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Results for "Carl Gustafsson"

1 - 25 of 6,758 Records

Carl Erik GUSTAFSSON - 1882 to 1966

Birth: abt 1882 Swedenbirth0

Death: 1966 Moline, Rock Island, Illinoisdeath0


Father: Gustaf Eriksson

Mother: Christina Johannesdotter

Carl Axel Gustafsson - 1860 to 1946

Birth: 31 Jul 1860 Arvika, Varmland, Sweden Stora Aby parishbirth1

Death: 27 Jun 1946 St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minndeath1


Father: Old Grandpa Renstrom

Mother: Old Gradma Unknown

Carl Gustafsson - 1886 to 1967

Birth: 23 August 1886 Port Vue, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth2

Death: 7 November 1967 Frewsburg, Chautauqua County, New York, USAdeath2


Father: Charles Gustafson

Mother: Augusta Sophia Woldth

Carl Axel Gustafsson - 1860 to 1946

Birth: 31 Jul 1860 Arvika, Varmland, Sweden Stora Aby parishbirth3

Death: 27 Jun 1946 St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minndeath3


Father: Old Grandpa Renstrom

Mother: Old Gradma Unknown

Carl Johan Gustafsson - 1873 to 1961

Birth: 09/19/1873 Wexio Swedenbirth4

Death: 12/24/1961 Sacramento, Sacramento, California, USAdeath4


Father: Anders Pihl

Mother: Ida Kristina Andersdotter

Carl Eskil Gustafsson - 1877 to 1927

Birth: 18 Sep 1877 Warna, Ostergotland, Swedenbirth5

Death: 18 Feb 1927 Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, USAdeath5


Father: Johan August Gustafsson

Mother: Augusta Carolina Holmgren

Carl Axel Gustafsson - 1860 to 1946

Birth: 31 Jul 1860 Arvika, Varmland, Sweden Stora Aby parishbirth6

Death: 27 Jun 1946 St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minndeath6


Father: Old Grandpa Renstrom

Mother: Old Gradma Unknown

Carl Eskil Gustafsson - 1877 to 1927

Birth: 18 Sep 1877 Warna, Ostergotland, Swedenbirth7

Death: 18 Feb 1927 Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, USAdeath7


Father: Johan August Gustafsson

Mother: Augusta Carolina Holmgren

Carl Johan Gustafsson - 1878 to 1945

Birth: 13 Mar 1878 Saltvik, Döderhult, Kalmar, Swedenbirth8

Death: 28 December 1945 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa USAdeath8


Father: Sven Johan Gustafson

Mother: Mathilda Sofia Larsson

Carl Erik GUSTAFSSON - 1882 to 1966

Birth: abt 1882 Swedenbirth9

Death: 1966 Moline, Rock Island, Illinoisdeath9


Father: Gustaf Eriksson

Mother: Christina Johannesdotter

Carl Gustafsson - 1846 to 1923

Birth: Jan 16,1846 Swedenbirth10

Death: 12 Oct 1923 Oakland, Burt, Nebraska, USAdeath10


Father: GUSTAF Johan Jonsson

Mother: Clara Charlotta Knutsdotter

Carl Gottfrid Gustafsson - 1877 to 1932

Birth: 16 SEP 1877 Skolhuset

Death: 28 Apr 1932 Saint Louis, Minnesotadeath11


Father: Peter Carlsson Melén

Mother: Hilda Svensson

Carl Ivar Gustafsson - 1890 to 1950

Birth: 9 Mar 1890 Brogård, Vedåsa Västergård, Agunnaryd, Kronoberg, Sverigebirth12

Death: 26 Juni 1950 Bronx, New York City, New York, USAdeath12


Father: Sven Gustaf Johannesson

Mother: Lisa Petersdotter

Carl Vilhelm Gustafsson - 1872 to 1921

Birth: 4 OCT 1872 Norra Mörkaskog, Sjösås, Kronobergs länbirth13

Death: 24 Sep 1921 Seattle, King, Washington, United Statesdeath13


Father: Gustaf Jonasson Ek

Mother: Louisa Magnusdotter

Carl Vilhelm Gustafsson - 1872 to 1921

Birth: 4 OCT 1872 Norra Mörkaskog, Sjösås, Kronobergs länbirth14

Death: 24 Sep 1921 Seattle, King, Washington, United Statesdeath14


Father: Gustaf Jonasson Ek

Mother: Louisa Magnusdotter

Carl Vilhelm Gustafsson - 1872 to 1921

Birth: 4 OCT 1872 Sjösås, Kronoberg, Swedenbirth15

Death: 24 Sep 1921 Seattle, King, Washington, United Statesdeath15


Father: Johan Gustaf Johannesson

Mother: Marta Christina Gabrielsdotter

Carl Oscar Gustafsson - 1883 to 1957

Birth: abt 1883 Swedenbirth16

Death: 30 Dec 1957 Chicago , Cook County,Illinois, USAdeath16


Father: Gustaf Larsson

Mother: Anna Laradotter


Birth: 19 Sep 1862 Kalmar Lan, Swedenbirth17

Death: 9 Aug 1935 Alsip, Cook, Illinoisdeath17


Father: Gustaf Wilhelm Gustafsson

Mother: Christina Johannesdotter Mast

Carl Oscar Gustafsson - 1883 to 1957

Birth: abt 1883 Swedenbirth18

Death: 30 Dec 1957 Chicago , Cook County,Illinois, USAdeath18


Father: Gustaf Larsson

Mother: Anna Laradotter

Carl Oscar Gustafsson - 1883 to 1957

Birth: abt 1883 Swedenbirth19

Death: 30 Dec 1957 Chicago , Cook County,Illinois, USAdeath19


Father: Gustaf Larsson

Mother: Anna Laradotter

Carl Gustafsson - 1859 to 1923

Birth: Mar 1859 Swedenbirth20

Death: 1923 New York, USAdeath20


Father: Carl Gustaf Gustafsson

Mother: Catharina Charlotta Stenius

Carl Victor GUSTAFSSON - 1860 to 1920

Birth: 18 OCT 1860 Lerbäck (T)birth21

Death: 27 Sep 1920 Alameda, California, USAdeath21


Father: GUSTAF Fredric Larsson

Mother: Anna Sofia Andersdotter

Carl Gustaf Gustafsson - 1828 to 1911

Birth: 16 Nov 1828 Österåker (AB), Swedenbirth22

Death: 10 Mar 1911 Plutach, New York, USAdeath22


Father: Gustaf Persson

Mother: Johanna Nilsdotter

Carl August Gustafsson - 1837 to 1916

Birth: 2 aug 1837 Smedby, Österåkerbirth23

Death: 27 Dec 1916 Öster Åkers, Stockholm, Sverigedeath23


Father: Gustaf Jansson

Mother: Anna Brita Andersdotter

Carl Gustafsson - 1850 to 1920

Birth: 2 Februari 1850 Östad, Västra Götaland, Sverigebirth24

Death: 26 Juni 1920 Vrån, Östad, Västra Götaland, Sverigedeath24


Father: Gustaf Larsson

Mother: Beata Johannisdottier

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