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Results for "Charles Draper"

1 - 25 of 1,701 Records

Charles Draper - 1856 to 1936

Birth: 1856 Podington, Bedfordshire, Englandbirth0

Death: Mar 1936 Bedford, Bedfordshire, Englanddeath0


Father: John Draper

Mother: Mary Ann King

Charles Draper - 1858 to 1917

Birth: Apr 1858 Cubbington Leamington Spa Warwickshire Englandbirth1

Death: Jun 1917 Warwick, Warwickshire, Englanddeath1


Father: James Draper

Mother: Esther Boddington

Charles DRAPER - 1849 to 1929

Birth: 14 NOV 1849 Halstead, Essex, Englandbirth2

Death: 22 FEB 1929 Halstead, Essexdeath2


Father: Charles Draper

Mother: Rebecca Pudney

Charles E. Draper - 1866 to 1907

Birth: 1866 Illinois, United Statesbirth3

Death: 7 Apr 1907 Coldwater, Isabella, Michigan, USAdeath3


Father: Asbury E Draper

Mother: Dorothy I Monroe

Charles Alden DRAPER - 1894 to 1967

Birth: 26 Jan 1894 Coloradobirth4

Death: 24 Jul 1967 Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico, United Statesdeath4


Father: Charles Draper

Mother: Effie Honor Clay

Charles Draper - 1858 to 1917

Birth: Apr 1858 Cubbington Leamington Spa Warwickshire Englandbirth5

Death: Jun 1917 Warwick, Warwickshire, Englanddeath5


Father: James Draper

Mother: Esther Boddington

Charles Wilson DRAPER - 1904 to 1967

Birth: 10/13/1904 Indiana, USAbirth6

Death: 9/19/1967 USAdeath6


Father: Albert Ayers Draper

Mother: Florence Rosetta Whiteman

Charles Draper - 1856 to 1935

Birth: 5 February 1856 Illinoisbirth7

Death: 02 Jun 1935 Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa, USAdeath7


Father: Franklin Draper

Mother: Catherine Eliza Weber

Charles Henry Draper - 1851 to 1914

Birth: 23 May 1851 Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth8

Death: 3 June 1914 Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, USAdeath8


Father: Charles Henry Draper

Mother: Abigail Chapman Adams

Charles Newton DRAPER - 1881 to 1923

Birth: 17 JUN 1881 Orel, Wayne, Illinois, USAbirth9

Death: 22 OCT 1923 Orel, Wayne, Illinois, USAdeath9


Father: William Bennett Draper

Mother: Josephine Hooper

Charles Pardee Draper - 1893 to 1990

Birth: 26 Feb 1893 Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, United Statesbirth10

Death: 28 Dec 1990 Avon, Lorain, Ohio, USAdeath10


Father: Francis Draper

Mother: Alvira Caroline Ames

Charles R Draper - 1832 to 1890

Birth: 6 Jun 1832 Rochester, Monroe, New York, USAbirth11

Death: 12 Aug 1890 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath11


Father: Nathan Tinker Draper

Mother: SUSAN B. Brown

Charles E Draper - 1842 to 1926

Birth: May 1842 Ohiobirth12

Death: before1926 Ohiodeath12


Father: Henry Draper

Mother: Susannah Sibley

Charles Draper - 1860 to 1903

Birth: abt 1860 Penshurst, Kent, Englandbirth13

Death: 14 May 1903 Kent, Englanddeath13


Father: William Draper

Mother: Mary Harris

Charles Newton DRAPER - 1881 to 1923

Birth: 17 JUN 1881 Orel, Wayne, Illinois, USAbirth14

Death: 22 OCT 1923 Orel, Wayne, Illinois, USAdeath14


Father: William Bennett Draper

Mother: Josephine Hooper

Charles Ranna Draper - 1849 to 1916

Birth: 3 Jun 1849 Shelbyville, Shelby, Indiana, United Statesbirth15

Death: 18 Oct 1916 Edison, Furnas, Nebraska, United Statesdeath15


Father: Alanson Ranna Draper

Mother: Ann Cossitt Stevens (Draper)

Charles Frederick Draper - 1862 to 1933

Birth: 20 Mar 1862 Sherborne, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth16

Death: Jun 1933 Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, Englanddeath16


Father: George Draper

Mother: Deborah Lane

Charles H. Draper - 1899 to 1989

Birth: Mar 1899 New Yorkbirth17

Death: 18 Jul 1989 Boonton, Morris, New Jersey, USAdeath17


Father: Frederick Draper

Mother: Sarah Ann Prior/pryior

Charles Draper - 1844 to 1925

Birth: Jul 1844 Severn Bridgebirth18

Death: 14 Sep 1925 Muskoka District, Ontario, Canadadeath18


Father: Acel (Asahel) Draper

Mother: Matilda Leopard

Charles E Draper - 1842 to 1926

Birth: May 1842 Ohiobirth19

Death: before1926 Ohiodeath19


Father: Henry Draper

Mother: Susannah Sibley

Charles Draper - 1867 to 1926

Birth: 12 Jun 1867 Clark, Illinois, USAbirth20

Death: 11 Feb 1926 Robinson, Crawford, Illinoisdeath20


Father: Pliney Draper

Mother: Nancy Catherine Gurley

Charles Draper - 1855 to 1878

Birth: abt 1855 New Jerseybirth21

Death: 26 Apr 1878 San Antonio, Rio Madeira, Brazildeath21


Father: Charles Draper

Mother: Mary Palmer

Charles Wilson DRAPER - 1904 to 1967

Birth: 10/13/1904 Indiana, USAbirth22

Death: 9/19/1967 USAdeath22


Father: Albert Ayers Draper

Mother: Florence Rosetta Whiteman

Charles Henry Draper - 1886 to 1935

Birth: 15 Jul 1886 Riverton, Salt Lake, Utahbirth23

Death: 11 Mar 1935 Kaysville, Davis, Utah, United Statesdeath23


Father: George Henry Draper

Mother: Eliza Alice West

Charles H Draper - 1882 to 1957

Birth: Mar 1882 York Twp, Athens County, Ohio, USAbirth24

Death: 1957 Athens, Ohio, USAdeath24


Father: Charles Edmond Draper

Mother: Lucy Dunlap

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