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Results for "Benjamin Turner"

1 - 25 of 3,702 Records

Benjamin Turner - 1849 to 1926

Birth: 22 SEP 1849 Leeds, St Peter (Leeds Parish Church), Yorkshire, Englandbirth0

Death: 29 DEC 1926 Carmel, Monterey, CAdeath0


Father: William Turner

Mother: Mary Ann Bell

Benjamin Walter Turner - 1857 to 1926

Birth: 02 Jan 1857 Marshall County, IAbirth1

Death: 12 Jan 1926 Pleasant Valley, ORdeath1


Father: Walter Turner

Mother: Martha Sims

Benjamin Turner - 1864 to 1921

Birth: 15 Jul 1864 Goosawater Dist, Gordon, Georgia, United Statesbirth2

Death: 14 Apr 1921 Moreland, Pope, Arkansas, United Statesdeath2


Father: Mathias Staten Turner

Mother: Nancy Chastain

Benjamin 1862 Turner - 1862 to 1935

Birth: Sep 1862 Alabamabirth3

Death: Jan 1935 Covington, Alabamadeath3


Father: Benjamin Turner

Mother: Eliza Turner

Benjamin Turner - 1901 to 1986

Birth: 12 Oct 1901 Alabamabirth4

Death: JUNE 03/ 1986 COVINGTON CO. AL.death4


Father: Charles B Turner

Mother: Elizabeth Stephens Turner

Benjamin J. Turner - 1890 to 1979

Birth: 06 Dec 1890 Montgomery County, VAbirth5

Death: 30 Jan 1979 Roanoke, Virginia, United Statesdeath5


Father: Isaac Ellsworth Turner

Mother: Lorouisa Chastain

Benjamin Wyley Turner - 1844 to 1912

Birth: 17 October 1844 Calhoun County, Alabama, USAbirth6

Death: 27 Jul 1912 Jacksonville, Calhoun, Alabama, United Statesdeath6


Father: Benjamin Denny Turner

Mother: Anna Rüdinger Rydinger Ridinger

Benjamin Franklin Turner

Birth: APR Franklin Viginia birth7

Death: 21 Dec 1930 Fayetteville, Fayette, West Virginiadeath7


Father: Samuel Turner

Mother: Elizabeth (Betsy) Saunders

Benjamin F Turner - 1837 to 1884

Birth: 1837 Culpeper Co., VA.birth8

Death: 8 Mar 1884 Madison CH VAdeath8


Father: Catlett Turner

Mother: Mary Back

Benjamin Franklin Turner - 1922 to 2002

Birth: 2 Apr 1922 Virginiabirth9

Death: 26 October 2002 Suffolk, Suffolk City, Virginia, USAdeath9


Father: George Franklin Turner

Mother: Fannie Lillian Grant

Benjamin Greene Turner - 1839 to 1907

Birth: 2 Jun 1839 Needham, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USAbirth10

Death: 12 April 1907 Casper, Natrona, Wyoming, USAdeath10


Father: Lt. John Turner

Mother: Margaret Slee

Benjamin A Turner - 1891 to 1987

Birth: 4 Apr 1891 Lower Alloway Creek, Salem, New Jersey, USAbirth11

Death: 11 Sept 1987 Bridgeton, Cumberland, NJ, USAdeath11


Father: Ephraim Judson Turner

Mother: Maggie P Smith

Benjamin Franklin Turner - 1841 to 1916

Birth: 15 May 1841 Carrollton, Carroll, Missouri, United Statesbirth12

Death: December 1916 Heyburn, Creek, Oklahoma, USAdeath12


Father: William Manly Turner

Mother: Nancy May Philips

Benjamin Penn Turner - 1834 to 1904

Birth: 1834 Shoreditch St Leonard, Englandbirth13

Death: 10 Jun 1904 Seawood Bush, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealanddeath13


Father: James Turner

Mother: Mary

Benjamin P TURNER - 1897 to 1970

Birth: 24 Nov 1897 Indiana, USAbirth14

Death: 11 JUN 1970 Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, USAdeath14


Father: George Washington Turner

Mother: Mary E Deckard

Benjamin R Turner - 1902 to 1973

Birth: 1902 South Carolinabirth15

Death: 2 Jan 1973 Sunset Garden, Spartanburg, South Carolina, USAdeath15


Father: William Alexander Turner

Mother: Lucy Matilda Davis

Benjamin B Turner - 1814 to 1880

Birth: 1814 Tennessee, United Statesbirth16

Death: aft 1880 Bowie, Montague, Texas, USAdeath16


Father: Nathaniel "Nathan" Turner

Mother: Elizabeth Hicks

Benjamin Franklin Turner - 1858 to 1927

Birth: 23 Jan 1858 Georgiabirth17

Death: 2 May 1927 Near Burleson, Johnson, Texas, USAdeath17


Father: John Jefferson Turner

Mother: Martha Henderson

Benjamin Arthur Turner - 1888 to 1965

Birth: 6 October 1888 Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa, USAbirth18

Death: 17 JUN 1965 Sullivan INdeath18


Father: Benjamin Turner

Mother: Elinor Jane Hannon

Benjamin H Turner - 1908 to 1955

Birth: 20 Feb 1908 , Clay, Arkansas, United Statesbirth19

Death: 5 Jun 1955 Nimmons, Clay County, Arkansasdeath19


Father: John Henry Turner

Mother: Luticia Tishie Cantrell

Benjamin F Turner - 1889 to 1967

Birth: 3 Aug 1889 Veteran, Chemung, New York, United Statesbirth20

Death: 2 APR 1967 Horseheads, Chemung, New York, United States of Americadeath20


Father: Edward Martin Turner

Mother: Celia A Miller

Benjamin Turner - 1889 to 1972

Birth: Abt. 1889 Texasbirth21

Death: 5 Jul 1972 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath21


Father: Francis Williamson Turner

Mother: Annie Dorothy Krause

Benjamin Turner - 1883 to 1965

Birth: 1 Jun 1883 Douglassville, Cass, Texas, USAbirth22

Death: 24 December 1965 Linden, Cass, Texas, USAdeath22


Father: William Franklin Turner

Mother: Annette "Haden" Heldt

Benjamin R Turner - 1902 to 1973

Birth: 1902 South Carolinabirth23

Death: 2 Jan 1973 Sunset Garden, Spartanburg, South Carolina, USAdeath23


Father: William Alexander Turner

Mother: Lucy Matilda Davis

Benjamin F Turner - 1889 to 1967

Birth: 3 Aug 1889 Veteran, Chemung, New York, United Statesbirth24

Death: 2 APR 1967 Horseheads, Chemung, New York, United States of Americadeath24


Father: Edward Martin Turner

Mother: Celia A Miller

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