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Results for "Ernest Bruhn"

1 - 25 of 40 Records

Ernest Anton Bruhn - 1735 to 1829

Birth: ABT 1735 Slesvig, Tysklandbirth0

Death: 04 Jun 1829 , Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmarkdeath0


Father: Henrik (Heinrich) BRUHN

Mother: Johanne Claudi

Ernest Anton Bruhn - 1735 to 1829

Birth: ABT 1735 Slesvig, Tysklandbirth1

Death: 04 Jun 1829 , Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmarkdeath1


Father: Henrik (Heinrich) BRUHN

Mother: Johanne Claudi

Ernest Frederick Bruhn - 1894 to 1968

Birth: 5 Dec 1894 Elba, Minnesota, USAbirth2

Death: 24 Jan 1968 Kankakee, Illinois, USAdeath2


Father: Heinrich Bruhn

Mother: Hannah (Johanna) Hartzel

Ernest Frederick Bruhn - 1894 to 1968

Birth: 5 Dec 1894 Elba, Minnesota, USAbirth3

Death: 24 Jan 1968 Kankakee, Illinois, USAdeath3


Father: Heinrich Bruhn

Mother: Hannah (Johanna) Hartzel

Ernest George Bruhn - 1892 to 1974

Birth: 12 Nov 1892 Merlose, Denmarkbirth4

Death: 1974 Park, Victoria, Australiadeath4


Father: Ernst Gustav Bruhn

Mother: Anne Kirstine Nielsen

Ernest August Bruhn - 1842 to 1879

Birth: 1842 Marne, Dithmarschen, Schleswig-Holstein, Germanybirth5

Death: 30 apr 1879 Strathfieldsaye, Victoria, Australiadeath5


Father: George Bruhn

Mother: Magdalena Boletta Friederika Kroenk

Ernest Theodore Bruhn - 1892 to 1941

Birth: 14 Mar 1892 Audubon, Iowabirth6

Death: 15 Sep 1941 Fresno, Californiadeath6


Father: Thomas Bruhn

Mother: Christine Terkelson

Ernest Frederick Bruhn - 1915 to 2011

Birth: 20 January 1915 Traralgon, Victoria, Australiabirth7

Death: 12 Dec 2011 Melbourne, Victoria, Australiadeath7


Father: Hans August Friedrich Bruhn

Mother: Florence Zeyphyr Apps (Bruhn)

Ernest John Bruhn - 1886 to 1940

Birth: 22 Aug 1886 Marunburg, Germanybirth8

Death: 25 Aug 1940 Lorain, Lorain, Ohio, USAdeath8


Father: Herman Bruhn

Mother: Louise Bergholtz

Ernest Henry Bruhn - 1898 to 1977

Birth: 27 Mar 1898 Iowabirth9

Death: 25 Dec 1977 Gresham, Multnomah, Oregon, USAdeath9


Father: Carl Bruhn

Mother: Margaretha D. Paulson

Ernest Hans Bruhn - 1911 to 1986

Birth: 29 Dec 1911 Dike, Grundy County, Iowabirth10

Death: 23 May 1986 Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowadeath10


Father: Henry Bruhn

Mother: Katherine Marie Dall

Ernest Julius Bruhn - 1885 to 1959

Birth: 1885 Emu Creekbirth11

Death: 1959 Parkville Victoria Australiadeath11


Father: Albert Peter Freiderick BRUHN

Mother: Maria Frances BROWN

Ernest Bruhn - 1927 to 2003

Birth: abt 1927 Nebraskabirth12

Death: 27 Feb 2003


Father: Ernest F. Bruhn

Mother: Anna Bruhn

Ernest Edward Bruhn - 1878 to 1935

Birth: 30 Nov 1878 Davenport, Scott, Iowa, USAbirth13

Death: 25 Dec 1935 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAdeath13


Father: William Henry Bruhn

Mother: Betty Wichelmann

Ernest Elmer Bruhn - 1928 to 1985

Birth: 20 Apr 1928 Logan, Quay, NM, USAbirth14

Death: 29 Sept 1985 Quay County, New Mexico, USAdeath14


Father: Elmor Ernest Bruhn

Mother: Myrtle Julia Casey

Ernest R Bruhn - 1921 to 1985

Birth: abt 1921 Missouribirth15

Death: Apr 1985 Eucha, Delaware, Oklahoma, USAdeath15


Father: Oscar Fred W Bruhn

Mother: Ola Belle Faucett

Ernest Earthman Bruhn - 1878 to 1958

Birth: 1878 Morpeth, NSW, Australiabirth16

Death: 14 Apr 1958


Father: Frederick Bruhn/s

Mother: Mary McElwain

Ernest Bruhn - 1860 to 1943

Birth: 12 Oct 1860 Schleswig-Holstein, Germanybirth17

Death: 12 Mar 1943 USAdeath17


Father: Claus Herman Johanson Bruhn

Mother: Marie Hamann

Ernest Bruhn - 1916 to 1986

Birth: 13 Jan 1916

Death: 6 Oct 1986 Logan, Quay, New Mexico, USAdeath18


Father: Elmor Ernest Bruhn

Mother: Granny Bruhn

Ernest Bruhn - 1926

Birth: 21 Nov 1926 Douglas, Nebraska, USAbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Ernest F. Bruhn

Mother: Not Available

Ernest Frederick Bruhn - 1926 to 2003

Birth: 20 Nov 1926 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USAbirth20

Death: 27 Feb 2003 Papillion, Sarpy, Nebraska, USAdeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Anna "Annie" Ostransky

Ernest Stanley Bruhn - 1891 to 1960

Birth: 14 Feb 1891 Brazil, South Americabirth21

Death: 23 Sep 1960 Harris, Texasdeath21


Father: Ernesto W Bruhn

Mother: Not Available

Ernest Bruhn - 1889

Birth: 1889 Wisconsinbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ernest Bruhn - 1872

Birth: 1872 Germanybirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ernest Fred Bruhn - 1894 to 1968

Birth: 15 Nov 1894 523 Newton St., Chicago, Cook, IL, USAbirth24

Death: 24 Jan 1968 Momence, Kankakee, Illinois, United Statesdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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