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Results for "Edward Krok"

1 - 14 of 14 Records

Edward Stanley KROK - 1915 to 1987

Birth: 17 JUL 1915 Zaborow, Polandbirth0

Death: 30 Aug 1987 Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USAdeath0


Father: Joseph Krok

Mother: Sophia Flaga

Edward Stanley KROK - 1915 to 1987

Birth: 17 JUL 1915 Zaborow, Polandbirth1

Death: 30 Aug 1987 Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USAdeath1


Father: Joseph Krok

Mother: Sophia Flaga

Edward Krok - 1920 to 1992

Birth: 10 Aug 1920 Kenosha, Kenosha, Wisconsin, USAbirth2

Death: 4 Jan 1992 Kenosha, Kenosha, Wisconsin, USAdeath2


Father: Steve Krok

Mother: Mary Krok

Edward Anthony Krok - 1921 to 1980

Birth: About 1921 Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USAbirth3

Death: About 1980 Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, USAdeath3


Father: Michael Krok

Mother: Sophia Krok

Edward Krok - 1937 to 2007

Birth: 08 Sep 1937 Elizabeth, Union County, New Jersey, United States of Americabirth4

Death: Oct 2007


Father: Edward Stanley Krok

Mother: Gizela Catherine PENCAK

Edward F Krok - 1946 to 1995

Birth: 18 Jul 1946 New Hampshirebirth5

Death: about 1995 Marylanddeath5


Father: Edward Anthony Krok

Mother: Doris Loretta Duclo

Edward W Krok - 1931 to 2014

Birth: 25 September 1931 Warren, Belmont, Ohio, USAbirth6

Death: 30 July 2014 Mineral Ridge, Trumbull, Ohio, USAdeath6


Father: Jozsef G (Joseph) Krok

Mother: Theresa Pantesz Krok

Edward Krok - 1928

Birth: 1928 New Jerseybirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Krok

Mother: Anna Krok

Edward Krok - 1948

Birth: abt 1948 Connecticutbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Ignatius J. Krok

Mother: Jennie C. Krok

Edward Krok - 1913

Birth: Abt 1913 Chicago, Cook, ILbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Bart Krok

Mother: Antoinette Sowa

Edward Krok - 1915

Birth: abt 1915 Pennsylvaniabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Frank (Franciszek) Krok

Mother: Mary A (Maria) Glod

Female IconMale Icon

Edward Krok

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Verna Lois Stevens

Edward Krok - 1915 to 1986

Birth: 1915 Polandbirth12

Death: 1986


Father: Joseph Krok

Mother: Not Available

Edward Anthony Krok

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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