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Results for "Francis Webb"

1 - 25 of 2,246 Records

Francis Melford Webb - 1926 to 1976

Birth: 14 May 1926 Yolo Co, CAbirth0

Death: 28 Jan 1976 Modoc Co, CAdeath0


Father: Francis Webb

Mother: Fay Tena Jacobs

Francis Lee Webb - 1902 to 1978

Birth: 11 Dec 1902 Arkansas, USAbirth1

Death: 29 Oct 1978 Greenville, Washington, Mississippi, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Jesse Monroe Webb

Mother: Frances Emma Jerry

Francis Irene Webb - 1891 to 1978

Birth: 24 Nov 1891 Tennesseebirth2

Death: 08 Apr 1978 Gadsden, Crockett, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Charles William Webb

Mother: Eva Lena Richardson

Francis Jeanette Webb - 1915 to 1989

Birth: 28 Dec 1915 Virginiabirth3

Death: 07 Jan 1989 Stockbridge, Henry, Georgia, USAdeath3


Father: Joseph Webb

Mother: Rhoda Katherine Hall

Francis Wayne Webb - 1907 to 2000

Birth: 24 Dec 1907 Colonia Dublan, Chhh, Mexicobirth4

Death: 23 October 2000 Tucson, Pima, Arizona, United Statesdeath4


Father: Francis John Webb

Mother: Edith Farr

Francis Marion Webb - 1865 to 1958

Birth: 7 March 1865 Glenmary, Scott, Tennesseebirth5

Death: 11 May 1958 Port Arthur, Jefferson County, Texas, USAdeath5


Father: Willis Webb

Mother: Margret Ann Stewart

Francis Marion Webb - 1849 to 1905

Birth: October 14, 1849 Effingham County, Illinoisbirth6

Death: 17 Jan 1905 Jonathan Creek, Moultrie, Illinois, United Statesdeath6


Father: John Keston Webb


Francis Charles Webb - 1902 to 1977

Birth: 7 Apr 1902 Acadia Parish, Louisiana, USAbirth7

Death: 1 March 1977 Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana, USAdeath7


Father: Charles Webb

Mother: Alice Ann ROWNING

Francis Lee Webb - 1902 to 1978

Birth: 11 Dec 1902 Arkansas, USAbirth8

Death: 29 Oct 1978 Greenville, Washington, Mississippi, United States of Americadeath8


Father: Jesse Monroe Webb

Mother: Frances Emma Jerry

Francis A Webb - 1853 to 1938

Birth: 20 Mar 1853 Big Cottonwood, UTbirth9

Death: 24 July 1938 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United Statesdeath9


Father: Edward Milo WEBB

Mother: Caroline Amelia OWENS

Francis D. Webb - 1858 to 1904

Birth: APR 1858 Arkansasbirth10

Death: 1904 Lawrence Co., Arkansasdeath10


Father: Chesley WEBB

Mother: Mary Ann Christian

Francis Marion Webb - 1849 to 1905

Birth: October 14, 1849 Effingham County, Illinoisbirth11

Death: 17 Jan 1905 Jonathan Creek, Moultrie, Illinois, United Statesdeath11


Father: John Keston Webb


Francis Louisa Webb - 1863 to 1925

Birth: 1863 Buffalo, Erie, New Yorkbirth12

Death: 17 December 1925 Jackson, New Hampshire, USAdeath12


Father: Jesse Webb

Mother: Christiana Kiehl

Francis Edmond Webb - 1879 to 1959

Birth: 25 Jul 1879 Monon, White, Indiana, USAbirth13

Death: 01/11/1959 Francesville, Pulaski, Indiana, USAdeath13


Father: Francis Marion Webb

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Hancock

Francis Bernard Webb - 1922 to 1998

Birth: 24 Aug 1922 St Louis, Missouri, USAbirth14

Death: 22 Jan 1998 Menominee County, Michigan, USAdeath14


Father: Thomas Norris Webb

Mother: Marie E Jansen

Francis Bernard Webb - 1922 to 1998

Birth: 24 Aug 1922 St Louis, Missouri, USAbirth15

Death: 22 Jan 1998 Menominee County, Michigan, USAdeath15


Father: Thomas Norris Webb

Mother: Marie E Jansen

Francis Charles Webb - 1902 to 1977

Birth: 7 Apr 1902 Acadia Parish, Louisiana, USAbirth16

Death: 1 March 1977 Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana, USAdeath16


Father: Charles Webb

Mother: Alice Ann ROWNING

Francis Webb - 1849 to 1914

Birth: 18 Jan 1849 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USAbirth17

Death: 5 Sep 1914 Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohiodeath17


Father: James Harvey Webb

Mother: Sarah A Webb

Francis D. Webb - 1858 to 1904

Birth: APR 1858 Arkansasbirth18

Death: 1904 Lawrence Co., Arkansasdeath18


Father: Chesley WEBB

Mother: Mary Ann Christian

Francis X. Webb - 1824 to 1910

Birth: 28 DEC 1824 Wheeling, OHbirth19

Death: 22 JUN 1910 Grimes, TXdeath19


Father: Thomas Webb

Mother: Sarah Kennedy

Francis Webb - 1877 to 1955

Birth: 11 Nov 1877 Eolia, Pike, Missouri, USAbirth20

Death: 20 Jun 1955 Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas, USAdeath20


Father: Marcus Webb

Mother: Nancy Harris

Francis X. Webb - 1824 to 1910

Birth: 28 DEC 1824 Wheeling, OHbirth21

Death: 22 JUN 1910 Grimes, TXdeath21


Father: Thomas Webb

Mother: Sarah Kennedy

Francis Robert Webb - 1899 to 1976

Birth: May 1899 Tennessee, USAbirth22

Death: 1 July 1976 Martinsville, Virginia, USAdeath22


Father: Jesse Eaton Webb

Mother: Frances McAlister Sawrie

Francis Webb - 1866 to 1910

Birth: 23 Aug 1866 Alabamabirth23

Death: 23 Dec 1910 Mt. Vernon, Alabama, United Statesdeath23


Father: James Webb

Mother: Elizabeth Boothe

Francis Webb - 1896 to 1971

Birth: 22 MAR 1896 Georgiabirth24

Death: 4 January 1971 Carrollton, Carroll, Georgia, USAdeath24


Father: John Webb

Mother: Idella Wotson Stallings

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