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Results for "benjamin bowling"

Name: Benjamin Franklin Bowling

Birth: 1813 Greene, Tennessee, United States

Death: 28 Jan 1888 Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas, USA

Father: Joshua Bowling (Not Proven) **

Mother: Nancy Ann Kesterson (Not Proven) **

Name: Benjamin F Bowling

Birth: 31 May 1911 Clay, Kentucky, United States

Death: 30 Dec 1984 Salem, Washington, Indiana, United States

Father: Alfred Bowling

Mother: Mary Lee Dezarn

Name: Benjamin F Bowling

Birth: 22 February 1850 Russell County, Virginia, USA

Death: 25 August 1903 Montgomery Heights, Fayette County, West Virginia, USA

Father: James Revlin Bolling

Mother: Mary Hammonds

Name: Benjamin Wallace Bowling

Birth: February 28,1892 Flat Top, West Virginia

Death: 10 Sep 1961 Raleigh, West Virginia

Father: John Nelson Bowling

Mother: Sarah Lilly Bowling

Name: Benjamin Bowling

Birth: 21 Mar 1910 Oklahoma

Death: Sep 1987 Blanchard, McClain, Oklahoma, United States

Father: George Washington Bowling

Mother: Sallie Mae Unk - Bowling - Simmons

Name: Benjamin Franklin Bowling

Birth: 1 May 1837 Sumner Co., TN

Death: 10 February 1910 Stone County, Missouri, USA

Father: Benjamin Bowling/Bollin

Mother: Nancy Jane Wilkerson

Name: Benjamin Jarrett Bowling

Birth: 18 Sep 1732 St Paul S Parish, Stafford, Virginia, United States

Death: 1834 North Carolina, United States

Father: Benjamin Bolling

Mother: Mary Latham

Name: Benjamin R Bowling

Birth: May 1879 South Carolina

Death: 2 Oct 1959

Father: Caldwell B Bowling

Mother: Mary Jane Alverson

Name: Benjamin Bowling

Birth: ABT 1700 Stafford Co., VA

Death: 1767 Stafford Co., VA

Father: Simon Bowling

Mother: Jean Waddy

Name: Benjamin Harrison Bowling

Birth: 4 Jun 1892 Moral, Shelby, Indiana, USA

Death: 5 May 1962 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA

Father: David S Bowling

Mother: Sarah Carroll

Name: Benjamin Franklin "Long Ben" Bowling

Birth: 13 APR 1874 Washington County, Arkansas

Death: 20 July 1954 Crane Community Cemetery Crane Stone County Missouri, USA

Father: Frank Bowling

Mother: Harriet Jane Leddy

Name: Benjamin Foreman Bowling

Birth: abt 1838 Ralls Co., Missouri

Death: July 1890

Father: Daniel Bowling

Mother: Sarah (Sinclair) Bowling

Name: Benjamin Martin Bowling

Birth: 29 June 1877 Breckinridge County, Kentucky, USA

Death: 6 April 1944 Stone County, Missouri, USA

Father: Benjamin Franklin Bowling

Mother: Julia Ann White

Name: Benjamin Bartlett Bowling

Birth: 23 DEC 1891 Greenbrier,Robertson,Tennessee

Death: 24 Nov 1957 Springfield, Robertson, Tennessee

Father: Douglas Hale Bowling

Mother: Theodore Virginia Eley

Name: Benjamin Bowling

Birth: 31 May 1911 Clay, Kentucky, USA

Death: 30 Dec 1984 Salem, Washington, Indiana, USA

Father: Alfred Bowling

Mother: Mary Lee Dezarn Bowling

Name: Benjamin F.J. Bowling

Birth: Sep 1885 Morgan County, Kentucky, USA

Death: 12/12/1963 Morgan Co., Ky

Father: John W Bollin

Mother: Elenor Ella Pack

Name: Benjamin Franklin Sr. Bowling

Birth: 1813 Greene, Tennessee, United States

Death: 28 Jan 1888 Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas, USA

Father: Joshua Bowling

Mother: Nancy Ann Kesterson

Name: Benjamin James Reason Bowling

Birth: 22 Dec 1876 Mercer County, West Virginia, USA

Death: 29 Sep 1954 Princeton, Mercer, West Virginia, USA

Father: Purvis Abraham Bowling

Mother: Cynthia Jane Bird

Name: Benjamin Sanford Bowling

Birth: 26 Aug 1847 Pickaway County, Ohio, USA

Death: 22 Feb 1918 Ontario, San Bernardino, California

Father: Strauther Bowling


Name: Benjamin F Bowling

Birth: 1857 PA

Death: 5 July 1925 Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo Co, MI

Father: Benjamin F Bowling

Mother: Maggie Miller

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