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Results for "Frank Allen"

1 - 25 of 8,105 Records

Frank Allen - 1885 to 1967

Birth: 8 Sep 1885 Hamilton, Texasbirth0

Death: 6 Aug 1967 Hico, Hamilton, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: Abraham Allen

Mother: Margaret "Maggie" Lenoir

Frank Allen - 1875 to 1960

Birth: 16 Dec 1875 New York USAbirth1

Death: 12 Feb 1960 Huntington, Suffolk, New York, USAdeath1


Father: Horace Buell Allen

Mother: Harriet Louisa Smith

Frank Allen - 1911 to 1995

Birth: abt 1911 Missouribirth2

Death: 24 Feb 1995 Malden, Dunklin, Missouri, United Statesdeath2


Father: David Price Allen

Mother: Cecil Allen

Frank M Allen - 1857 to 1948

Birth: Jul 1857 Mississippibirth3

Death: 6 February 1948 Port Arthur, Jefferson County, Texas, USAdeath3


Father: Lodawick Allen

Mother: Emily Caroline SIMMONS Allen

Frank E. Allen - 1855 to 1919

Birth: 17 Nov 1855 Michigan, USAbirth4

Death: 30 Apr 1919 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath4


Father: Joshua H Allyn

Mother: Diantha Lois Barber

Frank F. Allen - 1855 to 1926

Birth: Apr 1855 New Yorkbirth5

Death: 1926 Candor, Tioga County, New York, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Benjamin L Allen

Mother: Elizabeth Van Etten

Frank Charles Allen - 1895 to 1965

Birth: 25 Nov 1895 Russell, St. Lawrence County, New York, United States of Americabirth6

Death: 7 Mar 1965 Star Lake, St. Lawrence County, New York, USAdeath6


Father: Edwin Allen

Mother: Elizabeth O'Brien

Frank Allen - 1880 to 1960

Birth: August 14, 1880 Brown County, Indianabirth7

Death: 22 Sep 1960 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States Westfield, Hamilton, INdeath7


Father: William Allen

Mother: Melissa Jane Truax

Frank Cepham Allen - 1892 to 1976

Birth: 10 Apr 1892 Kansas, USAbirth8

Death: Feb 1976 Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska, USAdeath8


Father: Francis Wright Allen

Mother: Caroline Gilman

Frank Herbert Allen - 1857 to 1936

Birth: 18 Apr 1857 Windham, Cumberland, Maine, USAbirth9

Death: 3 Mar 1936 Portland, Cumberland, Mainedeath9


Father: Otis Allen

Mother: Eliza Ann Elwell

Frank T Allen - 1855 to 1935

Birth: 18 Sep 1855 Columbia, Georgia, United Statesbirth10

Death: 3 Apr 1935 Jackson County, Florida, USAdeath10


Father: Joseph Tyler Allen

Mother: Mary Margaret Gray

Frank A Allen - 1907 to 1977

Birth: abt 1907 Floridabirth11

Death: 23 Sep 1977 St Augustine, St Johns, Florida, United Statesdeath11


Father: Fred O Allen

Mother: Irene Leola Triay

Frank Allen - 1875 to 1960

Birth: 16 Dec 1875 New York USAbirth12

Death: 12 Feb 1960 Huntington, Suffolk, New York, USAdeath12


Father: Horace Buell Allen

Mother: Harriet Louisa Smith

Frank Allen - 1906 to 1957

Birth: 1 Dec 1906 Brockville, Leeds, Ontario, Canadabirth13

Death: 18 Nov 1957 Rochester, Monroe, New York, United Statesdeath13


Father: Walter Edwin Allen

Mother: Sarah Maud Caldwell

Frank G Allen - 1858 to 1940

Birth: 14 Feb 1858 Illinoisbirth14

Death: 30 Aug 1940 Moline, Rock Island Co., IL, USAdeath14


Father: Edward Richards Allen

Mother: Mary Ann Gates

Frank Allen - 1846 to 1925

Birth: Nov 1846 Pennsylvaniabirth15

Death: 17 Oct 1925 Beaver Meadows, Carbon, Pennsylvania, USAdeath15


Father: George Allen

Mother: Jane Brownson Bronson

Frank R Allen - 1883 to 1969

Birth: abt 1883 Iowabirth16

Death: 21 JAN 1969 Black Eagle, Cascade, Montana, USAdeath16


Father: Joseph Allen

Mother: Martha Salvesburg Kent

Frank Henry Allen - 1854 to 1922

Birth: 26 Sep 1854 Dodge, Wisconsin, United Statesbirth17

Death: 15 Oct 1922 Baldwin City, Douglas, Kansas, United Statesdeath17


Father: William Durkee Allen

Mother: Eleanor Thompson

Frank Ray Allen - 1897 to 1966

Birth: 13 Jul 1897 Indianapolis, Indianabirth18

Death: 3 April 1966 Bloomfield, Greene, Indiana, USAdeath18


Father: Riley Sanford Allen

Mother: Florence M Rickard

Frank E Allen - 1868 to 1953

Birth: abt 1868 Grinnell, Poweshiek, Iowa, USAbirth19

Death: 03 JUL 1953 Des Moines, Iowa, USAdeath19


Father: Eli William Allen

Mother: Amanda Matilda Parvin

Frank B. Allen - 1887 to 1971

Birth: 04 Mar 1887 Tennesseebirth20

Death: OCT 1971 Chamansboro, Chetham, Tennesseedeath20


Father: William Franklin Allen

Mother: Blanche Gilbert Payne

Frank Edward Allen - 1872 to 1964

Birth: 13 Dec 1872 Lancaster, Grant, Wisconsin, USAbirth21

Death: Apr 1964 California, USAdeath21


Father: Joseph Allen

Mother: Agnes Watson

Frank Allen - 1858 to 1911

Birth: abt 1858 Englandbirth22

Death: 1911/1919 Montgomery County, Alabama, USAdeath22


Father: Francis Frederick Allen

Mother: Susannah A.

Frank Strother Allen - 1893 to 1949

Birth: May 08 1893 Jefferson County, West Virginia, USAbirth23

Death: 12 Sept 1949 Washington City, District Of Columbia, District of Columbia, USAdeath23


Father: John Franklin Allen

Mother: Hellen Virginia Brantner Allen

Frank R Allen - 1883 to 1969

Birth: abt 1883 Iowabirth24

Death: 21 JAN 1969 Black Eagle, Cascade, Montana, USAdeath24


Father: Joseph Allen

Mother: Martha Salvesburg Kent

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