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Results for "Charles Kelly"

1 - 25 of 9,378 Records

Charles Ellsworth Kelly - 1923 to 1984

Birth: 25 Jun 1923 Franklin, Renville, Minnesota, USAbirth0

Death: 15 Nov 1984 Olivia, Renville, Minnesota, USAdeath0


Father: Severt Mathias Kelly

Mother: Margaret Otile Sather

Charles Kelly - 1861 to 1936

Birth: 3 /5 /1861 Aurora, Kane, Illinois, USAbirth1

Death: 1936 Carbona, California, United Statesdeath1


Father: Martin Kelly

Mother: Catherine McMahon

Charles Kelly - 1895 to 1954

Birth: 25 Aug 1895 Mississippibirth2

Death: 9 Sep 1954 Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: George Edward Kelly

Mother: Lou Ella Hilton

Charles Hugh Kelly - 1876 to 1960

Birth: 2 June 1876 Verona, Mo.birth3

Death: 12 May 1960 Greene County, Missouri, USAdeath3


Father: Greenberry C Kelly

Mother: Margaret Munday

Charles Bruce Kelly - 1880 to 1971

Birth: 21 FEB 1880 Leander, Williamson County, Texasbirth4

Death: 9 Oct 1971 Georgetown, Williamson, Texas, United Statesdeath4


Father: Thomas White Kelly

Mother: Mary Tennessee Carpenter

Charles W Kelly - 1913 to 2003

Birth: 8 Feb 1913 Georgiabirth5

Death: 22 Nov 2003 Piedmont, Calhoun, Alabamadeath5


Father: Benjamin B Kelley

Mother: Hattie Josephine Shaw

Charles Kelly - 1856 to 1920

Birth: 28 Feb 1856 Union, Benton, Iowa, United Statesbirth6

Death: 23 Dec 1920 Van Horne, Benton, Iowa, USAdeath6


Father: Bernard Kelly

Mother: Mary Ann Ryan

Charles Edward Kelly - 1914 to 1999

Birth: 20 Jul 1914 Kansas City, Missouribirth7

Death: 23 Mar 1999 Topeka KSdeath7


Father: Edgar Kelly

Mother: Erma L Puntney

Charles Edgar Kelly - 1881 to 1956

Birth: 8 March 1881 Springfield, Sandflat Community Clarke, Alabama, USAbirth8

Death: 14 Sep 1956 Mississippi, USAdeath8


Father: Charles Powell Kelley

Mother: Martha Elizabeth RIVERS

Charles Kelly - 1887 to 1962

Birth: 19 December 1887 Nebraskabirth9

Death: 16 Jun 1962 South Sioux City, Dakota, Nebraska, USAdeath9


Father: William Henry Kelly

Mother: Bertha Emily Robinson

Charles H Kelly - 1878 to 1950

Birth: 21 Nov 1878 Round Grove, Livingston, Illinois, United Statesbirth10

Death: August 15, 1950 Kankakee County, Illinoisdeath10


Father: James Kelly

Mother: Deborah McCully

Charles John Kelly - 1927 to 2007

Birth: 02/28/1927 Braddock, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAbirth11

Death: 08/24/2007 Ormond Beach, Volusia, Florida, USAdeath11


Father: Charles William KELLY

Mother: Marie Rank-Spiegel

Charles Henry Kelly - 1883 to 1980

Birth: 5 Jan 1883 Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio, USAbirth12

Death: 5 Mar 1980 Canfield, Mahoning, Ohio, USAdeath12


Father: Charles H Kelly

Mother: Mary Middleton

Charles Kelly - 1897 to 1987

Birth: 24 Feb 1897 Brigham, Box Elder, Utahbirth13

Death: 1 Oct 1987 Burbank, Los Angeles, California, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Charles KELLY

Mother: Sarah Ann WRIGHTON

Charles Kelly - 1892 to 1954

Birth: abt 1892 United Statesbirth14

Death: 17 June 1954 Groton, Tompkins County, New York, United States of Americadeath14


Father: James Kelly

Mother: Emma Louise Terwilliger

Charles Kelly - 1856 to 1934

Birth: 4 Sep 1856 Usworth Washingtonbirth15

Death: 23 Dec 1934 Washington, Durham, Englanddeath15


Father: Charles Kelly

Mother: Winnifred Unity McCahill

Charles H Kelly - 1870 to 1915

Birth: abt 1870 New Yorkbirth16

Death: 12 Mar 1915 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USAdeath16


Father: Frank Meehan Kelly

Mother: Elizabeth Hastie

Charles Elmer Kelly - 1896 to 1945

Birth: 29 Nov 1896 Bay City, Michiganbirth17

Death: 19 Jun 1945 Lee, Florida, United Statesdeath17


Father: Franklin Kelley

Mother: Ida May Stevens

Charles W Kelly - 1909 to 2000

Birth: 8 Mar 1909 Tennessee, United Statesbirth18

Death: 25 December 2000 Rhea County, Tennessee, USAdeath18


Father: James Kelly

Mother: Mary Painter

Charles Day Kelly - 1839 to 1928

Birth: 19 September 1839 Rumney, Grafton County, New Hampshire, USAbirth19

Death: 4 September 1928 Rumney, Grafton County, New Hampshire, USAdeath19


Father: Elbridge Gerry Kelley

Mother: Mary Ann Osgood

charles kelly - 1905 to 1978

Birth: 1905 Malone, Franklin, New York, USAbirth20

Death: Feb 1978 Malone, Franklin, New Yorkdeath20


Father: James Lyman Kelly

Mother: Eliza M Elliott

Charles H Kelly - 1855 to 1955

Birth: 28 Dec 1855 Market Weighton, Yorkshire, Englandbirth21

Death: 1955 Ontariodeath21


Father: James Hecklay Kell

Mother: Ruth Bielby

Charles Frederick Kelly - 1925 to 1996

Birth: 25 Mar 1925 Conshohocken, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAbirth22

Death: 24 Dec 1996 Norristown, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAdeath22


Father: James Kelly

Mother: Catherine Cecilia Millhouse

Charles Gillespie Kelly - 1900 to 1989

Birth: 31 Oct 1900 Bledsoe County, Tennessee, birth23

Death: 2 May 1989 Clarklake, Jackson, Michigan, USAdeath23


Father: John Crittendon Kelly

Mother: Julia Leona Henson

Charles F Kelly - 1914 to 1996

Birth: 21 Aug 1914 Ellettsville, Indianabirth24

Death: 4 Mar 1996 Speedway, Marion, Indiana, USAdeath24


Father: Charles Franklin Kelly

Mother: Nellie A Livingston

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