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Results for "Ellen Westbrook"

1 - 25 of 136 Records

Ellen Westbrook - 1918 to 1986

Birth: 4 Jun 1918 Altonah, Duchesne, Utah, United Statesbirth0

Death: 29 Dec 1986 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, United Statesdeath0


Father: Francis William Westbrook

Mother: Frances Emeline Barney

Ellen Westbrook - 1918 to 1986

Birth: 4 Jun 1918 Altonah, Duchesne, Utah, United Statesbirth1

Death: 29 Dec 1986 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, United Statesdeath1


Father: Francis William Westbrook

Mother: Frances Emeline Barney

Ellen (Ella) Westbrook - 1847 to 1922

Birth: 16 Mar 1847 Pennsylvaniabirth2

Death: 17 Mar 1922


Father: Isaac Westbrook

Mother: Deborah Smith

Ellen Marie Westbrook - 1930 to 2007

Birth: 28 Oct 1930 Pennsylvania, USAbirth3

Death: 5 Apr 2007 Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania, USAdeath3


Father: Galen H. Westbrook

Mother: Sarah I. Bowerman

Ellen Westbrook - 1886 to 1947

Birth: abt 1886 Orpington, Kent, Englandbirth4

Death: 15 Aug 1947 Bromley, London, Englanddeath4


Father: George William Westbrook

Mother: Eliza Ann Harris

Ellen Westbrook - 1864 to 1924

Birth: Q4 1864 Hambledon, Hampshirebirth5

Death: July 25 1924 Summerland, British Columbia, Canadadeath5


Father: Henry R Westbrook

Mother: Mary Griffin

Ellen Westbrook - 1878 to 1951

Birth: 3 Nov 1878 Limehouse, Middlesex, Englandbirth6

Death: 12 Jan 1951 4 Preston Road, North End, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, United Kingdomdeath6


Father: William James Westbrook

Mother: Emma Harris

Ellen Westbrook - 1864 to 1924

Birth: Q4 1864 Hambledon, Hampshirebirth7

Death: July 25 1924 Summerland, British Columbia, Canadadeath7


Father: Henry R Westbrook

Mother: Mary Griffin

Ellen Westbrook - 1878 to 1951

Birth: 3 Nov 1878 Limehouse, Middlesex, Englandbirth8

Death: 12 Jan 1951 4 Preston Road, North End, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, United Kingdomdeath8


Father: William James Westbrook

Mother: Emma Harris

Ellen Denby Westbrook - 1952 to 2011

Birth: 4 Jan 1952 Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, USAbirth9

Death: 3 Jan 2011


Father: John Alton Westbrook

Mother: Helen Elizabeth King

Ellen Denby Westbrook - 1952 to 2011

Birth: 4 Jan 1952 Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, USAbirth10

Death: 3 Jan 2011


Father: John Alton Westbrook

Mother: Helen Elizabeth King

Ellen Maude Westbrook - 1902 to 1975

Birth: 13 December 1902 Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, Southwark, London, Englandbirth11

Death: 1975 Surrey, Englanddeath11


Father: Charles James Westbrook

Mother: Florence Butcher

Ellen C Westbrook - 1893 to 1979

Birth: 15 Jan 1893 Mississippibirth12

Death: 27 Apr 1979


Father: James T Westbrook

Mother: Lillie O New

Ellen Westbrook - 1875 to 1944

Birth: 25 Jul 1875 Masterton, New Zealandbirth13

Death: 15 Aug 1944 Wellington, New Zealanddeath13



Mother: Harriet Nicholson

Ellen Francetta Westbrook - 1873 to 1939

Birth: 22 September 1873 Parowan, Iron, Utah, United Statesbirth14

Death: 19 January 1939 Parowan, Iron, Utah, United Statesdeath14


Father: Franklin Westbrook

Mother: Ellen Banks

Ellen Esther Westbrook - 1828 to 1905

Birth: 4 May 1828 Oakville, Halton County, Ontario, Canadabirth15

Death: July 1, 1905 Drayton, Pembina, North Dakota, USAdeath15


Father: Abraham Westbrook

Mother: Angeline Fairchild

Ellen Westbrook - 1877 to 1950

Birth: 28 Aug 1877 Farlington, Hampshire, Englandbirth16

Death: 4 Apr 1950 Gosport, Hampshire, Englanddeath16


Father: John Knight Westbrook

Mother: Emily Edney

Ellen Eliza Westbrook - 1888 to 1984

Birth: 7th Dec 1888 Rotherhithe, London, Englandbirth17

Death: 18th July 1984 Littlehampton, Sussex, Englanddeath17


Father: William H Westbrook

Mother: Florence Emma Westbrook

Ellen Selina Westbrook - 1860 to 1913

Birth: January 1860 Wield, Hampshire, Englandbirth18

Death: October 1913 Alton, Hampshire, Englanddeath18


Father: Stephen Westbrook


Ellen Elizabeth Westbrook - 1853 to 1915

Birth: 11 Feb 1853 Mississippi, USAbirth19

Death: 20 Sep 1915 Egger Cemetery, Lowndes, Mississippi, United Statesdeath19


Father: Joshua Westbrook

Mother: Abigail "Abi" Walston

Ellen Westbrook - 1837 to 1853

Birth: abt 1837 Wield, Hampshire, Englandbirth20

Death: July 1853 Hampshire, United Kingdomdeath20


Father: Charles Westbrook

Mother: Martha Tune (Westbrook)

Ellen L Westbrook - 1846 to 1911

Birth: 8 September 1846 Ohiobirth21

Death: 23 June 1911 Missourideath21


Father: Levi Westbrooks

Mother: Sarah HOWRY Westbrook

Ellen Thorel Westbrook - 1923 to 2000

Birth: abt 1923 New Yorkbirth22

Death: abt. 2000 New Yorkdeath22


Father: Roland S. Westbrook

Mother: Marion Eloise Austin

Ellen Newsome Westbrook - 1836 to 1916

Birth: abt 1836 Virginiabirth23

Death: 20 May 1916 Drewryville, Southampton, Virginia, USAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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