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Results for "Bror Wikberg"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Bror Alex Wikberg - 1903 to 1982

Birth: 5 JAN 1903 Luleå stadbirth0

Death: Aug 1982 Junction City, Geary, Kansas, USAdeath0


Father: Ruben Wilhelm Wikberg

Mother: Anna Holmqvist

Bror Paul Wikberg - 1877

Birth: 16 OCT 1877 Ofvansjö

Death: Not Available


Father: Jona E Wikberg

Mother: Carolina Margareta Sundman

Bror Albert Wikberg - 1905

Birth: 18 Dec 1905 Överluleå, Norrbotten, Swedenbirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Petter August Larsson

Mother: Maria Nilsson

Bror Alex Wikberg - 1903 to 1982

Birth: 5 JAN 1903 Luleå stadbirth3

Death: Aug 1982 Junction City, Geary, Kansas, USAdeath3


Father: Ruben Wilhelm Augustsson

Mother: Anna Holmqvist

Bror Eliel Wikberg - 1915 to 1916

Birth: 18 jul 1915 Kårsta, Indalbirth4

Death: 30 jan 1916 Kårsta, Indaldeath4


Father: Johan Emil Wikberg

Mother: Hildur Katarina Persson

Bror Gottard Wikberg - 1931 to 2000

Birth: 5 May 1931 Slandrom, Frösö, Jämtland, Swedenbirth5

Death: 19 Dec 2000 Slandrom, Frösö, Jämtland, Swedendeath5


Father: Klas Emanuel Hildemar Vikberg

Mother: Alma Katarina Hansson

Bror Einar Wikberg - 1907 to 1945

Birth: 1907/08/07 Stockholms stad, Maria Magdalena församling, Stockholm stad, Sverigebirth6

Death: 1945/11/10 Stockholms stad, Högalids föesamlingdeath6


Father: Karl Engelbrekt Karl Engelbrekt Karl Engelbrekt Hedvall Wikberg Eriksson

Mother: Hulda Maria Skoglund

Bror Paul Wikberg - 1877

Birth: 16 OCT 1877 Ofvansj

Death: Not Available


Father: Jonas Wikberg

Mother: Margaretha Carolina Wikberg Sundman

Bror Anton Wikberg - 1827

Birth: 13/12/1827

Death: Not Available


Father: Johan Andersson

Mother: Stina Nilsdotter

Bror Torsten Wikberg - 1917

Birth: 6 januari 1917 Skog, Gävleborg, Sverigebirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Emma Kristina Wikberg

Bror Erik Wikberg - 1880

Birth: 1880/12/03 Swedenbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Bror Anton Wikberg

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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