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Results for "Eunice Plummer"

1 - 25 of 43 Records

Eunice Ann Plummer - 1879 to 1936

Birth: 27 August 1879 Mandarin, Duval County, Florida, United States of Americabirth0

Death: 5 October 1936 Jacksonville, Duval County, Floridadeath0


Father: Edward Daniel Plummer

Mother: Mabalie Hartley

Eunice Virginia Plummer - 1917 to 1997

Birth: 8 June 1917 Haralson CO, GAbirth1

Death: 24 November 1997 Bremen, Haralson, Georgia, United States of Americadeath1


Father: John Fred Plummer

Mother: Effie E Peace

Eunice Serepta Plummer - 1831 to 1915

Birth: Mar 1831 Ohiobirth2

Death: 24 Oct 1915 Madison County, Ohio, USAdeath2


Father: Asa Plummer

Mother: Malinda Buckman

Eunice Plummer - 1916 to 2001

Birth: abt 1916 North Carolinabirth3

Death: 19 Jun 2001


Father: Allen Erastus Plummer

Mother: Mamie Elizabeth Honeycutt

EUNICE MAY PLUMMER - 1872 to 1945

Birth: January, 1872 Lynn, Essex Co., Massachusettsbirth4

Death: circa 1945 Massachusettsdeath4




Eunice Plummer

Birth: 6 Jan Treadways, Saint Catherine, Jamaicabirth5

Death: Not Available Snellville, Gwinnett, Georgia, USAdeath5


Father: George Plummer

Mother: Euphema Thomas

Eunice Faye plummer - 1936 to 1938

Birth: 4/30/1936 Treece, Cherokee, Kansas, USAbirth6

Death: 12/31/1938 Treece, Cherokee, Kansas, USAdeath6


Father: James Ralph plummer

Mother: Eunice Fay O'Dell

Eunice Plummer - 1738 to 1812

Birth: 05 Jun 1738 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USAbirth7

Death: 17 Mar 1812 Londonderry, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USAdeath7


Father: Samuel Plummer

Mother: Hannah Woodman

Eunice Plummer - 1879 to 1936

Birth: 27 August 1879 Mandarin, Duval County, Florida, United States of Americabirth8

Death: 5 Oct 1936


Father: Edward Daniel Plummer

Mother: Mabalie "Mahala" Francis Hartley

Eunice Dorothy Plummer - 1915 to 1998

Birth: 24 Aug 1915 Minnewaukan, Benson, North Dakota, USAbirth9

Death: 26 Mar 1998 Hudson, Saint Croix, Wisconsin, USAdeath9


Father: Clarence Frankland Plummer

Mother: Laura Nelson

Eunice Plummer - 1910 to 1996

Birth: 17 Jun 1910 Sheffield, Yorkshire, Englandbirth10

Death: 24 Apr 1996 Sheffield, Yorkshire, Englanddeath10


Father: Samuel Edward Plummer

Mother: Gertrude McCarthy

Eunice Lucille "Little Unity" Plummer - 1908 to 1983

Birth: 12 MAR 1908 Mississippi, USAbirth11

Death: May 1983 Meridian, Lauderdale, MSdeath11


Father: George Washington Plummer

Mother: Rennie D Morgan

Eunice Plummer - 1923 to 2014

Birth: 9/20/1923 Saco, York, Maine, USAbirth12

Death: 24 Nov 2014 Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USAdeath12


Father: Harry Leroy Plummer

Mother: Ethel May Potts

Eunice Lillian Plummer - 1896 to 1979

Birth: 15 Aug 1896 Pepin, Wisconsin, USAbirth13

Death: 1 Jul 1979 Cooperstown, NDdeath13


Father: David B. Plummer

Mother: Mary King

eunice plummer - 1896 to 1983

Birth: 27/sept. 1896 ebbw valebirth14

Death: sept.1983 tredegardeath14


Father: Thomas Plummer

Mother: Elvira Plummer

Eunice Mary E Plummer - 1833 to 1906

Birth: APR 1833 West Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USAbirth15

Death: 28 AUG 1906 West Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USAdeath15


Father: John L Plumer

Mother: Johanna Rogers

Eunice Plummer - 1728

Birth: 4 Feb 1728 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USAbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Nathan Plummer

Mother: Barbary Davis

Eunice Plummer

Birth: Not Available Artemesia Township, Grey County, Ontario, Canadabirth17

Death: Not Available Ontario, Canadadeath17


Father: Earl Milton Plummer

Mother: Wilda Viola Wilkinson

EUNICE PLUMMER - 1908 to 1999

Birth: 22 Nov 1908 ROCHDALE,LANCS,ENGLANDbirth18





Eunice Plummer - 1886 to 1886

Birth: 5 Apr 1886 Seely Twp, Guthrie, Iowabirth19

Death: 4 Oct 1886 Wichita, Iowa, United Statesdeath19


Father: Leroy A Plummer

Mother: Henrietta Ella Taylor

Eunice L Plummer - 1906 to 1996

Birth: abt 1906 North Carolinabirth20

Death: 6 January 1996


Father: Charles Anworth Plummer

Mother: Addie Mae Sawyer

Eunice Plummer - 1920 to 1920

Birth: 3 Jan 1920 Salter's Hill, Saint James, Jamaicabirth21

Death: 9 Sep 1920 Jamaicadeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Albertha Plummer

Eunice Plummer - 1927 to 2011

Birth: 13 March 1927 Blackhall Colliery, Durham, England, United Kingdombirth22

Death: 28 October 2011 Berkshire, England, United Kingdomdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Eunice Plummer - 1880

Birth: 1880 New Hampshirebirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Eunice Nicey Plummer - 1818 to 1881

Birth: abt 1818 Delawarebirth24

Death: 18 November 1881 Georgetown, Sussex, Delaware, USAdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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