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Results for "Daniel Mccarthy"

1 - 25 of 8,335 Records

Daniel McCarthy - 1856 to 1935

Birth: Oct 1856 Ireland, Skibereen, County, Cork, Irelandbirth0

Death: jan 14 1935 North Plainfield, Somerset, New Jersey, USAdeath0


Father: Cornelius McCarthy

Mother: Catherine Crowley

Daniel McCarthy - 1856 to 1935

Birth: Oct 1856 Ireland, Skibereen, County, Cork, Irelandbirth1

Death: jan 14 1935 North Plainfield, Somerset, New Jersey, USAdeath1


Father: Cornelius McCarthy

Mother: Catherine Crowley

Daniel C McCarthy - 1914 to 1961

Birth: 10 Mar 1914 Waterloo, Monroe Co., Illinoisbirth2

Death: 27 Apr 1961 Red Bud, Randolph County, Illinoisdeath2


Father: John McCarthy

Mother: Bridget Maher

Daniel Mccarthy - 1871 to 1932

Birth: July 1, 1871 River Forest, Illinoisbirth3

Death: 17 Aug 1932 Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado, USAdeath3


Father: Felix McCarthy

Mother: Elizabeth Gill

Daniel Joseph McCarthy - 1895 to 1990

Birth: 23 Jan 1895 Montanabirth4

Death: 11 Jul 1990 Koochiching, Koochiching, Minnesota, USAdeath4


Father: Michael D. McCarthy

Mother: Hanora (Nora) Sullivan

Daniel Henry McCarthy - 1894 to 1986

Birth: 30 Mar 1894 Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth5

Death: 01 Jun 1986 Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusettsdeath5


Father: Barry Matthew St. George

Mother: Mary McGinnis

Daniel Jay McCarthy - 1922 to 1971

Birth: 29 March 1922 Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois, United States of Americabirth6

Death: 23 August 1971 Red Lodge, Carbon, Montana, USAdeath6


Father: John Cornelius McCarthy

Mother: Florence L Kopplin

Daniel E. McCarthy - 1834 to 1900

Birth: Aug 1834 Bantry, Cork, Irelandbirth7

Death: 10 Nov 1900 Oil City, Venango, Pennsylvania, USAdeath7


Father: Andrew McCarthy

Mother: Margarette Hegarty

Daniel McCarthy - 1917 to 2004

Birth: 22 Nov 1917 Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USAbirth8

Death: 7 Feb 2004 Ocean City, Cape May, New Jersey, USAdeath8


Father: Cornelius Charles McCarthy

Mother: Florence M Moyer

Daniel Aloysious McCarthy - 1884 to 1931

Birth: 1 Aug 1884 New York City, New York, USAbirth9

Death: 1931 New York City (All Boroughs), New York, USAdeath9


Father: Charles J McCarthy

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Quinn

Daniel W. McCarthy - 1845 to 1919

Birth: 11 Oct 1845 Cork, County Cork, Irelandbirth10

Death: 08/13/1919 Mahony City, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath10


Father: John H McCarthy

Mother: Margaret O'Leary

Daniel Francis McCarthy - 1858 to 1920

Birth: 12 Feb 1858 Irelandbirth11

Death: 25 Jul 1920 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath11


Father: Patrick McCarthy

Mother: Catherine Flaherty


Birth: 11 Aug 1920 Massachusettsbirth12

Death: 9 March 1989 3204 Layside Court, Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, 40220death12



Mother: Marie Ellen Kelly

Daniel P McCarthy - 1834 to 1920

Birth: circa 1834 Listowel, Kerry, Irelandbirth13

Death: 05 Feb 1920 Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath13


Father: Callaghan McCarthy

Mother: Mary Pearce Fealy

Daniel McCarthy - 1862 to 1930

Birth: Dec 1862 Georgiabirth14

Death: 7/17/1930 Adel Ga.Cook Co.death14


Father: Daniel McCarthy

Mother: Mary Murphy

Daniel Henry McCarthy - 1894 to 1986

Birth: 30 Mar 1894 Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth15

Death: 01 Jun 1986 Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusettsdeath15


Father: Barry Matthew St. George

Mother: Mary McGinnis

Daniel McCarthy - 1856 to 1935

Birth: Oct 1856 Ireland, Skibereen, County, Cork, Irelandbirth16

Death: jan 14 1935 North Plainfield, Somerset, New Jersey, USAdeath16


Father: Cornelius McCarthy

Mother: Catherine Crowley

Daniel J. McCarthy - 1912 to 2003

Birth: 27 Aug 1912 Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth17

Death: 17 Apr 2003 Gloucester City, Camden, New Jersey, USAdeath17


Father: Daniel Josephine McCarthy

Mother: Alice Cody

Daniel Florence McCarthy - 1836 to 1918

Birth: 4 May 1836 Kileentierna, Kerry, Irelandbirth18

Death: 4 May 1918 Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAdeath18


Father: Florence McCarthy

Mother: Mary Sullivan

Daniel McCarthy - 1886 to 1976

Birth: 07/09/1886 Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland.birth19

Death: 10/11/1976 San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USA.death19


Father: Timothy McCarthy

Mother: Mary Ellen Keannelly

Daniel Mccarthy - 1886 to 1965

Birth: abt 1886 United Statesbirth20

Death: 1965 San Franciscodeath20


Father: Andrew McCarthy

Mother: Johanna Collins

Daniel McCarthy - 1856 to 1935

Birth: Oct 1856 Ireland, Skibereen, County, Cork, Irelandbirth21

Death: jan 14 1935 North Plainfield, Somerset, New Jersey, USAdeath21


Father: Cornelius McCarthy

Mother: Catherine Crowley

Daniel McCarthy - 1876 to 1965

Birth: Oct 1876 Annagh, Sligo, Irelandbirth22

Death: 22 May 1965 Anaconda, Deer Lodge, Montana, USAdeath22



Mother: Ellen Stenson

Daniel F. McCarthy - 1875 to 1960

Birth: abt 1875 Irelandbirth23

Death: 13 Sep 1960 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath23


Father: Florence Daniel McCarthy

Mother: Bridget Leonard

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