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Results for "Eliza Crawford"

1 - 25 of 1,546 Records

Eliza Crawford - 1838 to 1919

Birth: Jun 1838 Walpole Marsh, Norfolk, Englandbirth0

Death: 15 July 1919 65 North Brink, Wisbech (home of Phoebe)death0


Father: George Greenwood

Mother: Jane Marshall

Eliza Alfreda Crawford - 1853 to 1930

Birth: abt 1853 Bennington, VTbirth1

Death: 2 Oct 1930 Vermont, USAdeath1


Father: Silas R Watson

Mother: Electa Crawford

Eliza Crawford - 1820 to 1888

Birth: 11 April 1820 Hamburg, Erie, New York, USAbirth2

Death: 26 May 1888 Chesterton, Porter, Indiana, USAdeath2


Father: Israel Sly

Mother: Rachel H Van Ness

Eliza Jane CRAWFORD - 1823 to 1910

Birth: 29 Jun 1823 Tennessee, United Statesbirth3

Death: 6 Jan 1910 Paw Paw, Sequoyah, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath3


Father: John Crawford

Mother: Mary Waters

Eliza E Crawford - 1851 to 1917

Birth: May 1851 Gibson County, Indiana, United Statesbirth4

Death: 24 May 1917 Eureka, Greenwood County, Kansas, United Statesdeath4


Father: William H. Crawford

Mother: Margaret Yeager

Eliza Ann Crawford - 1823 to 1901

Birth: 18 Nov 1823 Tennessee, USAbirth5

Death: 25 Aug 1901 Holt, Clay, Missouri, United Statesdeath5


Father: William Smith Crawford

Mother: Jane Elizabeth Reed Crawford

Eliza J Crawford - 1825 to 1900

Birth: 25 Apr 1825 Drummaul Parish, Antrim Co., Irelandbirth6

Death: 14 Jul 1900 Herrick, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, USAdeath6


Father: James Crawford

Mother: Mary Holmes Crawford

Eliza E Crawford - 1851 to 1917

Birth: May 1851 Gibson County, Indiana, United Statesbirth7

Death: 24 May 1917 Eureka, Greenwood County, Kansas, United Statesdeath7


Father: William H. Crawford

Mother: Margaret Yeager

Eliza Crawford - 1838 to 1919

Birth: Jun 1838 Walpole Marsh, Norfolk, Englandbirth8

Death: 15 July 1919 65 North Brink, Wisbech (home of Phoebe)death8


Father: George Greenwood

Mother: Jane Marshall

Eliza Tennessee Crawford - 1876 to 1945

Birth: 23 Aug 1876 Webster, Missouri, USAbirth9

Death: Oct 1945 Ozark, Missouri, USAdeath9


Father: John Martin Crawford

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Rice

Eliza Ann Crawford - 1821 to 1875

Birth: 16 APR 1821 New Yorkbirth10

Death: 26 Mar 1875 Ray (Macomb) Michigandeath10


Father: Enoch Crawford

Mother: Content Parks

Eliza Crawford - 1844 to 1919

Birth: 12 Feb 1844 Monroe County, Ohiobirth11

Death: 1919 Unknown


Father: James S Crawford

Mother: Sarah Aduddell

Eliza Cordelie Crawford - 1869 to 1953

Birth: 2 Dec 1869 Indianabirth12

Death: 2 Nov 1953 Shepherdsville, Bullitt, Kentucky, United States death12


Father: William Edward Crawford

Mother: Sally Anderson

Eliza Jane Crawford - 1841 to 1913

Birth: 10 Jun 1841 La Porte, La Porte, Indiana, USAbirth13

Death: April 20, 1913 Pine Grove, Portage, Wisconsin, USAdeath13


Father: David Crawford

Mother: Sarah Sally Webb

Eliza Jane CRAWFORD - 1823 to 1910

Birth: 29 Jun 1823 Tennessee, United Statesbirth14

Death: 6 Jan 1910 Paw Paw, Sequoyah, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath14


Father: John Crawford

Mother: Mary Waters

Eliza Crawford - 1828 to 1902

Birth: 11 Oct 1828 Ayrshire, Scotlandbirth15

Death: 13 May 1902 JoDavies County, Illinois, United Statesdeath15


Father: William Crawford

Mother: Margaret McCole

Eliza J Crawford - 1889 to 1946

Birth: est 1889 Mississippi, USAbirth16

Death: 9 Aug 1946 Dekalb, Mississippi, USAdeath16


Father: George Read

Mother: Rachel Holmes

Eliza Jane Crawford - 1821 to 1912

Birth: Jun 1821 South Carolinabirth17

Death: 1912 Abbeville County, South Carolina, United Statesdeath17


Father: John Crawford

Mother: Ann Phifer Crawford

Eliza Cordelie Crawford - 1869 to 1953

Birth: 2 Dec 1869 Indianabirth18

Death: 2 Nov 1953 Shepherdsville, Bullitt, Kentucky, United States death18


Father: William Edward Crawford

Mother: Sally Anderson

Eliza J Crawford - 1889 to 1946

Birth: est 1889 Mississippi, USAbirth19

Death: 9 Aug 1946 Dekalb, Mississippi, USAdeath19


Father: George Read

Mother: Rachel Holmes

Eliza Crawford - 1854 to 1943

Birth: 10 Mar 1854 Scioto County, Ohio, USAbirth20

Death: 29 Jan 1943 Cabell County, West Virginia, USAdeath20


Father: George Washington Sanders

Mother: Sarah Hawkins

Eliza Etna Crawford - 1874 to 1958

Birth: 2 Jan 1874 Robertson, Kentucky, USAbirth21

Death: 11 Jun 1958 Portsmouth, Scioto, Ohio, USAdeath21


Father: Vance Valentine Crawford

Mother: Mary Jane Riggs

Eliza Etna Crawford - 1874 to 1958

Birth: 2 Jan 1874 Robertson, Kentucky, USAbirth22

Death: 11 Jun 1958 Portsmouth, Scioto, Ohio, USAdeath22


Father: Vance Valentine Crawford

Mother: Mary Jane Riggs

Eliza Alfreda Crawford - 1853 to 1930

Birth: abt 1853 Bennington, VTbirth23

Death: 2 Oct 1930 Vermont, USAdeath23


Father: Silas R Watson

Mother: Electa Crawford

Eliza Crawford - 1842 to 1910

Birth: 31 Dec 1842 Mississippibirth24

Death: 4 Dec 1910 Texas, USAdeath24


Father: William Hamilton Crawford

Mother: Sarah Ann Strahan

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