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Results for "Charles Willoughby"

1 - 25 of 1,029 Records

Charles Willoughby - 1915 to 1973

Birth: abt 1915 Kentucky, United Statesbirth0

Death: 14 Oct 1973 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United Statesdeath0


Father: Walker Willoughby

Mother: Polly Jane Pelfrey

Charles Leslie Willoughby - 1920 to 1996

Birth: 20 July 1920 Michigan, USAbirth1

Death: May 1996 New Haven CTdeath1


Father: Leslie Long Willoughby

Mother: Evaline Sitts

Charles Stewart WILLOUGHBY - 1885 to 1953

Birth: 22 January 1885 Norwich, Huron, Ohio, USAbirth2

Death: 28 OCT 1953 Iron River, Bayfield, Wisconsin, USAdeath2


Father: Harry Ernest Willoughby

Mother: Mary Birch Stinchfield

Charles James Willoughby - 1860 to 1911

Birth: April 1860 Limehouse, London, England (Stepney)birth3

Death: January 1911 Poplar, Londondeath3


Father: Charles Willoughby

Mother: Mary Todman

Charles Willoughby - 1850 to 1913

Birth: 1850 Boxford, Berkshire, Englandbirth4

Death: 1913 Croydon, Surrey, Englanddeath4


Father: John Willoughby

Mother: Ann Radford

Charles Willoughby - 1936 to 1997

Birth: 14 JUN 1936 Winchester, Clark County, Kentuckybirth5

Death: 27 NOV 1997 Harroldsburg, Mercer County, Kentuckydeath5


Father: Horace Willoughby

Mother: Roxie Ballard

Charles Willoughby - 1875 to 1946

Birth: 09 May 1875 Brentford, Middlesex, Englandbirth6

Death: 1946 Baytown, Harris, Texas, United Statesdeath6


Father: Richard William Willoughby

Mother: Elizabeth Frances Evans

Charles Thornwall Willoughby - 1893 to 1974

Birth: 1893 Horry County, South Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: 1974 Hudson, Florida, USAdeath7


Father: Charles P. Willoughby

Mother: Polly Ann Thompson

Charles Leslie Willoughby - 1920 to 1996

Birth: 20 July 1920 Michigan, USAbirth8

Death: May 1996 New Haven CTdeath8


Father: Leslie Long Willoughby

Mother: Evaline Sitts

Charles O Willoughby - 1917 to 1999

Birth: 17 MAY 1917 Cullman Co., Alabamabirth9

Death: 15 NOV 1999 Cullman Regional Medical Center, Cullman , Alabamadeath9


Father: Comer Wesley Willoughby

Mother: Emily Catherine Harbison

Charles "Curly" Willoughby - 1855 to 1936

Birth: 19 May 1855 Holderness, Grafton, New Hampshire, USAbirth10

Death: 03 Mar 1936 Neligh, Antilope, Nebraska, USAdeath10


Father: Charles H Willoughby

Mother: Annetta B Davis

Charles O Willoughby - 1917 to 1999

Birth: 17 MAY 1917 Cullman Co., Alabamabirth11

Death: 15 NOV 1999 Cullman Regional Medical Center, Cullman , Alabamadeath11


Father: Comer Wesley Willoughby

Mother: Emily Catherine Harbison

Charles P. Willoughby - 1858 to 1928

Birth: 26 Mar 1858 Braxton Co., Virginiabirth12

Death: 08 Jan 1928 Braxton Co, WVdeath12


Father: Isaac Willoughby

Mother: Emily Ann Berry

Charles Willoughby - 1875 to 1946

Birth: 09 May 1875 Brentford, Middlesex, Englandbirth13

Death: 1946 Baytown, Harris, Texas, United Statesdeath13


Father: Richard William Willoughby

Mother: Elizabeth Frances Evans

Charles WILLOUGHBY - 1832 to 1913

Birth: abt 1832 Kidlington, Oxfordshire, Englandbirth14

Death: 1913 Westbromwich Westmidlandsdeath14


Father: William Willoby (Willoughby)

Mother: Anne Rand

Charles Willoughby - 1850 to 1913

Birth: 1850 Boxford, Berkshire, Englandbirth15

Death: 1913 Croydon, Surrey, Englanddeath15


Father: John Willoughby

Mother: Ann Radford

Charles P. Willoughby - 1858 to 1928

Birth: 26 Mar 1858 Braxton Co., Virginiabirth16

Death: 08 Jan 1928 Braxton Co, WVdeath16


Father: Isaac Willoughby

Mother: Emily Ann Berry

Charles E Willoughby - 1930 to 2011

Birth: 28 Jan 1930 Tennessee, USAbirth17

Death: 09 11 2011 Mount Juliet, Wilson, Tennessee, USAdeath17


Father: Andrew Harvey WILLOUGHBY

Mother: Edna Earl Pennington

Charles G Willoughby - 1874 to 1944

Birth: abt 1874 Rotherham, Yorkshire, Englandbirth18

Death: 5 Sep 1944 Sheffield, Yorkshire, Englanddeath18



Mother: Mary GILLATT

Charles Willoughby - 1784 to 1852

Birth: 15 November 1784 Sevenhampton, Wiltshire, Englandbirth19

Death: 1852 Highworth, Wiltshire, Englanddeath19


Father: Charles Willoughby

Mother: Sarah Whiteway

Charles James Willoughby - 1822 to 1875

Birth: 5 Feb 1822 Aspley, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth20

Death: 6 Nov 1875 Basford, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath20


Father: Henry Willoughby

Mother: Charlotte Eyre

Charles Willoughby - 1868 to 1943

Birth: March 1868 Tickhill, Yorkshire, , Englandbirth21

Death: September 1943 Rotherham, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath21


Father: George Henry Willoughby

Mother: Ann Corless

Charles James Willoughby - 1822 to 1875

Birth: 5 Feb 1822 Aspley, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth22

Death: 6 Nov 1875 Basford, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath22


Father: Henry Willoughby

Mother: Charlotte Eyre

Charles E Willoughby - 1930 to 2011

Birth: 28 Jan 1930 Tennessee, USAbirth23

Death: 09 11 2011 Mount Juliet, Wilson, Tennessee, USAdeath23


Father: Andrew Harvey WILLOUGHBY

Mother: Edna Earl Pennington

Charles G Willoughby - 1874 to 1944

Birth: abt 1874 Rotherham, Yorkshire, Englandbirth24

Death: 5 Sep 1944 Sheffield, Yorkshire, Englanddeath24



Mother: Mary GILLATT

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