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Results for "Caroline Ayers"

1 - 25 of 179 Records

Caroline Ayers - 1825 to 1896

Birth: 2 Jul 1825 Tennessee, USAbirth0

Death: 3 Dec 1896 Dogwood, Mississippi, Missouri, USAdeath0


Father: Rev Ayres

Mother: Elizabeth James

Caroline Ayers - 1877 to 1971

Birth: 13 January 1877 Orangeburg County, South Carolina, USAbirth1

Death: 28 October 1971 Charleston, Charleston County, South Carolina, USAdeath1


Father: Dr. Ayers

Mother: Jane M. Jones

Caroline Ayers - 1877 to 1971

Birth: 13 January 1877 Orangeburg County, South Carolina, USAbirth2

Death: 28 October 1971 Charleston, Charleston County, South Carolina, USAdeath2


Father: Dr. Ayers

Mother: Jane M. Jones

Caroline "Carrie" Ayers - 1874 to 1968

Birth: May 3, 1874 Mt Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USAbirth3

Death: 15 Oct 1968 Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Alfred Abraham Ayers

Mother: Caroline Elizabeth Adams

Caroline Ayers - 1829 to 1908

Birth: 05 Aug 1829 Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England.birth4

Death: Oct 1908 Greater London, London, Middlesex, United Kingdomdeath4


Father: Robert Ayars

Mother: Jane Rayfield

Caroline E Ayers - 1834 to 1908

Birth: abt 1834 Pennsylvaniabirth5

Death: april 9, 1908 Philadelphia, PAdeath5


Father: John Ayres

Mother: Caroline Drake

Caroline VanMeter Ayers - 1868 to 1945

Birth: 9 MAY 1868 Bridgeton, Cumberland Co, New Jerseybirth6

Death: after 1945 Bridgeton, Cumberland Co. NJdeath6


Father: Jonathan Davis Ayars

Mother: Lydia N WHITAKER

Caroline Ayers - 1829 to 1908

Birth: 05 Aug 1829 Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England.birth7

Death: Oct 1908 Greater London, London, Middlesex, United Kingdomdeath7


Father: Robert Ayars

Mother: Jane Rayfield

Caroline VanMeter Ayers - 1868 to 1945

Birth: 9 MAY 1868 Bridgeton, Cumberland Co, New Jerseybirth8

Death: after 1945 Bridgeton, Cumberland Co. NJdeath8


Father: Jonathan Davis Ayars

Mother: Lydia N WHITAKER

Caroline Cate Ayers - 1827 to 1904

Birth: Apr 1827 New Hampshire, USAbirth9

Death: 30 Mar 1904 Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USAdeath9


Father: Charles Deering Ayers

Mother: Olive Johnston

Caroline O Ayers - 1820 to 1875

Birth: 1820 Portsmouthbirth10

Death: 22 May 1875 Portsmouth, New Hampshiredeath10


Father: Samuel Batchelder

Mother: Abigail March Norton

Caroline Ayers - 1826 to 1859

Birth: abt 1826 Bedfordshire, Englandbirth11

Death: 1859


Father: John Ayers

Mother: Sarah

Caroline Ayers - 1891 to 1968

Birth: 28 Aug 1891 Oklahomabirth12

Death: 15 Apr 1968 Wagoner, Wagoner, Oklahoma, USAdeath12


Father: Benjamin F Ayers

Mother: Ella Rounds

Caroline Fern Ayers - 1892 to 1981

Birth: 10 Jun 1892 Colorado, USAbirth13

Death: Jun 1981


Father: Charles Ayers

Mother: Caroline Fornell

Caroline Fern Ayers - 1892 to 1981

Birth: 10 Jun 1892 Colorado, USAbirth14

Death: Jun 1981


Father: Charles Ayers

Mother: Caroline Fornell

Caroline Ayers - 1842

Birth: abt 1842 Ionian Islands, Greecebirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: William Eyers

Mother: Hester Allcock

Caroline E. Ayers - 1847 to 1892

Birth: 1847 Schuylkill County, Pennsylvaniabirth16

Death: 7 December 1892 Mount Carmel, Northumberland County, Pennsylvaniadeath16


Father: Abram Ayers

Mother: Ann Russell

Caroline Ayers - 1842

Birth: abt 1842 Ionian Islands, Greecebirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: William Eyers

Mother: Hester Allcock

Caroline Ayers - 1849 to 1923

Birth: 30 May 1849 Lancaster County, Pennsylvaniabirth18

Death: 9 Oct 1923 Honey Brook, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath18


Father: James Ayres

Mother: Mary McKown

Caroline Ayers - 1824 to 1897

Birth: 26 Oct 1824 Ithaca, Tompkins, New York, United Statesbirth19

Death: 30 Jun 1897 Burton, Washington, Texasdeath19


Father: David Ayers

Mother: Ann M Smith

Caroline Ayers - 1806 to 1885

Birth: 06 Nov 1806 South Carolina, USAbirth20

Death: 1885 Arkansas, USAdeath20


Father: William Ayers

Mother: Mary Agnes Bolling

Caroline C. Ayers - 1840 to 1919

Birth: 24 Jul 1840 Venengo County, Pennsylvaniabirth21

Death: 1919/07/17 Wilton Junction,Cedar,Iowa,USAdeath21


Father: John B Ayres

Mother: Rachel Wonders

Caroline M Ayers - 1829 to 1896

Birth: 21 Feb 1829 Pennsylvania, USAbirth22

Death: 26 Jul 1896 Ashland County, Ohio, USAdeath22


Father: David Ayers

Mother: Nancy Miller

Caroline Ayers - 1821 to 1850

Birth: 05/02/1821 Greenville, South Carolinabirth23

Death: 27 Aug 1850 Gilmer County. GAdeath23


Father: Reuben Ayres

Mother: Mary Roberts

Caroline Ayers - 1825 to 1876

Birth: 10 Mar 1825 Maryland, USAbirth24

Death: 1 Nov 1876 Deshler, Henry, Ohio, United Statesdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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