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Results for "Catharina Haag"

1 - 25 of 479 Records

Catharina Dorothea Haag - 1776 to 1849

Birth: 25 Aug 1776 Waiblingen, Wurttemburg, Germanybirth0

Death: 9 May 1849 Beinstein, Wurttemburg, Germanydeath0


Father: Christian Ludw Haag

Mother: Eva Catharina Hahn Haag

Catharina Haag - 1725 to 1787

Birth: 27 Jun 1725 Bodelshausen, Württemberg ,Germanybirth1

Death: 28 Jul 1787 Bodelshausen, Württemberg ,Germanydeath1


Father: Johannes Haag

Mother: Anna Waldburga Gutbrod

Catharina Haag - 1757 to 1807

Birth: 21 Jul 1757 Singen, Durlach, Badenbirth2

Death: 25 Feb 1807 Singen, Durlach, Badendeath2


Father: Johannes Haag

Mother: Magdalena Kraemer

Catharina Haag - 1759 to 1840

Birth: Bef. 1759 Niederleuken, Saarburg, Rheinland, DEUbirth3

Death: 15 JAN 1840 Leukendeath3


Father: Petri Haag

Mother: Dorothea Kiefer

Catharina Haag - 1852 to 1936

Birth: 1 Feb 1852 Kirrlach, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth4

Death: 1 Jan 1936 Kirrlach, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlanddeath4


Father: Cornel**0420 Haag

Mother: Apollonia*0420*0824 Conrad

Catharina Haag - 1614 to 1688

Birth: 1614 Niederwerrn, Bayern, Deutschlandbirth5

Death: 11 SEP 1688 Niederwerrn, Bayern, Deutschlanddeath5


Father: Clauß Zacharias Haag

Mother: Anna Schmidt

Catharina Margaretha Haag - 1831 to 1870

Birth: 27 Oct 1831 Heuchlingen, Wurttemberg, Germanybirth6

Death: 22 Apr 1870


Father: Georg Michael Haag

Mother: Anna Gronbach

Catharina Elisabetha Haag - 1755 to 1830

Birth: 21 JUN 1755 Rimbachbirth7

Death: 2 MAR 1830


Father: Johann Martin Haag

Mother: Anna Margaretha Schmitt

Catharina Elisabetha Haag - 1802 to 1861

Birth: 02.01.1802 Wüstenrot-Maienfels, Kreis Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth8

Death: 25 Jan 1861


Father: Wilhelm Ludwig Haag

Mother: Anna Magdalena Waldbüsser

Catharina Barbara Haag - 1800 to 1874

Birth: 15 Aug 1800 Kürnbach, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth9

Death: 12 Apr 1874


Father: Thomas Haag

Mother: Maria Christina Vogt

Catharina Elisabetha Haag - 1802 to 1861

Birth: 02.01.1802 Wüstenrot-Maienfels, Kreis Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth10

Death: 25 Jan 1861


Father: Wilhelm Ludwig Haag

Mother: Anna Magdalena Waldbüsser

Catharina Haag - 1846 to 1905

Birth: 7 MAR 1846 Euren, Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschlandbirth11

Death: 20 JUN 1905 Euren, Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschlanddeath11


Father: Andreas HAAG

Mother: Catharinae Fisch

Catharina Haag - 1872 to 1905

Birth: 17 August 1872 Heddesheim, Baden, Germanybirth12

Death: 5 April 1905 Heddesheim, Baden, Germanydeath12


Father: Johann Adam Haag

Mother: Elisabetha Merkel

Catharina Haag - 1816 to 1888

Birth: 11 Feb 1816 Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germanybirth13

Death: 16 Dec 1888 Menasha, Winnebago, Wisconsin, USAdeath13


Father: Jacob Friedrich Haag

Mother: Catharina Schnaebele

Catharina Haag - 1822 to 1900

Birth: November 1822 Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth14

Death: 12 October 1900 Plymouth, Marshall County, Indiana, USAdeath14


Father: Johann Friedrich Haag

Mother: Dorothea Friz

Catharina Haag - 1797 to 1871

Birth: 7 Jan 1797 Durlach, Stadt Karlsruhe, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germanybirth15

Death: 17 April 1871 Marshall County, Indiana, USAdeath15


Father: Michael Haag

Mother: Margaretha Barbara Freyburger

Catharina Friedrika Haag - 1828

Birth: 06 Oct 1828 Gebersheim, Cannstatt, Baden-Wurttenberg Germanybirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Johan Frederhich Haag

Mother: Magdalena Barbara Praehle

Catharina Barbara Haag - 1839 to 1915

Birth: 4 Jul 1839 Heiligenbronn, Germanybirth17

Death: 5 Nov 1915 Galveston Texasdeath17


Father: Johannes Haag

Mother: Anna Kirchnner

Catharina Haag - 1771 to 1834

Birth: 2 Oct 1771 Bodelshausen, Tubingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth18

Death: 6 Jun 1834 Bodelshausen, Tubingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germanydeath18


Father: Georg Haag

Mother: Maria Agnes Staiger

Catharina Haag - 1590 to 1625

Birth: 2 December 1590 Schwaikheim,Neckarkreis,Wuerttembergbirth19

Death: 1625 Schwaikheim, Rems-Murr-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlanddeath19


Father: Martin Haag (10th GGF)

Mother: Katharina Hartmann

Catharina Haag - 1804 to 1834

Birth: 03 Feb 1804 Auerbach, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth20

Death: 02 Feb 1834 Langensteinbach, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germanydeath20


Father: Phillip Haag

Mother: Catharina Goehringer

Catharina Haag - 1737

Birth: 3./3./1737 Unterurbachbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Haag

Mother: Anna Maria Schabel

Catharina Haag - 1817

Birth: 1817 Rastadt, Beresan, Russiabirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Georg Adam Haag

Mother: Katharina Häberle

Catharina Haag - 1836 to 1912

Birth: 27 Aug 1836 Weirweil

Death: 18 Dec 1912 Ihringen, Freiburg, Baden, Germanydeath23


Father: Matthias Mossner

Mother: Anna Maria Fuchs

Catharina HAAG - 1869 to 1900

Birth: 20 AUG 1869 TRÊS COROAS, RS, Brasilbirth24

Death: 13 JUN 1900 Rochedo, IGREJINHA, RS, Brasildeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Catharina KUHLMANN

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