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Results for "Earl Moffatt"

1 - 20 of 20 Records

Earl F. Moffatt - 1922 to 2012

Birth: 22 Dec 1922 Hartford, Connecticut, USAbirth0

Death: 07 May 2012 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath0


Father: Francis Edward Moffatt

Mother: Frances Frank

Earl Bishop Moffatt - 1890 to 1953

Birth: 29 Jun 1890 Dunmore, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USAbirth1

Death: 16 Nov 1953 Scranton, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USAdeath1


Father: James Christopher Moffatt

Mother: Minnie B Moffatt

Earl Aquila MOFFATT - 1889 to 1972

Birth: 5 Jun 1889 Bartonville, Peoria, Illinois, USAbirth2

Death: Dec 1972 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath2


Father: Franklin Aquilla Moffatt

Mother: Amelia "Millie" TREASURE

Earl Moffatt - 1905 to 1998

Birth: 03 Sep 1905 Philipsburg, Centre, Pennsylvania, USAbirth3

Death: 01 Jul 1998 Philipsburg, Centre co PAdeath3


Father: David A MOFFATT

Mother: Betsy Ellen GRADWELL

Earl Kenneth Moffatt - 1903 to 1991

Birth: 19 Jul 1903 Pillar Point, Dexter, Jefferson Co.,N.Ybirth4

Death: 21 08 1991 Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USAdeath4


Father: David Thomas Moffatt

Mother: Alice M. Gould

Earl Moffatt - 1907 to 1986

Birth: 25 Apr 1907 WVbirth5

Death: Nov 1986 Parcoal, Webster, West Virginia, USAdeath5


Father: George B Moffatt

Mother: Elizabeth Bell Ellison

Earl Crawford Moffatt - 1896 to 1957

Birth: 07 May 1896 New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvaniabirth6

Death: 19 Jan 1957 New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvaniadeath6


Father: Robert Moffatt

Mother: Helen Huff

Earl Moffatt - 1892

Birth: 1892 Illinoisbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: George L Moffatt

Mother: Anna S Moffatt

Earl Moffatt - 1921 to 2012

Birth: 7 Sep 1921 Negaunee, Marquette, Michigan, USAbirth8

Death: 19 Oct 2012 Negaunee, Marquette, Michigan, USAdeath8


Father: Thomas Henry Moffatt

Mother: Helme Hilne Hilme E (Jaakii Jacksi Jaaske Jaaksi) Moffat, Lawer

Earl Baldwin Moffatt - 1955

Birth: 1955

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Richardson Moffatt

Mother: Elaine Charlotte Baldwin

Earl Moffatt - 1880

Birth: 1880 New Yorkbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Oren Moffatt

Mother: Sarah "Sadie" Houghtaling / Hotaling

Earl C Moffatt - 1916

Birth: abt 1916 Indianabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: James Moffatt

Mother: Minnie Lydia Blevins

Earl Moffatt - 1893 to 1994

Birth: ABT 1893 Cape Breton,Nova Scotia,Canadabirth12

Death: BEF 1994


Father: William Johnston Moffatt

Mother: Mary Symons MacLean

Earl Leroy Moffatt - 1931 to 2013

Birth: 19/May/1931

Death: 2013


Father: Grant Moffatt

Mother: Katherine May Huntley

Earl Moffatt - 1929 to 2000

Birth: 11 Aug 1929

Death: 2 Aug 2000 Trentondeath14


Father: George Henry Moffatt

Mother: Agnes Hester Orton

Earl Edward Moffatt - 1864 to 1864

Birth: 1864

Death: 1864


Father: Aquilla Moffatt

Mother: Mary Ball

Earl Samuel Moffatt - 1915 to 1982

Birth: Oct 12 1915 Primeville, ORbirth16

Death: Jun 9 1982 Surrey, BCdeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Earl Moffatt - 1846

Birth: abt 1846 Ithaca, NYbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Earl Moffatt

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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