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Results for "Carrie Plummer"

1 - 25 of 87 Records

Carrie Plummer - 1857 to 1939

Birth: May 1857 Three Rivers, St. Joseph County, Michigan, United States of Americabirth0

Death: 16 JUN 1939 Fabius Township, Saint Joseph, Michigandeath0


Father: Peter Smith Plummer

Mother: Nancy Ann Eddy

Carrie Plummer - 1901 to 1982

Birth: 7 Nov 1901 Arkansasbirth1

Death: 13 Sep 1982 Los Angelesdeath1


Father: Nathaniel Gray

Mother: Eliza Jane Powell

Carrie Lilian Plummer - 1883 to 1963

Birth: 28 Jul 1883 Hendricks, Indianabirth2

Death: 21 May 1963 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USAdeath2


Father: John Plummer

Mother: Elvira Catherine Gill - Plummer

Carrie E. Plummer - 1855 to 1938

Birth: 1855 Jefferson, Lincoln Co.,Mainebirth3

Death: 1938 Lovell, Oxford, Maine death3


Father: William E. Plummer

Mother: Caroline E. Eaton

Carrie Jeane Plummer - 1962 to 1981

Birth: 5 Dec 1962 Hamilton, Butler, Ohio, USAbirth4

Death: 20 Dec 1981 Fort Lauderdale, Broward, Floridadeath4


Father: Ralph William Plummer

Mother: Doris Evelyn Wagner

Carrie F Plummer - 1861 to 1936

Birth: 21 July, 1861 Newark, Essex, New Jersey, USAbirth5

Death: 1936 Newark, Essex, New Jersey, USAdeath5


Father: Benjamin Eli Burr

Mother: Margaret Anna Aschenbach

Carrie Plummer - 1864 to 1957

Birth: 3 May 1864 Mainebirth6

Death: 30 Aug 1957 Groton, Caledonia, Vermontdeath6


Father: William Plummer

Mother: Olive Morrison

Carrie Louisa Plummer - 1883 to 1963

Birth: 15 January 1883 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, United States of Americabirth7

Death: 17 May 1963 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, United States of Americadeath7


Father: William Henry Harrison Plummer

Mother: Louisa POEHLER

Carrie Blossom Plummer - 1901 to 2000

Birth: 5 Jul 1901 Tiffany, Dunn, Wisconsin, USAbirth8

Death: 30 Dec 2000 Cooperstown, Griggs, North Dakotadeath8


Father: David B. Plummer

Mother: Mary King

Carrie E. Plummer - 1862

Birth: abt 1862 New Hampshirebirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: William Henry Plummer

Mother: Eliza A Carlton

Carrie Plummer - 1891 to 1927

Birth: 1891 New Yorkbirth10

Death: 2 May 1927 Ridgeway, New York, USAdeath10


Father: George W Plumer

Mother: Mary Smith

Carrie Plummer - 1878 to 1935

Birth: 23 Dec 1878 Campton, Grafton, New Hampshirebirth11

Death: 23 May 1935 Plymouth, Grafton, New Hampshire, USAdeath11


Father: John Haynes PLUMMER

Mother: Ellen Locke Russell

Carrie J Plummer - 1890 to 1927

Birth: Sep 1890 Ridgeway, Orleans, New York, United Statesbirth12

Death: 2 May 1927 Ridgeway, New York, USAdeath12


Father: George W Plumer

Mother: Mary E. Smith

Carrie Alice Plummer - 1862 to 1921

Birth: 2 Nov 1862 Lake, Marinette, Wisconsin, United Statesbirth13

Death: Aug 15, 1921 Sacred Heart, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USAdeath13


Father: Samuel Lane Plummer

Mother: Eunice Craig Belknap

Carrie Elizabeth Plummer - 1888 to 1949

Birth: 1888 Syracuse City, Onondaga, New Yorkbirth14

Death: 1949


Father: Richard T. "Dick" Plummer

Mother: Eunice Whipple

Carrie E Plummer - 1876 to 1945

Birth: 14 Sep 1876 Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USAbirth15

Death: 9 July 1945 Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USAdeath15


Father: John Franklin Plummer

Mother: Alice R Stanley

Carrie V Plummer - 1861 to 1874

Birth: Abt. 1861 Detroit, Somerset, Maine, United Statesbirth16

Death: 4 Sep 1874 Maine, United Statesdeath16


Father: John W Plummer

Mother: Clarrisa M. Plummer

Carrie Plummer - 1868 to 1885

Birth: Abt. 1868 Massachusetts, USAbirth17

Death: 29 Dec 1885 Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath17


Father: Plumber

Mother: Isannah Ellen Goldwaith

Carrie Alice Plummer - 1883 to 1983

Birth: 10 Jun 1883 Le Grand Township, Marshll, Iowabirth18

Death: 24 Mar 1983 Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, United States of Americadeath18


Father: Anthony Augustus Plummer

Mother: Ellen Ora 'Ella' Leech

Carrie Plummer - 1884 to 1972

Birth: 5 Jul 1884 North Carolinabirth19

Death: 11 Aug 1972 Warrenton, Warren, North Carolina, USAdeath19


Father: Dudley Plummer

Mother: Isabella Robinson

Carrie Plummer - 1882 to 1904

Birth: 02/Jan/1882 Indianabirth20

Death: 07/Oct/1904 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, USAdeath20


Father: Erastus Plummer

Mother: Corene Scott

Carrie Elizabeth Plummer - 1893 to 1977

Birth: 1 March 1893 North Carolinabirth21

Death: 17 Nov 1977 Concord, Cabarrus, North Carolina, United Statesdeath21


Father: William Monroe Plummer

Mother: Mattie C Rheams

Carrie PLUMMER - 1883 to 1977

Birth: FEB 1883 Gasper, Preble, Ohio, USAbirth22

Death: 18 JUL 1977 Montgomery, Ohio, USAdeath22


Father: John Wesley Plummer

Mother: Amy J Plummer

Carrie Emmagene Plummer - 1882 to 1965

Birth: 16 Oct 1882 Missouri, USAbirth23

Death: 13 Jun 1965 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USAdeath23


Father: Abraham Archerson Plummer

Mother: Sarah Isabelle Morehead

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