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ervin a

Results for "ervin a weberg"

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Name: Elvina B. Weber

Birth: 9 Feb 1912 Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Co., Ontario, Canada

Death: 24 AUG 1982

Father: Elias (Martin) Weber

Mother: Elizabeth F Bowman/Weber*

Name: Elvina Weber

Birth: abt 1859 Prussia

Death: Not Available

Father: Carl Ludwig Weber

Mother: Wilhelmina Ussat

Name: Ermina anna Weiberg

Birth: 11 Aug Arggle Marie, Missouri

Death: 14 Jul 1988 Pacific, Franklin, Missouri, USA

Father: Frederick Joseph "Fritz" Wieberg

Mother: Catherine Cecilia Brunnert

Name: Elvina Weber

Birth: 07 AUG 1881 Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Death: 12 SEP 1930 Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Father: Daniel Weber

Mother: Elizabeth Histand

Name: Ermina "Minnie" Weber

Birth: 21 May 1884 New Denmark, Brown, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 16 Mar 1972 Manitowoc, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Mathias "Mathew" Weber

Mother: Catherine Bartelme

Name: Elvina Weber

Birth: abt 1859 Prussia

Death: Not Available

Father: Carl (Charles) Weber

Mother: Anna Friedrike Schneider

Name: Elvina Weber

Birth: abt 1859 Prussia

Death: Not Available

Father: Carl Weber

Mother: Fredricka (Anna Friedrike ) Schneider

Name: Ersina Albertina Jönsdotter Wiberg

Birth: 3 May 1888

Death: 12 Dec 1954

Father: Jöns Nilsson Wiberg

Mother: Elna Svensdotter

Name: Elvina Weber

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Noah M Brubacher

Mother: Melinda Brubacher

Name: Ermina Weber

Birth: Abt 1730 Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Elvina Weber

Birth: abt 1917

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Elvina Weber

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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