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Results for "Benjamin Lloyd"

1 - 25 of 1,225 Records

Benjamin Franklin Lloyd - 1848 to 1907

Birth: 5 May 1848 Virginiabirth0

Death: 21 Nov 1907 Sutton, Braxton Co, WVdeath0


Father: John William Lloyd

Mother: Mary A Bowling

Benjamin Lloyd - 1876 to 1939

Birth: 7 Nov 1876 Michiganbirth1

Death: 29 Aug 1939 Jackson, Jackson, Michigan, USAdeath1


Father: Benjamin Lloyd

Mother: Mary Welcher

Benjamin Lloyd - 1876 to 1939

Birth: 7 Nov 1876 Michiganbirth2

Death: 29 Aug 1939 Jackson, Jackson, Michigan, USAdeath2


Father: Benjamin Lloyd

Mother: Mary Welcher

Benjamin Lloyd - 1804 to 1874

Birth: ca June 1804 Overton, Flintshire, Walesbirth3

Death: 2 August 1874 Cheshire, Englanddeath3


Father: Francis Lloyd

Mother: Martha Noden

Benjamin Lloyd - 1875 to 1937

Birth: Jul 1875 Bilston, Staffordshire, Englandbirth4

Death: Dec 1937 Hemsworth, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath4


Father: robert Lloyd

Mother: Sarah Lloyd

Benjamin Franklin LLoyd - 1909 to 1949

Birth: 9 Sep 1909 Atkins, Pope, Arkansas, United Statesbirth5

Death: 24 Aug 1949 Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath5


Father: William Burns Loyd

Mother: Elnora Hope Dawson

Benjamin Lloyd - 1840 to 1895

Birth: 11 December 1840 Holywell, Flintshire, Walesbirth6

Death: 11 Feb 1895 Wigan, , Lancashire, Englanddeath6


Father: Peter Lloyd

Mother: Elizabeth Hughes

Benjamin Franklin LLoyd - 1909 to 1949

Birth: 9 Sep 1909 Atkins, Pope, Arkansas, United Statesbirth7

Death: 24 Aug 1949 Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath7


Father: William Burns Loyd

Mother: Elnora Hope Dawson

Benjamin Franklin Lloyd - 1848 to 1907

Birth: 5 May 1848 Virginiabirth8

Death: 21 Nov 1907 Sutton, Braxton Co, WVdeath8


Father: John William Lloyd

Mother: Mary A Bowling

BENJAMIN LLOYD - 1797 to 1859

Birth: 1797 Farlow, Shropshire, England.***birth9

Death: July 1859 Penkridge, Staffordshiredeath9


Father: Samuel Lloyd

Mother: Mary Haycock

Benjamin Evan Lloyd - 1883 to 1947

Birth: abt 1883 Virginiabirth10

Death: May 15 1947 Maryland, USAdeath10


Father: Robert W. Loyd

Mother: Mary E Lloyd

Benjamin Frank Lloyd - 1852 to 1948

Birth: 21 Jul 1852 New Jersey, USAbirth11

Death: 1948 New Jersey, USAdeath11


Father: Charles H. Lloyd

Mother: Elizabeth Lee

Benjamin Lloyd - 1871 to 1959

Birth: Jan 1871 Vine Street, Waterloo, Lambeth, Surrey, Englandbirth12

Death: Mar 1959 Lewisham, London, Englanddeath12


Father: Benjamin Lloyd

Mother: Temperance Gray

Benjamin Emory Lloyd - 1831 to 1894

Birth: 05 Nov. 1831 Perry Co. Alabamabirth13

Death: 06 Nov. 1894 Crawford, Co. Arkansasdeath13


Father: William Butler Lloyd

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Hall

Benjamin LLOYD - 1804 to 1860

Birth: 06 Oct 1804 Hancock County, Georgia, USAbirth14

Death: 16 Jan 1860 Greenville, Butler County, Alabamadeath14


Father: John Emery Lloyd

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Gilbert

Benjamin Lloyd - 1837 to 1926

Birth: 29 Mar 1837 Layham, Suffolk, Englandbirth15

Death: 22 Jan 1926 Surrey, Englanddeath15


Father: Timothy King Lloyd

Mother: Mary Holland

Benjamin B. Lloyd - 1823 to 1899

Birth: 9 Mar 1823 Mealywood, Englandbirth16

Death: 14 Jan 1899 Salt Lake, Utahdeath16


Father: Thomas Lloyd

Mother: ANN Edwards

Benjamin LLOYD - 1804 to 1860

Birth: 06 Oct 1804 Hancock County, Georgia, USAbirth17

Death: 16 Jan 1860 Greenville, Butler County, Alabamadeath17


Father: John Emery Lloyd

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Gilbert

Benjamin Franklin Lloyd - 1910 to 1994

Birth: 8 Nov 1910 Virginiabirth18

Death: 2 Apr 1994 Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware, USAdeath18


Father: John Cleveland Lloyd

Mother: Carrie Comer

Benjamin Franklin Lloyd - 1850 to 1905

Birth: 1850 Menard, Illinois, USAbirth19

Death: 10 Sep 1905 Rock Creek, Menard, ILdeath19


Father: Tarleton Lloyd

Mother: Catherine Keltner

Benjamin LLoyd - 1821 to 1885

Birth: abt 1821 Madeley, Broseley, Shropshire, Englandbirth20

Death: Jan 1885 Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Englanddeath20


Father: Edmund Lloyd

Mother: Mary Pott

Benjamin Lloyd - 1899 to 1942

Birth: 22 Apr 1899 Georgiabirth21

Death: 21 Jun 1942 Fulton County, Georgia, USAdeath21


Father: Benjamin Lloyd

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Yarbrough

Benjamin Lloyd - 1800 to 1870

Birth: 1800 St Botolphs, Bishopsgate, Londonbirth22

Death: 6th November 1870 27 Bevenden Streetdeath22


Father: Stephen Lloyd

Mother: Mary Parker

Benjamin Lloyd - 1869 to 1955

Birth: Feb 1869 New Jersey, USAbirth23

Death: 24 Dec 1955 Arnold, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USAdeath23


Father: William Lloyd

Mother: Hannah Maria Simpkins

Benjamin Lloyd - 1831 to 1912

Birth: 26 Jun 1831 Englandbirth24

Death: 1 Apr 1912 Mulmur, Dufferin, Ontario, Canadadeath24


Father: Benjamin William Lloyd

Mother: Harriet Bromley

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