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Results for "Betty Plummer"

1 - 25 of 145 Records

Betty Jean Plummer - 1927 to 2007

Birth: 6 Sep 1927 Ashville Bun, North Carolinabirth0

Death: 10 Jan 2007 Cincinnati, Hamilton, OHdeath0


Father: John B Plummer

Mother: Alice B. Becker

Betty Jean Plummer - 1927 to 2007

Birth: 6 Sep 1927 Ashville Bun, North Carolinabirth1

Death: 10 Jan 2007 Cincinnati, Hamilton, OHdeath1


Father: John B Plummer

Mother: Alice B. Becker

Betty J Plummer - 1928 to 1968

Birth: 13 July 1928 Montanabirth2

Death: 16 Nov 1968 Hill, Montanadeath2


Father: James Bruce Plummer

Mother: Mildred Estella Pease

Betty Jane Plummer - 1920 to 2001

Birth: 28 Oct 1920 Near Wolcott Indianabirth3

Death: 4 May 2001 Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USAdeath3


Father: Ray Albert Plummer

Mother: Ada Ellen Foster

Betty B Plummer - 1914 to 1988

Birth: 24 Feb 1914 Oklahoma City, Oklahomabirth4

Death: 30 Apr 1988 San Diegodeath4


Father: Arthur E Barrett

Mother: Helen E Muller

Betty Jane Plummer - 1920 to 2001

Birth: 28 Oct 1920 Near Wolcott Indianabirth5

Death: 4 May 2001 Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USAdeath5


Father: Ray Albert Plummer

Mother: Ada Ellen Foster

Betty Jeanne Plummer - 1918 to 2001

Birth: 7 July 1918 Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, USAbirth6

Death: 21 July 2001 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath6


Father: Chester A Plummer

Mother: Edna Alice Jones

Betty Lou Plummer - 1925 to 1999

Birth: 14 Feb 1925 Anderson, Madison, Indiana, USAbirth7

Death: 25 Jun 1999 Anderson, Madison, Indiana, USAdeath7


Father: Clifford Plummer

Mother: Mary A Mauck

Betty Ann Plummer - 1925 to 2004

Birth: 3 Sep 1925 Park Rapids, Hubbard, Minnesota, USAbirth8

Death: 18 Jun 2004 LaCrosse, LaCrosse, WI, USAdeath8


Father: Earl George PLUMMER

Mother: Olivia K schuman

Betty Plummer - 1928 to 2013

Birth: 24 Apr 1928 Portlandbirth9

Death: 13 Aug 2013 Portlanddeath9


Father: Jess Jewell Gard

Mother: Margaret Gard

Betty Mable Plummer - 1923

Birth: 7 Jul 1923 Johnstown, Pa,USAbirth10

Death: Not Available Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath10


Father: Roy Henry Plummer

Mother: Caroline Rose Plummer

Betty Jo Plummer - 1932 to 2007

Birth: 15 Oct 1932 Austin, Travis Co., Texasbirth11

Death: Abt 2007 Texasdeath11


Father: Theodore Plummer

Mother: Lillie Beatrice Larremore

Betty Hansine Plummer

Birth: March Excelsior Springs, Clay, Missouri, USAbirth12

Death: Sept 1962 Excelsior Springs, Clay, Missouri, USAdeath12


Father: Charles H Plummer

Mother: Effie Hockensmith

Betty Jo Plummer - 1931 to 1998

Birth: 14 Feb 1931 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USAbirth13

Death: 14 Jun 1998


Father: Robert Plummer

Mother: Ruby Lee Plummer

Betty Irene Plummer - 1921 to 1984

Birth: 1 Nov 1921 South Bend City, St. Joseph, Indianabirth14

Death: Aug 1984 Walkerton, St Joseph, Indiana, United States of Americadeath14


Father: George Warren Packer

Mother: Bessie Mable Carper

Betty Jane Plummer - 1946 to 1999

Birth: 02 Aug 1946 Altoona, Blair Co., Pennsylvaniabirth15

Death: 8 May 1999 Bayville, Ocean, New Jersey, United States of Americadeath15


Father: Harry Ralph Plummer

Mother: Eleanor Elizabeth Schmidhammer

Betty Doreen Plummer - 1929 to 2015

Birth: 22 Jan 1929 Leicesterbirth16

Death: 25 Jan 2015 Amersham, Hospitaldeath16


Father: James Plummer

Mother: Sarah Catherine Henson

Betty Plummer - 1733

Birth: Jan 1733 Kilmersdon, Somerset, Englandbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Treduy John Plummer

Mother: Mary Habberfield

Betty Voorhees Plummer - 1918 to 1977

Birth: 04 Aug 1918 New Hope, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USAbirth18

Death: 16 Apr 1977 Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey, USAdeath18


Father: Abraham James Voorhees

Mother: Bridget McGuire

Betty Jo Plummer - 1929 to 2000

Birth: 26 Sept 1929 Hohenwald, Tennesseebirth19

Death: 7 June, 2000 Bartlesville, Washington, Oklahoma, USAdeath19


Father: Robert Plummer Senior

Mother: Ethel Pascal Troop

Betty Jean Plummer - 1947 to 2015

Birth: 20 May 1947 Port Lavaca, Calhoun, Texas, USAbirth20

Death: 17 March 2015 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath20


Father: Clifford Charles Plummer

Mother: Cora Eugene Bastian

Betty Lou Plummer - 1923 to 2013

Birth: Aug 1923 Midland, Michiganbirth21

Death: 03 Aug 2013 Midland,Midland County,Michigandeath21


Father: Glenn A. Plummer

Mother: Leona Armelda Rowe

Betty J Plummer - 1948

Birth: abt 1948 Nebraskabirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Gordon Lee Plummer

Mother: Helen Louise Perry

Betty Louise Plummer - 1931 to 1985

Birth: 13 Apr1931 Washingtonbirth23

Death: 15 Oct 1985 Puyallup, Pierce, Washington, USAdeath23


Father: Harold Nelson Plummer

Mother: Nora G Denn

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