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Results for "Edith Plummer"

1 - 25 of 316 Records

Edith Mae Plummer - 1916 to 1998

Birth: 01Jan1916 Sandford, Maine, USAbirth0

Death: 02Jan1998 Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Florida, USAdeath0


Father: Howard Luther Plummer

Mother: Caroline Etta Jewell

Edith Viola Plummer - 1898 to 1944

Birth: 14 March 1898 Dayton, Webster, Iowa, USAbirth1

Death: 13 Jun 1944 Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas, USAdeath1


Father: Edmond Jesse Adams

Mother: Ida Louise Grimm Adams

Edith Viola Plummer - 1898 to 1944

Birth: 14 March 1898 Dayton, Webster, Iowa, USAbirth2

Death: 13 Jun 1944 Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas, USAdeath2


Father: Edmond Jesse Adams

Mother: Ida Louise Grimm Adams

Edith Effee Plummer - 1864 to 1942

Birth: Dec 1864 Mile End Old Town, London, United Kingdombirth3

Death: 6 Dec 1942 east Ham, Essex, Englanddeath3


Father: Robert Clough Plummer

Mother: Lydia Constable

Edith Brunette Plummer - 1914 to 1969

Birth: 14 Apr 1914 Cedar Hill, Dallas, Texas, USAbirth4

Death: 12 Oct 1969 Arlington, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath4


Father: Rufus Comer Plummer

Mother: Ophelia CLAYTON

Edith Effee Plummer - 1864 to 1942

Birth: Dec 1864 Mile End Old Town, London, United Kingdombirth5

Death: 6 Dec 1942 east Ham, Essex, Englanddeath5


Father: Robert Clough Plummer

Mother: Lydia Constable

Edith Lydia Plummer - 1876 to 1952

Birth: January 1876 Camberwell, London, Englandbirth6

Death: 1952 Croydon, Surrey, Englanddeath6


Father: Albert Plummer

Mother: Louisa Norris

Edith Plummer - 1873 to 1956

Birth: 1873 Marylandbirth7

Death: 3 November 1956


Father: Robert Plummer

Mother: Keziah Eliza Peddicord

Edith Plummer - 1873 to 1956

Birth: 1873 Marylandbirth8

Death: 3 November 1956


Father: Robert Plummer

Mother: Keziah Eliza Peddicord

Edith A. Plummer - 1916 to 2008

Birth: 22 Apr 1916 Massachusettsbirth9

Death: 2/24/2008 braintree, norfolk, massachusetts, usadeath9


Father: James Leonard

Mother: Sarah Burns

Edith Claire Plummer - 1885 to 1947

Birth: 22 AUG 1885 Massachusetbirth10

Death: 31 JUL 1947 Providence, RIdeath10


Father: Frederick Wallace Plummer

Mother: Addie Louise Marden

Edith A Plummer - 1880 to 1967

Birth: abt 1880 Missouribirth11

Death: 1967


Father: Rufus William Ames

Mother: Frances Workman

Edith A Plummer - 1880 to 1967

Birth: abt 1880 Missouribirth12

Death: 1967


Father: Rufus William Ames

Mother: Frances Workman

Edith Emily Plummer - 1871 to 1956

Birth: 1871 Battersea, Londonbirth13

Death: Apr 1956 Islington, London, Englanddeath13


Father: Richard Walter Plummer

Mother: Emily Matilda Baillie

Edith Kate Plummer - 1885 to 1968

Birth: October 1885 Plumstead, Londonbirth14

Death: Jun 1968 Eastbourne, Sussexdeath14


Father: Edward Arthur Plummer

Mother: Mary Jane Blake

Edith Mary Plummer - 1890 to 1947

Birth: 18 Aug 1890 Hickling, Norfolk, Englandbirth15

Death: 20 May 1947 Norwich, Norfolk, Englanddeath15


Father: John Plummer

Mother: Ann Elizabeth Bargewell

Edith Emily Plummer - 1871 to 1956

Birth: 1871 Battersea, Londonbirth16

Death: Apr 1956 Islington, London, Englanddeath16


Father: Richard Walter Plummer

Mother: Emily Matilda Baillie

Edith Kate Plummer - 1885 to 1968

Birth: October 1885 Plumstead, Londonbirth17

Death: Jun 1968 Eastbourne, Sussexdeath17


Father: Edward Arthur Plummer

Mother: Mary Jane Blake

Edith V Plummer - 1912 to 1987

Birth: abt 1912 Marylandbirth18

Death: 23 June 1987 Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, United States of Americadeath18


Father: William Edward Plummer

Mother: Emma P Willin

Edith Emily Plummer - 1871 to 1956

Birth: 1871 Battersea, Londonbirth19

Death: Apr 1956 Islington, London, Englanddeath19


Father: Richard Walter Plummer

Mother: Emily Matilda Baillie

Edith Mary Plummer - 1890 to 1947

Birth: 18 Aug 1890 Hickling, Norfolk, Englandbirth20

Death: 20 May 1947 Norwich, Norfolk, Englanddeath20


Father: John Plummer

Mother: Ann Elizabeth Bargewell

Edith V Plummer - 1912 to 1987

Birth: abt 1912 Marylandbirth21

Death: 23 June 1987 Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, United States of Americadeath21


Father: William Edward Plummer

Mother: Emma P Willin

Edith H Plummer - 1879 to 1965

Birth: 7 February 1879 Michiganbirth22

Death: 26 September 1965


Father: Alonzo Plummer

Mother: Ellen Deborah Hawkes

Edith Mae Plummer - 1932 to 2014

Birth: 08 Dec 1932 Burnt Cabins, Fulton County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth23

Death: 17 March 2014


Father: Harry Seigler Locke

Mother: Hadessa Clymans

Edith H Plummer - 1879 to 1965

Birth: 7 February 1879 Michiganbirth24

Death: 26 September 1965


Father: Alonzo Plummer

Mother: Ellen Deborah Hawkes

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