval County, Florida, USAdeath16


Father: George Washington Plummer

Mother: Mary Ella Plonk

Annie Plummer - 1866 to 1935

Birth: Sep 1866 Delawarebirth17

Death: ABT 1935


Father: William Edward King

Mother: Catherine Cannon

Annie Plummer - 1867 to 1930

Birth: Q4 1867 Hetton Le Hole, Durham, Englandbirth18

Death: 1930 Houghton le Spring, Durhamdeath18


Father: Jacob Plummer

Mother: Mary BOX

Annie Edith Plummer - 1891 to 1949

Birth: 19 May 1891 Thames, Coromandel, New Zealandbirth19

Death: 29 Jul 1949 Te Awamutu, Waikato, New Zealanddeath19


Father: Henry Alexander Plummer

Mother: Mary Ann McClair

Annie M Plummer - 1842 to 1874

Birth: 10 July 1842 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshirebirth20

Death: 24 April 1874 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshiredeath20


Father: Allen P Plummer

Mother: Abby J Pendergast

Annie Plummer - 1887 to 1973

Birth: 1887 Leicester, Leicestershire, Englandbirth21

Death: 1973 Leicester, Leicestershire, Englanddeath21


Father: William Plummer

Mother: Ann Butherway

Annie M Plummer - 1842 to 1874

Birth: 10 July 1842 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshirebirth22

Death: 24 April 1874 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshiredeath22


Father: Allen P Plummer

Mother: Abby J Pendergast

Annie Hooper Plummer - 1865 to 1898

Birth: 22 Sep 1865 Peabody, Essex County, Massachusetts, USAbirth23

Death: 08 Sep 1898 Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas, USAdeath23


Father: Hiram Plumer

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Reed

Annie Plummer - 1859 to 1934

Birth: 25 Nov 1859 Yackandandah Victoria Australiabirth24

Death: 1934 Glen Iris Melourne Victoria Australiadeath24


Father: Thomas PLUMMER

Mother: Anna Maria Challenger

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