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Results for "Ferdinand Estes"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Ferdinand Leslie Estes - 1895 to 1958

Birth: 26 Jul 1895 Oakman, Alabamabirth0

Death: 21 Jul 1958 Kingsville, Kleberg, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: Thomas Jedediah Estes

Mother: Susan Caledonia Allen

Ferdinand Estes - 1861 to 1935

Birth: 14 Jan 1861 Louisville, Winston, Mississippi, United Statesbirth1

Death: 09 Feb 1935


Father: Thomas A Estes

Mother: Mary Ann Estes

Ferdinand Russell Estes - 1846 to 1909

Birth: 18 May 1846 Maury, Tennessee, USAbirth2

Death: 6 May 1909 Concord, Maury, Tennesseedeath2


Father: Daniel Jaggers Estes

Mother: Nancy Bourbon Russell

Ferdinand F Estes - 1872

Birth: 16 Jan 1872 Mattawamkeag, Penobscot, Mainebirth3

Death: Not Available



Mother: Emma L Libby

Ferdinand Estes - 1831 to 1856

Birth: 01 Jul 1831 Chester County, South Carolinabirth4

Death: 06 Nov 1856 burial Calvary Church Cemetery, South Carolinadeath4


Father: Charner ESTES (I)

Mother: Elizabeth Wilks Wilkes

Ferdinand Estes - 1809 to 1825

Birth: 30, June, 1809 Chester, Chester, Co., South Carolinabirth5

Death: 9, September, 1825 Chester, Chester, Co., South Carolinadeath5


Father: William Ellis Estes, Jr

Mother: Sarah Tims

Ferdinand Estes - 1809 to 1925

Birth: 30 Jun 1809 Chester, Chester County, South Carolina, USAbirth6

Death: 9 Sep 1925 Chester, Chester County, South Carolina, USAdeath6


Father: William Ellis Estes, Jr

Mother: Sarah Tims

Ferdinand Estes - 1860

Birth: 1860 Chester, South Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Ferdinand Estes

Mother: Margaret A. McCarty

Ferdinand Estes - 1813 to 1810

Birth: 10 Jun 1813

Death: Bet. 1810–1899


Father: William Ellis Estes, Jr

Mother: Sarah Tims

Ferdinand Russell Estes - 1846 to 1909

Birth: 18 May 1846 Maury, Tennessee, USAbirth9

Death: 6 May 1909 Maury, Tennessee, USAdeath9


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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