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Results for "elizabeth peebles"

Name: Elizabeth Cornelia Peebles

Birth: 10 May 1830 North Carolina, United States

Death: 13 Jul 1920 Gordo, Pickens County, Alabama

Father: John Peebles

Mother: Elizabeth Orren Peebles

Name: Elizabeth Mcpike Peebles

Birth: 26 May 1896 Kentucky, USA

Death: 1 Dec 1973 San Diego, San Diego, California, United States of America

Father: John William Peebles

Mother: Ann Marie Hereford

Name: Elizabeth W. Peebles

Birth: abt 1849 North Carolina

Death: 1894 Kinston, Lenoir, North Carolina

Father: John Henry Peebles

Mother: Harriett Cobb

Name: Elizabeth Peebles

Birth: 13 Aug 1877 Sheffield, Ashtabula, Ohio

Death: 15 Feb 1944 Lakewood, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Father: George W. PEEBLES

Mother: Ellen Mary Chidester

Name: Elizabeth Peebles

Birth: 25 Sep 1897 Aurora, Indiana

Death: 30 May 1978 Jensen Beach, Martin, Florida, United States of America

Father: Richard Pretlow Peebles

Mother: Helen Orange Baker

Name: Elizabeth Amanda Peebles

Birth: 1836 Medina County, Ohio, USA

Death: 14 Jan 1908 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio USA

Father: John Watson Peebles

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Eaton

Name: Elizabeth PEEBLES

Birth: 18 Jul 1882 Fayette County, Iowa, USA

Death: 1970 Iowa, USA

Father: Willis Watson Peebles

Mother: Charlotte Augusta PARKE

Name: Elizabeth Peebles

Birth: ABT. 1815 Kershaw Co, South Carolina

Death: 1868 Polk, Texas, USA

Father: William "Billy" Peebles

Mother: Elizabeth Coxwell

Name: Elizabeth Peebles

Birth: 1792 Georgia, United States

Death: 1867 Glascock, Georgia, United States

Father: Thomas Peebles

Mother: Martha "Patsy" Lockhart

Name: Elizabeth PEEBLES

Birth: abt 1844 Otsego County, New York

Death: 02 Jun 1926 Seattle, King County, Washington

Father: Hugh Peebles

Mother: Emeline Palmer

Name: Elizabeth Peebles

Birth: Abt. 1878 Maryland, USA

Death: Jan 26, 1950 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: David Peebles

Mother: Janet Stewart

Name: Elizabeth Peebles

Birth: 1812 Dundee, forfarsh

Death: 10/01/1866 103 Perth Road Dundee

Father: Thomas Peebles

Mother: Elizabeth Scott

Name: Elizabeth E. Peebles

Birth: 1820 Pennsylvania

Death: 24 MAR 1898 Pultney Twp, Belmont Co, OH


Mother: Ann

Name: Elizabeth Peebles

Birth: 26dec1919 Woodstock, Ontario, Canada

Death: Jan 2007 Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Father: William Thomas PEEBLES

Mother: Edna Isobel Deverell

Name: Elizabeth Kathleen Peebles

Birth: 1895 South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Death: 1966 Rosa, Victoria, Australia.

Father: James Peebles

Mother: Josephine Rowsell

Name: Elizabeth Peebles

Birth: 25 Mar 1778 Pr. George County, Virginia

Death: 18 Jan 1843 Liberty, Clinton, Ohio

Father: John C Peebles

Mother: Mary Peebles

Name: Elizabeth Peebles

Birth: 27 Oct 1828 South Carolina

Death: 12 Apr 1852 Peebles Family Cemetary - Lee Co., S.C.

Father: Lewis Peeples

Mother: Sarah Peebles

Name: Elizabeth Peebles

Birth: 1725 Surry, Virginia

Death: 1829 Brunswick County, Virginia

Father: Jehu Peebles

Mother: Mary Abigail Burton

Name: Elizabeth Wylie PEEBLES

Birth: 1896 Redfern NSW

Death: 13 May 1973 Caringbah, New South Wales, Australia

Father: Hugh Peebles


Name: Elizabeth Lumsden Peebles

Birth: 15 Sept 1880 Largo, Fife, Scotland

Death: 22 Mar 1934 Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, Union of South Africa

Father: George Peebles

Mother: Margaret Carstairs

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