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Results for "Digby Willoughby"

1 - 11 of 11 Records

Digby Willoughby - 1844 to 1901

Birth: 17 Jul 1844 Bombay, Indiabirth0

Death: April 1901 Bradfield, Berkshiredeath0



Mother: Emilie Eliza Weekes

Digby Willoughby - 1844 to 1901

Birth: 17 Jul 1844 Bombay, Indiabirth1

Death: April 1901 Bradfield, Berkshiredeath1



Mother: Emilie Eliza Weekes

Digby Willoughby - 1769 to 1856

Birth: 26 Nov 1769 Harworth, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth2

Death: 5 Nov 1856 Basford, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath2


Father: Francis Willoughby

Mother: Octavia Fisher

Digby Willoughby - 1769 to 1856

Birth: 26 Nov 1769 Harworth, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth3

Death: 5 Nov 1856 Basford, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath3


Father: Francis Willoughby

Mother: Octavia Fisher

Digby Michael Godfrey John Willoughby - 1921 to 2011

Birth: 1 MAY 1921 Malton, Yorkshire, Englandbirth4

Death: 27 MAY 2011


Father: Michael Guy Percival Willoughby

Mother: Angela Florence Alfreda Hall

Digby Willoughby - 1911 to 1980

Birth: 11 Nov 1911 Hull,Yorkshire East Riding, United Kingdombirth5

Death: 29 Sep 1980 West Sussexdeath5


Father: Albert Digby Willoughby

Mother: Helena Katherine Kent

Digby Callis Hugh Willoughby - 1921 to 1967

Birth: 2 Sep 1921 Clarendon, Jamaicabirth6

Death: Abt. 1967 Australiadeath6


Father: Hugh Michael Willoughby

Mother: Emily Mona Munn

Digby Edward Willoughby - 1959 to 1982

Birth: 1959 Edmonton, Alberta, Canadabirth7

Death: 10 Nov 1982 Edmonton, Alberta, Canadadeath7


Father: Lawrence Willoughby

Mother: Elizabeth Sadowski

Digby Wentworth Bayard Willoughby - 1844 to 1922

Birth: 24 AUG 1844

Death: 28 MAY 1922


Father: Henry Willoughby

Mother: Julia Louisa Bosville

Digby De Ronteney Willoughby - 1844 to 1901

Birth: 17 Jul 1844 Bombay, Indiabirth9

Death: Jun 1901 Bradfield, Berkshire, Englanddeath9


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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