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Results for "elmer haney"

Name: Elmer M Haney

Birth: 29 AUG 1913 , , South Carolina, USA

Death: 18 AUG 1963 Burial: Browns View United Methodist Church Cemetery; Chandler, Buncombe, North Carolina, USA

Father: Gordon James Haney

Mother: Nona Quinn

Name: Elmer T Haney

Birth: abt 1895 United States

Death: October 1984 Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States of America

Father: Patrick Tahaney

Mother: Mary Jane Casey

Name: Elmer E Haney

Birth: 5 Feb 1921 Summit, Oregon

Death: 30 June 2000 Centralia, Lewis, Washington, USA

Father: Leland Sylvester Haney

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Thomas

Name: Elmer J Haney

Birth: 9 Jun 1913 Arkansas

Death: 27 Mar 2000 Anaheim, Orange, California, United States of America

Father: Everett Comties Haney

Mother: Sarah Etta Pruitt

Name: Elmer Haney

Birth: abt 1905 Ohio

Death: 28 May 1981 , Stark, Ohio, USA

Father: William Oliver Haney

Mother: Ida E Lawrence

Name: Elmer Leroy Haney

Birth: 7 Nov 1872 Michigan

Death: 2 Sep 1938 Yakima County, Washington, USA

Father: Robert Haney

Mother: Elva Johnson

Name: Elmer E Haney

Birth: Abt 1861 Indiana, USA

Death: 13 Mar 1925 Albion, Noble, Indiana, USA

Father: Pearce Haney

Mother: Mary H. Horn

Name: Elmer H. Haney

Birth: abt 1915 Iowa

Death: 5 Dec 2007 Mandan, Morton, North Dakota, USA

Father: James R Haney

Mother: Ann Larson

Name: Elmer Haney

Birth: abt 1903 Pennsylvania

Death: 6 Jan 1972 Los Angeles, California

Father: Phillip David Haney

Mother: Ida Belle Meredith

Name: Elmer L Haney

Birth: abt 1914 Kansas

Death: 21 January 1990

Father: Charles Elmer Haney

Mother: Jessie Blanche Wilson

Name: Elmer Ellsworth "Pete" Haney

Birth: 10 May 1909 Philbrook, Todd, Minnesota, United States

Death: 21 December 1975 Blairsden, Plumas, California, USA

Father: Jesse Elmer Haney

Mother: Rosalia May WARDEN

Name: Elmer Ward Haney

Birth: 3 July 1873 Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio, United States of America

Death: 5 October 1937 Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio, United States of America

Father: David Haney

Mother: Martha Ann Henry

Name: Elmer Ellsworth Haney

Birth: Jul 1865 Illinois, United States

Death: 11 Mar 1922 Uniontown, Fayette, Pennsylvania

Father: Abraham Haney

Mother: Phebe Jane Frost

Name: Elmer L Haney

Birth: 20 Apr 1894 Ouray, Ouray, Colorado

Death: 31 Mar 1958 Montrose, Montrose, Colorado, USA

Father: William George Haney

Mother: Cynthia L Brownyard

Name: Elmer Raymond Haney

Birth: 1 Oct 1900 Nebraska, United States

Death: 19 Jul 1974 Hawthorne, Los Angeles, California, United States

Father: Erastus "Ras" Haney

Mother: Edith Maud Swiggart

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