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Results for "arthur plummer"

Name: Arthur John PLUMMER

Birth: 20 Jun 1858 Sweden, Oxford, ME

Death: Mar 1931 Norway, Oxford, Maine, USA

Father: John Porter Plummer

Mother: Cordelia A Bennett

Name: Arthur Walter Plummer

Birth: Apr 1866 South Hackney, Middlesex, England

Death: 7 Jan 1960 Reno, Washoe, Nevada, United States

Father: David Clough Plummer

Mother: Elizabeth Susannah Howard

Name: Arthur Elledge Plummer

Birth: 27 Aug 1908 Madison, Indiana

Death: 22 Jun 1961 Los Angeles, California

Father: Isaac Marion Plummer

Mother: Stella Jackson

Name: Arthur E Plummer

Birth: 16 Nov 1911 Ohio, USA

Death: Jul 1986 Marion, Marion, Ohio, United States of America

Father: Joseph Plummer*

Mother: Viola Maria LOW

Name: Arthur L Plummer

Birth: 12 Aug 1896 Lyndon, Vermont

Death: 16 May 1961 St Johnbury, Caledonia, Vermont

Father: Winfield Scott Plummer

Mother: Mary Alice Waterhouse

Name: Arthur Plummer

Birth: 12 Feb 1889 Wellington, Ontario, Canada

Death: 19 Aug 1960 Stratford, Perth County, Ontario, Canada

Father: George Plummer

Mother: Annie Hill

Name: Arthur Plummer

Birth: 19 Oct 1923 Gorham, Maine

Death: 08 Aug 2006 Windham, Cumberland, Maine, USA

Father: Frederick Prince Plummer

Mother: Pearl M. Small

Name: Arthur George Plummer

Birth: 10 Apr 1899 Bromley, Kent, England

Death: 13 April 1963 Dartford, Kent, England

Father: George Plummer

Mother: Ada Ashby

Name: Arthur J Plummer

Birth: 11 Aug 1875 Indiana

Death: 8 Nov 1959 Chicago, Illinois

Father: James Peirce Plummer

Mother: Margaret Ann Moore

Name: Arthur Marion Plummer

Birth: 15 June 1931 Kokomo, Howard, Indiana, USA

Death: 17 Aug 2016 Ontario, Malheur, Oregon, USA

Father: Arthur Elledge Plummer

Mother: Dorothy Rovena Fenstemaker

Name: Arthur Plummer

Birth: 1884 Mosbro, Derbyshire, England

Death: 1954 Eckington, Derbyshire, England

Father: John Plummer

Mother: Fanny Grundy

Name: Arthur William Plummer

Birth: 5 Nov 1904 Norwich, Norfolk, England

Death: Sep 1975 Norwich, Norfolk, England


Mother: Hannah Maria Palmer

Name: Arthur Plummer

Birth: Abt. 1890 West Hartlepool, Durham, England

Death: 2 Sep 1962 Hartlepool, Durham, , England

Father: George Plummer

Mother: Lucy Hannah Redding

Name: Arthur Childs Plummer

Birth: 22 Aug 1920 Cortland, Cortland, New York, USA

Death: 11/22/1990 Cortland, Cortland, New York, USA

Father: Floyd S Plummer

Mother: Emma Seamans

Name: Arthur 1868 Plummer

Birth: Jun 1868 Moulton, Suffolk, England

Death: Not Available England

Father: William Plummer

Mother: Mary Plummer

Name: Arthur Howard Plummer

Birth: 1871 Melbourne, Australia

Death: 1934 Moonie Ponds, Vic., #8127.

Father: William PLUMMER

Mother: Eliza Martha Passmore

Name: Arthur Plummer

Birth: 1768 Scarborough, Cumberland, Maine

Death: 26 Jun 1861

Father: Samuel Plummer Plumer (royal descent)

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Bragdon

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