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Results for "Catherine Wood"

1 - 25 of 4,142 Records

Catherine Wood - 1871 to 1958

Birth: 02 Nov 1871 TXbirth0

Death: April 9 1958 Houston, Texasdeath0


Father: Robert Bennett Wood

Mother: Emma Jones

Catherine Wood - 1909 to 1987

Birth: 11 Apr 1909 New Yorkbirth1

Death: Aug 1987 West Babylon, Suffolk, New York, USAdeath1


Father: Raymond J WOOD

Mother: Catherine McCarthy

Catherine Wood - 1833 to 1897

Birth: 1833 Trull, Tauntonbirth2

Death: JAN 1897 Mile End, London, Middlesex, Englanddeath2



Mother: Betty Foxwell

Catherine Jane WOOD - 1827 to 1906

Birth: 3 December 1827 Pennsylvaniabirth3

Death: 14 October 1906 Pennsylvania, USAdeath3


Father: Robert Wood

Mother: Catherine France Wood

Catherine Wood - 1901 to 1962

Birth: abt 1901 Massachusettsbirth4

Death: 20 April 1962 Windsor Locks, Hartford, Connecticutdeath4


Father: Cornelius Spillane

Mother: Nellie Brown

Catherine Wood - 1834 to 1880

Birth: 16 September 1834 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americabirth5

Death: 25 May 1880 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Jonathan Humphreys Wood

Mother: Wilhelmina Ihmsen Jones

Catherine A Wood - 1823 to 1886

Birth: 2 Jun 1823 Virginiabirth6

Death: 8 Jan 1886 Cass, County, Missouri, USAdeath6


Father: Ephraim Wood

Mother: Martha Luck

Catherine Wood - 1871 to 1958

Birth: 02 Nov 1871 TXbirth7

Death: April 9 1958 Houston, Texasdeath7


Father: Robert Bennett Wood

Mother: Emma Jones

Catherine Elizabeth Wood - 1858 to 1920

Birth: 12 Nov 1858 Pendleton, Kentuckybirth8

Death: 21 Nov 1920 Lee, Kentuckydeath8


Father: George Willis Wood

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Perry

Catherine E. Wood - 1841 to 1880

Birth: 1841 Monroe County, Virginia, United Statesbirth9

Death: 1880 Summers, West Virginia, United Statesdeath9


Father: Robert W Wood

Mother: Sarah Frances Anderson

Catherine Wood - 1821 to 1886

Birth: 28 Jan 1821 Islington, Middlesex, Englandbirth10

Death: January 1886 Stroud, Gloucestershire, Englanddeath10


Father: James Wood

Mother: Mary Ann Mason

Catherine Wood - 1855 to 1923

Birth: 12 Mar 1855 Otter, Warren, Iowabirth11

Death: 24 Dec 1923 Longton, Elk, Kansas, USAdeath11


Father: William H. Wood

Mother: Emily Weston

Catherine Elizabeth Wood - 1848 to 1921

Birth: 02 Feb 1848 ,Perry,Ohio,USAbirth12

Death: 02 May 1921 Continental,Putnam,Ohio,USAdeath12


Father: John Joseph Wood

Mother: Margaret Ann Yarger

Catherine Elizabeth Wood - 1848 to 1921

Birth: 02 Feb 1848 ,Perry,Ohio,USAbirth13

Death: 02 May 1921 Continental,Putnam,Ohio,USAdeath13


Father: John Joseph Wood

Mother: Margaret Ann Yarger

Catherine Wood - 1855 to 1923

Birth: 12 Mar 1855 Otter, Warren, Iowabirth14

Death: 24 Dec 1923 Longton, Elk, Kansas, USAdeath14


Father: William H. Wood

Mother: Emily Weston

Catherine Josephine WOOD - 1887 to 1958

Birth: 03 May 1887 Bluff, San Juan, Utah, United Statesbirth15

Death: 12 Jul 1958 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, UTdeath15


Father: Samuel H. Wood

Mother: Josephine Catherine Chatterley

CATHERINE WOOD - 1821 to 1908

Birth: 30 Nov 1821 Dublin, Irelandbirth16

Death: 02 Apr 1908 Alverstoke, Hampshire, Englanddeath16


Father: Robert Wright Wood

Mother: Emily Olivia Trueman

Catherine Wood - 1836 to 1916

Birth: 1836 PAbirth17

Death: 12 Feb 1916 Aleppo, Greene, Pennsylvania death17


Father: John Wood

Mother: Sarah (WOOD)

Catherine Wood - 1891 to 1942

Birth: Jan 1891 Arkansasbirth18

Death: 26 Sep 1942 Springdale, Benton, Arkansas death18


Father: William Newton Wood

Mother: Martha Couch

Catherine Christopher Wood - 1898 to 1996

Birth: 22 Oct 1898 Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pennsylvaniabirth19

Death: 16 Apr 1996 Oliver, Fayette, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath19


Father: Benjamin Wood

Mother: Sadie May Snyder

Catherine Estelle Wood - 1925 to 1998

Birth: 20 Mar 1925 Marylandbirth20

Death: 21 Jun 1998 Ingham County, Michigan, USAdeath20


Father: Henry Wood

Mother: Martha Graves

Catherine Josephine WOOD - 1887 to 1958

Birth: 03 May 1887 Bluff, San Juan, Utah, United Statesbirth21

Death: 12 Jul 1958 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, UTdeath21


Father: Samuel H. Wood

Mother: Josephine Catherine Chatterley

Catherine S. WOOD - 1884 to 1957

Birth: 1884 Idaho, USAbirth22

Death: 20 May 1957 La Grande, Union, Oregon, USAdeath22


Father: Benjamin Franklin Wood

Mother: Mary Nevada Sessions

Catherine S. WOOD - 1884 to 1957

Birth: 1884 Idaho, USAbirth23

Death: 20 May 1957 La Grande, Union, Oregon, USAdeath23


Father: Benjamin Franklin Wood

Mother: Mary Nevada Sessions

Catherine (McCaleb) Wood - 1801 to 1880

Birth: 20 Apr 1801 Mason County, Kentucky, USAbirth24

Death: 13 Dec 1880 Lostant, La Salle, Illinois, USAdeath24


Father: Benjamin Wood

Mother: Lydia Wood

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