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Results for "Francis Westbrook"

1 - 25 of 181 Records

Francis Westbrook - 1810 to 1881

Birth: 1810 Westbrooks, Sampson, North Carolina, United Statesbirth0

Death: 1881 Sampson, North Carolina, United Statesdeath0


Father: William Foster Westbrook dna3ggp

Mother: Aley Hill

Francis Westbrook - 1870 to 1943

Birth: 15 July 1870 Johnson County, Illinois, USAbirth1

Death: 16 Jan 1943 Anna, Union, Illinoisdeath1


Father: James Westbrooks

Mother: Amanda McMahon

Francis Westbrook - 1870 to 1943

Birth: 15 July 1870 Johnson County, Illinois, USAbirth2

Death: 16 Jan 1943 Anna, Union, Illinoisdeath2


Father: James Westbrooks

Mother: Amanda McMahon

Francis Westbrook - 1810 to 1881

Birth: 1810 Westbrooks, Sampson, North Carolina, United Statesbirth3

Death: 1881 Sampson, North Carolina, United Statesdeath3


Father: William Foster Westbrook dna3ggp

Mother: Aley Hill

Francis B. Westbrook - 1858 to 1918

Birth: 25 Dec 1858 Sycamore, Ohio, USAbirth4

Death: 7 May 1918 Licking, Licking, Ohio, United Statesdeath4


Father: Lemuel P Westbrook

Mother: Elizabeth Sarah Lingo

Francis B. Westbrook - 1858 to 1918

Birth: 25 Dec 1858 Sycamore, Ohio, USAbirth5

Death: 7 May 1918 Licking, Licking, Ohio, United Statesdeath5


Father: Lemuel P Westbrook

Mother: Elizabeth Sarah Lingo

Francis Westbrook - 1921 to 2007

Birth: 1 Nov 1921 Lodge Grass, Big Horn, Montana, United Statesbirth6

Death: 4 Jan 2007 Tulsa, Oklahoma, USAdeath6


Father: Darreld Judd Westbrook

Mother: France Williams

Francis E Westbrook - 1886 to 1963

Birth: abt 1886 Illinoisbirth7

Death: 1963 Iowadeath7


Father: Alfred Harvey Westbrook

Mother: Mary Ella Stemen

Francis E Westbrook - 1886 to 1963

Birth: abt 1886 Illinoisbirth8

Death: 1963 Iowadeath8


Father: Alfred Harvey Westbrook

Mother: Mary Ella Stemen

Francis Westbrook - 1883 to 1956

Birth: 23 Sep 1883 Brooklyn, NYbirth9

Death: 29 Nov 1956 Benson, VTdeath9


Father: Benjamine Franklin Westbrook

Mother: Fannie Abeken Westbrook

Francis Westbrook - 1790 to 1848

Birth: About 1790 Virginia, USAbirth10

Death: 5 Mar 1848 Leslie, York, South Carolina, USAdeath10


Father: Burwell 1746 Westbrook

Mother: Catherine Ramsey

Francis Westbrook - 1790 to 1848

Birth: About 1790 Virginia, USAbirth11

Death: 5 Mar 1848 Leslie, York, South Carolina, USAdeath11


Father: Burwell 1746 Westbrook

Mother: Catherine Ramsey

Francis Ransom Westbrook - 1892 to 1929

Birth: 28 JUN 1892 Lexton, Victoria, Australia.birth12

Death: 29 Jul 1929 District Hospital, Borough of Maryborough, County Talbot, Lexton, Victoria, Australiadeath12


Father: James Westbrook

Mother: Catherine Margaret Ransome

Francis Ransom Westbrook - 1892 to 1929

Birth: 28 JUN 1892 Lexton, Victoria, Australia.birth13

Death: 29 Jul 1929 District Hospital, Borough of Maryborough, County Talbot, Lexton, Victoria, Australiadeath13


Father: James Westbrook

Mother: Catherine Margaret Ransome

Francis Jean Westbrook - 1930 to 2018

Birth: 27 May 1930 Wilmington, New Hanover, North Carolina, USAbirth14

Death: 13 Dec 2018 New Hanover, North Carolina, USAdeath14


Father: Norwood Shepard Westbrook

Mother: Emily Mae Batson

Francis Brotherton Westbrook - 1903 to 1975

Birth: 16 Jun 1903 Croydon, Surrey, Englandbirth15

Death: Sep 1975 St Albans, Hertfordshire, Englanddeath15


Father: John Westbrook

Mother: Rosaline Woodham

Francis Westbrook - 1655 to 1740

Birth: 1655 about Isle of Wight Vabirth16

Death: 1740


Father: James M Westbrook

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Puckett

Francis Ole Westbrook - 1923 to 2010

Birth: 6 Jun 1923 Ionia County, Michigan, USAbirth17

Death: 17 March 2010 McCordsville, Hancock County, Indiana, United States of Americadeath17


Father: Valda H Westbrook

Mother: Hattie Hodges

Francis Elizabeth Westbrook - 1850 to 1908

Birth: 16 Jun 1850 Christian, Kentuckybirth18

Death: 27 Nov 1908 Martin, Weakley, Tennesseedeath18


Father: Alfred Westbrook

Mother: Eunice Wilson

Francis Ashwell Westbrook - 1855 to 1921

Birth: 12/23/1855 Morrow Co. OHbirth19

Death: 16 June 1921 Morrow County, Ohio, USAdeath19



Mother: Emeline Wiseman

Francis Dora Westbrook - 1877 to 1927

Birth: 26 Aug 1877 Caddp, Louisiana, USAbirth20

Death: 20 Oct 1927 MILLER CO ARdeath20


Father: Firney Alexander Westbrook

Mother: Sarah M Wood

Francis Abraham (Pvt.) "Duke" Westbrook - 1919 to 2008

Birth: 18 Dec 1919 Hainesville, Sussex County, New Jerseybirth21

Death: 29 Oct 2008 Morris County, New Jersey, USAdeath21


Father: Abram J Westbrook

Mother: Louise E. Fennimore

Francis Charles Westbrook - 1867 to 1912

Birth: 28 Nov 1867 Penwortham, Lancashire, Englandbirth22

Death: 29 Apr 1912 Salford, Lancashire, United Kingdomdeath22


Father: Charles Westbrook

Mother: Frances Butler

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