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Results for "Bessie Draper"

1 - 25 of 141 Records

Bessie Faye Draper - 1928 to 2015

Birth: August 1928 Northampton County, North Carolina, USAbirth0

Death: August 2015 Northampton County, North Carolina, USAdeath0


Father: Luther Rose Draper

Mother: Annie Cornelia Futrell

Bessie Mae Draper - 1895 to 1989

Birth: 21 Dec 1895 Ozan, Arkansasbirth1

Death: 13 Jul 1989 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USAdeath1


Father: York E Draper

Mother: Lucy Pauline Tollette-Draper

Bessie Faye Draper - 1928 to 2015

Birth: August 1928 Northampton County, North Carolina, USAbirth2

Death: August 2015 Northampton County, North Carolina, USAdeath2


Father: Luther Rose Draper

Mother: Annie Cornelia Futrell

Bessie Mae Draper - 1895 to 1989

Birth: 21 Dec 1895 Ozan, Arkansasbirth3

Death: 13 Jul 1989 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USAdeath3


Father: York E Draper

Mother: Lucy Pauline Tollette-Draper

Bessie Draper - 1892 to 1923

Birth: 10 Jun 1892 Delawarebirth4

Death: 23 Jan 1923 Greensboro, Caroline County, Marylanddeath4


Father: Charles W Draper

Mother: Nettie Williamson

Bessie Mary Draper - 1873 to 1935

Birth: October 1873 Fareham, Hampshire, Englandbirth5

Death: 2 Feb 1935 Isle of Wight, Englanddeath5


Father: James Stephen DRAPER

Mother: Agnes? SPARSHOTT

Bessie Draper - 1892 to 1923

Birth: 10 Jun 1892 Delawarebirth6

Death: 23 Jan 1923 Greensboro, Caroline County, Marylanddeath6


Father: Charles W Draper

Mother: Nettie Williamson

Bessie Mary Draper - 1873 to 1935

Birth: October 1873 Fareham, Hampshire, Englandbirth7

Death: 2 Feb 1935 Isle of Wight, Englanddeath7


Father: James Stephen DRAPER

Mother: Agnes? SPARSHOTT

Bessie Draper - 1891 to 1988

Birth: 10 Jan 1891 , , Indiana, USAbirth8

Death: 14 Jul 1988 Decatur County, Indiana, USAdeath8


Father: Thomas J Draper

Mother: Clara A Clark

Bessie Draper - 1889 to 1919

Birth: 9 JAN 1889 Colfax, Whitman, Washington, USAbirth9

Death: 29 Jan 1919


Father: Ralph Ellsworth Draper

Mother: Dulcina Shirrell

Bessie Draper - 1889 to 1919

Birth: 9 JAN 1889 Colfax, Whitman, Washington, USAbirth10

Death: 29 Jan 1919


Father: Ralph Ellsworth Draper

Mother: Dulcina Shirrell

Bessie Draper - 1895 to 1958

Birth: abt 1895 Redbourn, Hertfordshire, Englandbirth11

Death: Sep 1958 St Albans, Hertfordshire, Englanddeath11


Father: George Henry Draper

Mother: Elizabeth Hobbs

Bessie Draper - 1885

Birth: 23/Dec/1885 Montana,USbirth12

Death: Not Available Victoria, BCdeath12


Father: Frank C Draper

Mother: Carrie Stigan

Bessie Draper - 1898 to 1988

Birth: abt 1898 City of Londonbirth13

Death: 4 Oct 1988 Reg. Canterbury, Kent, Englanddeath13


Father: George Draper

Mother: Eliza Sarah Spackman

Bessie Louisa Draper - 1907 to 2001

Birth: 27 Sep 1907 Camberwell, Londonbirth14

Death: Dec 2001 Harlow, Essex, Englanddeath14


Father: William Charles Draper

Mother: Alice Shields

Bessie Draper - 1894 to 1967

Birth: 1894 Bowral, New South Wales, Australiabirth15

Death: 13 June 1967 Late of Lakemba, New South Wales


Father: Frederick Alexander McDougall Draper

Mother: Lima Margaret Bisland MARSHALL

Bessie Mabel Draper - 1881 to 1946

Birth: 28 Mar 1881 Hazel Dell, Pottawattamie, Iowa, United Statesbirth16

Death: 13 Jan 1946 Seattle, King, Washingtondeath16


Father: Paul Draper

Mother: Margaret Benton

Bessie Louise Draper - 1882 to 1944

Birth: 02 APR 1882 Farwell, Clare Co., MIbirth17

Death: 30 JUN 1944 Davison, Genesse Co., MIdeath17


Father: William Draper

Mother: Lucinda A. Shires Delong

Bessie Virginia Draper - 1886 to 1972

Birth: 12 Aug 1886 Marylandbirth18

Death: Sept 1972 Elkton, Cecil, Maryland, USAdeath18


Father: George W. Draper

Mother: Kathryn Janney

Bessie Irene Draper - 1891 to 1919

Birth: April 1891 Washingtonbirth19

Death: January 1919


Father: Ralph Ellsworth Draper

Mother: Dulcina Shirrell

Bessie M Draper - 1900 to 1980

Birth: 25 Nov 1900 Gainesboro, Jackson, Tennessee, United Statesbirth20

Death: 22 April 1980 Gainesboro, Jackson, Tennessee, USAdeath20


Father: William Matthew Draper

Mother: Sophronia 'Fronia' Jones

Bessie Louise Draper - 1882 to 1944

Birth: 02 Apr 1882 Farwell, Clare County, Michigan, USAbirth21

Death: 30 Jun 1944 Davison, Genesee County, Michigan, USAdeath21


Father: William or Willis C Draper

Mother: Lucinda A. Shires Delong

Bessie Draper - 1919 to 2001

Birth: 1919/03/10 Wellington, Utahbirth22

Death: 23 APR 2001 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co, Utah, USAdeath22


Father: Melvin A Draper

Mother: Ella Nora White

Bessie Clay Draper - 1881 to 1962

Birth: 1881 Kentuckybirth23

Death: 1962 Newton, Jasper, Iowa, United Statesdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Bessie Clay Draper - 1881 to 1962

Birth: 1881 Kentuckybirth24

Death: 1962 Newton, Jasper, Iowa, United Statesdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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