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Results for "Clarence Willoughby"

1 - 25 of 84 Records

Clarence Oliver Willoughby - 1882 to 1964

Birth: 15 Jul 1882 Joplin, Newton, Missouribirth0

Death: 8 Aug 1964 Byars, McClain, Oklahoma, USAdeath0


Father: Davidson Willoughby

Mother: Mary Ella Bethel, Willoughby

Clarence A Willoughby - 1921 to 1985

Birth: 21 Jul 1921 Montanabirth1

Death: 29 Nov 1985 Silver Bow, Montana, USAdeath1


Father: John Willoughby

Mother: Annie Instance

Clarence W Willoughby - 1928 to 1994

Birth: 8 Jan 1928 Shawnee, Oklahomabirth2

Death: 9 Sep 1994 Temple, Bell, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: Clarence William Willoughby

Mother: Maggie Wantland Willoughby Lentz

Clarence Cleveland Willoughby - 1912 to 1959

Birth: 8 Jun 1912 Hertford, North Carolina, USAbirth3

Death: 22 Mar 1959 Ahoskie, Hertford, North Carolina, USAdeath3


Father: Grover Cleveland WILLOUGHBY

Mother: Mary Odom

Clarence Cleveland Willoughby - 1912 to 1959

Birth: 8 Jun 1912 Hertford, North Carolina, USAbirth4

Death: 22 Mar 1959 Ahoskie, Hertford, North Carolina, USAdeath4


Father: Grover Cleveland WILLOUGHBY

Mother: Mary Odom

Clarence M. Willoughby - 1901 to 1977

Birth: 20 Sep 1901 ,Caroline,Marylandbirth5

Death: 13 JUN 1977 Montgomery, Kentucky,death5


Father: Peter M Willoughby

Mother: Fanny Mae Martin Willoughby

Clarence M. Willoughby - 1901 to 1977

Birth: 20 Sep 1901 ,Caroline,Marylandbirth6

Death: 13 JUN 1977 Montgomery, Kentucky,death6


Father: Peter M Willoughby

Mother: Fanny Mae Martin Willoughby

Clarence Edward WILLOUGHBY - 1944 to 1986

Birth: 02 MAY 1944 Saint Louis, Minnesotabirth7

Death: 06 DEC 1986 Saint Louis, Minnesotadeath7


Father: Carl Ernest Willoughby

Mother: Ethel Lorraine Madsen

Clarence Edward WILLOUGHBY - 1944 to 1986

Birth: 02 MAY 1944 Saint Louis, Minnesotabirth8

Death: 06 DEC 1986 Saint Louis, Minnesotadeath8


Father: Carl Ernest Willoughby

Mother: Ethel Lorraine Madsen

Clarence Edward Willoughby - 1902 to 1977

Birth: 12 Jun 1902 Stisted, Muskoka, Ontario, Canadabirth9

Death: 22 September 1977 Edmonton, Edmonton Census Division, Alberta, Canadadeath9


Father: John James Willoughby

Mother: Mary Ann Webber

Clarence Louis WILLOUGHBY - 1917 to 2005

Birth: 4 OCT 1917 Hertford Co, NCbirth10

Death: 11 OCT 2005 Ahoskie, Hertford Co, NCdeath10


Father: Walter Raleigh Willoughby

Mother: Cilla Laura Hughson

Clarence William Willoughby - 1918 to 2002

Birth: 1 OCT 1918 Ohiobirth11

Death: 10 JUL 2002 Ohiodeath11


Father: William Elmer Willoughby

Mother: Meda Emma Holcomb

Clarence William Willoughby - 1918 to 2002

Birth: 1 OCT 1918 Ohiobirth12

Death: 10 JUL 2002 Ohiodeath12


Father: William Elmer Willoughby

Mother: Meda Emma Holcomb

Clarence E. Willoughby - 1905 to 1979

Birth: 24 May 1905 Pawhuska, Osage, Oklahoma, USAbirth13

Death: 5 Mar 1979 Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, USAdeath13


Father: Clark Hollenback Willoughby

Mother: Blanche Mary Oberlin

Clarence Willoughby - 1918 to 1961

Birth: 1918

Death: 3 Feb 1961 Oglethorpe County, Georgia, USAdeath14


Father: Joseph Oscar Willoughby

Mother: Filo King

Clarence Leonard Willoughby - 1892 to 1918

Birth: 16 Jan 1892 Michigan, USAbirth15

Death: 04 Jun 1918 Lee, Calhoun, Michigan, USAdeath15


Father: Harlon Samuel Willoughby

Mother: Cornell


Birth: 3 February 1870 Sudbury, Hendon, Middlesex, Englandbirth16

Death: 4 OCT 1931 Vancouver, BC, Canadadeath16


Father: Richard Willoughby


Clarence Willoughby - 1825 to 1900

Birth: 1825 Highworth, Wiltshire, Englandbirth17

Death: 31 Jan 1900 Highworth, Willtshire, England


Father: Richard Willoughby

Mother: Charlotte Willoughby

Clarence Harmon "Pete" Willoughby - 1923 to 2008

Birth: 14 Dec 1923 Trumann, Poinsett Co., ARbirth18

Death: 15 Jan 2008 Thayer, Oregon, Missouri, USAdeath18


Father: John Ben Willoughby

Mother: Geneva M “Neva” Dunn

Clarence Willoughby - 1917 to 1982

Birth: 10 Sep 1917 Montgomery, Kentucky, USAbirth19

Death: 21 January 1982 Fayette, Kentuckydeath19


Father: Brack Willoughby

Mother: Dora Parker

Clarence William Jess Pat Willoughby - 1923 to 1982

Birth: 7 Feb 1923 Temple, Bell, Texas, USAbirth20

Death: 8 Jan 1982 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USAdeath20


Father: Clarence William Willoughby

Mother: Maude Tackett

Clarence Alvin Willoughby - 1923 to 2000

Birth: 18 August 1923 Illinoisbirth21

Death: 10 February 2000 Westerville, Franklin County, Ohio, USAdeath21


Father: Noah Willoughby

Mother: Bertha M Adams

clarence william willoughby - 1919 to 1999

Birth: 30/04/1919 St Marys, Auglaize, Ohio, USAbirth22

Death: 24 Nov 1999 St Marys, Auglaize, Ohio, USAdeath22


Father: Clarence W. Willoughby

Mother: ida mae hoagland

Clarence James Willoughby - 1931 to 1983

Birth: 10 Mar 1931 Richmond County, Virginia, USAbirth23

Death: june 13,1983 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Loula Willoughby

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