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Results for "Frank Plimpton"

1 - 23 of 23 Records

Frank B. PLIMPTON - 1854 to 1934

Birth: 25 Aug 1854 Vermontbirth0

Death: 2 March 1934 Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, USAdeath0


Father: Holland Plimpton

Mother: Nancy L Bartlett

Frank Plimpton - 1889 to 1944

Birth: 19 Jan 1889 Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth1

Death: 19 Jun 1944 Somerville, Massachusetts, USAdeath1


Father: Dorr Erasmus Plimpton

Mother: Nellie F Brigham

Frank Plimpton - 1889 to 1944

Birth: 19 Jan 1889 Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth2

Death: 19 Jun 1944 Somerville, Massachusetts, USAdeath2


Father: Dorr Erasmus Plimpton

Mother: Nellie F Brigham

Frank Melvin Plimpton - 1891 to 1974

Birth: 13 Jul 1891 MT. Hope, Grant, Wisconsinbirth3

Death: Feb 1974 Fennimore, Grant Co, Wisconsindeath3


Father: William Fremont Plimpton

Mother: Anna Mariah Cadwell

Frank Melvin Plimpton - 1891 to 1974

Birth: 13 Jul 1891 MT. Hope, Grant, Wisconsinbirth4

Death: Feb 1974 Fennimore, Grant Co, Wisconsindeath4


Father: William Fremont Plimpton

Mother: Anna Mariah Cadwell

Frank Herbert Plimpton - 1947

Birth: 30 Jul 1947 Springfield, Windsor, Vermont, USAbirth5

Death: Not Available



Mother: Hazel Olive Whitney

Frank Warren Plimpton - 1882 to 1969

Birth: 04 May 1882 Henrietta, Monroe Co., New York, USAbirth6

Death: 05 January 1969 Scotia, Schenectady Co., New York, USAdeath6


Father: Hiland Abner Plimpton

Mother: S. Emaline Warren

Frank Ingalls Plimpton - 1852 to 1871

Birth: 18 Aug 1852 Milford, Worcester, Massachusetts, USAbirth7

Death: 18 Sept 1871 Milford, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, USAdeath7


Father: Josiah Ingals Plimpton

Mother: Eliza Warland Dunn

FRANK N PLIMPTON - 1854 to 1861

Birth: Abt. 1854 of Sturbridge, MAbirth8

Death: 04 Mar 1861 of Sturbridge, MAdeath8


Father: &Charles Nelson Plimpton (Plympton)

Mother: ^Mary Elizabeth Carpenter

FRANK N PLIMPTON - 1854 to 1861

Birth: Abt. 1854 of Sturbridge, MAbirth9

Death: 04 Mar 1861 of Sturbridge, MAdeath9


Father: &Charles Nelson Plimpton (Plympton)

Mother: ^Mary Elizabeth Carpenter

Frank L Plimpton - 1840 to 1901

Birth: Oct 1840 Livingston County, New Yorkbirth10

Death: 14 May 1901 Honeoye, Ontario, New Yorkdeath10


Father: John Plympton

Mother: Harriet Plimpton

Frank Plimpton - 1868

Birth: 1868 Massachusettsbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Porter Plimpton

Mother: Jane Plimpton

Frank L. Plimpton - 1924 to 2012

Birth: 31 Jan 1924 Lima, Livingston, New York, United Statesbirth12

Death: 16 May 2012 Honeoye Falls, Monroe, New York, United States of Americadeath12


Father: Ralph Decker Plimpton

Mother: Elva Harriett Lawrence

Frank Plimpton - 1850 to 1864

Birth: 1850 Brixton, Surreybirth13

Death: 1864 Croydon, Surreydeath13


Father: Alexander Plimpton

Mother: Charlotte Ashley

Frank Ashlay Plimpton - 1867 to 1884

Birth: 5 May 1867 Wardsboro, Vermont, USAbirth14

Death: 22 Jan 1884 Wardsboro, Vermont, USAdeath14


Father: Edward Dorr Plimpton

Mother: Jannett B Rice

Frank Herbert Plimpton - 1918 to 1996

Birth: 16 Jul 1918 Reading, Massachusettsbirth15

Death: 21 Feb 1996


Father: Frank Herbert Plimpton

Mother: Helen Spear

Frank Plimpton - 1881

Birth: 9 Jan 1881 New Yorkbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Edwin Ballard Plimpton

Mother: Elizabeth "Libbie" Wood

Frank T. Plimpton - 1858 to 1919

Birth: 16 Feb 1858 Michiganbirth17

Death: 14 Nov 1919 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath17


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Frank S Plimpton - 1840

Birth: Oct 1840 New York Statebirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Frank S Plimpton - 1840

Birth: Oct 1840 New York Statebirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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