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Results for "Ella Westbrook"

1 - 25 of 99 Records

Ella Westbrook - 1888 to 1983

Birth: Apr 1888 Arkansasbirth0

Death: August 12, 1983 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevadadeath0


Father: Henry Westbrook

Mother: Margaret J Gregg

Ella Westbrook - 1888 to 1983

Birth: Apr 1888 Arkansasbirth1

Death: August 12, 1983 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevadadeath1


Father: Henry Westbrook

Mother: Margaret J Gregg

Ella Westbrook - 1888 to 1983

Birth: Apr 1888 Arkansasbirth2

Death: August 12, 1983 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevadadeath2


Father: Henry Westbrook

Mother: Margaret J Gregg

Ella D Westbrook - 1880 to 1962

Birth: Dec 1880 West Virginiabirth3

Death: 1962 Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, USAdeath3


Father: Josiah Pendleton Westbrook

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Conklin

Ella D Westbrook - 1880 to 1962

Birth: Dec 1880 West Virginiabirth4

Death: 1962 Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, USAdeath4


Father: Josiah Pendleton Westbrook

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Conklin

Ella D Westbrook - 1880 to 1962

Birth: Dec 1880 West Virginiabirth5

Death: 1962 Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, USAdeath5


Father: Josiah Pendleton Westbrook

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Conklin

Ella Westbrook - 1856 to 1920

Birth: 8 November 1856 Green Lake County, Wisconsin, USAbirth6

Death: 1920


Father: Charles Edward Westbrook

Mother: Phoebe A Genung

Ella A. Westbrook - 1848 to 1937

Birth: 10 Jul 1848 Seneca, NYbirth7

Death: 17 Mar 1937


Father: Peter M Westbrook

Mother: Phoebe Munson

Ella Westbrook - 1875 to 1913

Birth: 25 November 1875 Laurens County, Georgia, United States of Americabirth8

Death: 9 Mar 1913 Fivay, Pasco Cty, FLdeath8


Father: William Henry Westbrook

Mother: Gertrude O Millirons

Ella O'Brian Westbrook - 1881 to 1950

Birth: 17 May, 1881 Illinoisbirth9

Death: 1950 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath9


Father: James O'Brian

Mother: Mary Doles O'Brian

Ella M Westbrook - 1858 to 1926

Birth: abt 1858 Pennsylvaniabirth10

Death: 1926


Father: Anthony Wall

Mother: Maria A Sheard

Ella Virginia Westbrook - 1853 to 1930

Birth: 15 Dec 1853 Americus, Sumter, Georgiabirth11

Death: 12 Sep 1930 Americus, Sumter, Georgiadeath11


Father: Thomas W Westbrook

Mother: Martha E Stanton

Ella Parmelia Westbrook - 1868 to 1945

Birth: 6 Nov 1868 Bell County, Texas, USAbirth12

Death: 02 Jul 1945 Live Oak Cemetary, Brady, MuCulloch Codeath12


Father: James Oliver Westbrook

Mother: Delana Ann Angelina Blair

Ella C. Westbrook - 1859 to 1889

Birth: 2 Jun 1859 Kosciusko, Attala Co., MSbirth13

Death: 23 Jun 1889 West Of Wolfe City, Hunt Co., TXdeath13


Father: Barney Blackburn Westbrook

Mother: Eliza Frances Christian

Ella Beela Westbrook - 1871 to 1958

Birth: 10 Apr 1871 Cherokee County, Alabama, United States of Americabirth14

Death: 07 Dec 1958 Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabamadeath14


Father: Pinckney Alexander DNA Westbrook

Mother: Elizabeth Kerenhappuch Craig

Ella Clara Westbrook - 1868 to 1931

Birth: 13 May 1868 Letts, Louisa County, Iowa, United States of Americabirth15

Death: 4 March 1931 Muscatine, Muscatine County, Iowa, United States of Americadeath15


Father: Daniel Harrison Westbrook

Mother: Malinda Wagner

Ella Anne Westbrook - 1874 to 1931

Birth: Abt. 1874 Houstonia, Pettis, Missouri, USAbirth16

Death: 8 Dec 1931 Sedalia, Missouri, USAdeath16


Father: Richard Vester Westbrook

Mother: Minerva Ann Buie

Ella E Westbrook - 1880 to 1964

Birth: 1 May 1880 Coos River, Coos County, Oregon, USAbirth17

Death: 8 May 1964 Santa Clara, Santa Clara, Californiadeath17


Father: Henry Chapman Flook

Mother: Mary Emily Smith

Ella V. Alva Westbrook - 1875 to 1913

Birth: 25 November 1875 Laurens County, Georgia, USAbirth18

Death: 9 March 1913 Laurens County, Georgia, USAdeath18


Father: William Henry Westbrook

Mother: Gertrude O Millirons

Ella B Westbrook - 1872 to 1874

Birth: 1872 Mississippibirth19

Death: 1874 Mississippideath19


Father: James Richard Westbrooke

Mother: Jennie Lynn Stephens

Ella Graham Westbrook - 1890 to 1971

Birth: 14 Dec 1890 clermont, floridabirth20

Death: 14 Dec 1971 Clermont, Lake, Florida, United States of Americadeath20


Father: Daniel Jonathan Westbrook

Mother: Jessie Marcilla Nattie Kemp

Ella B Westbrook - 1915 to 1942

Birth: abt 1915 Mississippibirth21

Death: 2 Jun 1942 Memphis, Shelby, Tennesseedeath21


Father: Francis "Frank" Gray Westbrook

Mother: Tennessee C Vanderfoot

Ella S. Westbrook - 1857 to 1943

Birth: 03 May 1857 Middlebury, Tioga, Pennsylvaniabirth22

Death: 25 Feb 1943 Lake Placid, Essex, New Yorkdeath22


Father: William J WESTBROOK

Mother: Mary E Butler

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