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Results for "babe owens"

Name: Babe E. Owens

Birth: abt 1836 Oxford, Granville County, North Carolina

Death: 19 Dec 1901 Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts

Father: Wallace Owens Blackley

Mother: Sookie Gregory

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: 16 Sep 1934 Haysi, Dickenson, Virginia USA

Death: 16 Sep 1934 Haysi, Dickenson, Virginia USA

Father: William Benton Owens

Mother: Madge Bartley

Name: Babe William Owens

Birth: 12 Sep 1931 Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, USA

Death: 12 Sep 1931 Vermont, USA

Father: Edward Robert Owens

Mother: Sinah Jones

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: Abt 1874 Alabama

Death: 1900

Father: Elisah Owens

Mother: Julie A. Hughes

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: abt 1836 Oxford, N C

Death: 19 Dec. 1907 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Wallace Owens Blackley

Mother: Sookie Gregory

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: Nov 1879 South Carolina

Death: Not Available

Father: Gabriel Phillip Owens

Mother: Lucinda Cheek

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: abt 1908 South Carolina

Death: Not Available

Father: Hayne Owens

Mother: Anna F Owens

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: 1910 Mississippi

Death: Not Available

Father: Curt W Owens

Mother: Millie Owens

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: 1896 Center Point, Howard, Arkansas

Death: 06 May, 1996 Siloam Springs, Benton, Arkansas, United States of America

Father: Wiley M Owen

Mother: Eliza Louisa Tollett

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: 1870 Granville County, NC

Death: Not Available

Father: Moses Owens

Mother: Ann Tucker

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: Sep 1899 Texas

Death: Not Available

Father: William John Owens

Mother: Katie L. Wheat

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: abt 1874 Alabama

Death: Not Available

Father: William Elias Owens

Mother: Julie A. Hughes

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: MAY 1900 Davidson Co, NC

Death: Not Available

Father: Samuel A Owens

Mother: Mary Cross

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: abt 1869 Illinois

Death: Not Available

Father: George W. Owens

Mother: Minerva Jane STALEY

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: abt 1880 Wisconsin, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: Frederick Nathan Owen

Mother: Sarah J. NLN (Owen)


Birth: Not Available Alabama USA Shelby co Claton

Death: Not Available Alabama USA Shelby co Claton

Father: Nimrod Owens

Mother: Milberry Evaline Davis

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: 1867

Death: Not Available

Father: Hughey Owens

Mother: Susan M. Bradley

Name: BABE Owens

Birth: Not Available Calera, Shelby, Alabama, United States of America

Death: Not Available Alabama, USA, Shelby County, Alabama, USA

Father: Nimrod Winston Owen

Mother: Private

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: abt 1867 Alabama

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Susan M. Bradley

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: Not Available Davidson, North Carolina

Death: Not Available North Carolina

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Babe Owens

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: babe Owens

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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